Is Costa Rica Safe For Visit For Travelling?

The lush wilderness, untouched by the hyper modernization has a bewitching charm to it. The breathtaking scenery; the heavenly water bodies; and the canopy of rainforest, they all paint a mesmerizing picture, and they all speak about the splendors of Costa Rica. 

Their relaxed serenity within each soul residing in this land will remind you about peace and the simplicity of life. Away from the bustling city, you can take a dip in the languid steady living. 

If you are a nature-seeker and enjoy yourself among the green mysteries with a dash of the ocean life, Costa Rica is the place for you.

But, wait, are you still wondering what I am wondering? 

No, we haven’t been shifted to a pre Covid time and the first question that comes to our mind before visiting this scenic paradise is,

Is Costa Rica safe?

Well, sit back as we will be answering that question and every other query you can possibly have about the subject in the excerpt below. 

Costa Rica- The Wild Paradise On Earth 

This wild paradise is a country in Latin America and it has made its name as one of the well known travel destinations from its beaches, forests which contain diverse creatures. 

Costa Rica safety, unlike any other country open for travel, has its own set of rules and protocols. Therefore, we have searched through the internet and found answers to the most pressing questions. 

How Safe Is Costa Rica?

Other than the Covid19 arena, there are also other factors that have to be considered while travelling to this place. When you ask ‘Is Costa Rica Safe?’, you also keep in mind the intimidating crime rate that is looming in the country. 

Here are a few tips you should keep in mind before travelling to Costa Rica, in terms of the COVID and Crime. 

Costa Rica Entry Requirements?

To start with, you will need the standard Visa [Work or Leisure] depending on your requirement. Although, since your requirement is travel, getting a leisure visa will be easier. The third and fourth group of nationality will require a consulting Visa. 

The country has also reactivated it’s tourism from September. Under the COVID guidelines it has a mandatory requirement of 95% of the passengers in any mode of transportation to be fully vaccinated [those who are in the age group to be allowed vaccination]. 

Is It Safe To Travel To Costa Rica?

Under the Costa Rica Covid condition, it is best to travel solo. Because you will be able to maintain most of the isolation guidelines put forward by the country. If you are constantly asking, ‘Is Costa Rica safe?’ then remember that the population is not high and you can move around without the fear of catching the virus. 

Try to keep your sight seeing limited to the marooned places, and don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed since the scenery is marvelous. 

Is Costa Rica Safe For Americans?

Not just for America but any other citizen of a different country. 

Since it is one of the most peaceful places you could visit, ‘Is it safe in Costa Rica’ has one positive answer, yes. However, the crime rate has seen an increase since after the pandemic. Although, if you want to maintain the serenity, there are things you can avoid. 

They will be mentioned by the end of the article. 

When we talk about the country, we can never forget the capital San Jose. Victorian mansions aren’t the first thing that comes to our mind when we think about Costa Rica. However, this is the biggest attraction in the capital. 

Yes, it is bustling so you can never fall short of asking this question. 

Is San Jose Costa Rica Safe?

While travelling to San Jose, the thing you have to be more alert about is not pandemic but the petty theft that is in surge in this place. 

So, you have to be on high alert with your travel belongings, especially while sightseeing. 

Now, for all the health freaks always scared of catching a disease whenever you are travelling to a different country. So, if you wondering,

Is It Safe To Drink Water In Costa Rica?

Now, it depends. If you are in the city, tap water is safe to drink. However, the more you move towards the Caribbean and are closer to the ocean, it is better to stick to bottled water. 

Is Costa Rica Safe For Families?

Keeping in mind the Covid surge and the pandemic, it will be best for you to not travel to Costa Rica with family. Maybe the year 2022 when things are better settled. 

Costa Rica Safety Guidelines 

When talked about, is Costa Rica safe to visit? Here are the guidelines that you can maintain to avoid any accidental mishaps. 

What Are The Dangers In Costa Rica? 

Some of the major dangers in Costa Rica you will face as a tourist are common muggers, petty thefts and car breakers. Now, a car is not something you will be travelling with so there are no chances of a break happening. 

In order to avoid theft and muggers, carry simple weapons like pepper spray. Also, it is best to not travel with any valuables like jewellery or gold. Keep a vigilant look at all your electronics as you won’t be able to travel without them. 

Costa Rica’s dangers regarding nature are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. But, there are very less chances of you experiencing such disasters. 

What Should I Avoid In Costa Rica?

Rather than asking, ‘is it safe in Costa Rica?’ you should better be prepared with the question asked above. 

Again, no valuables. 

Don’t visit the braces at night. Crime rates are high with the area and the time. 

Do not buy drugs in Costa Rica, even avoid marijuana. 

Swim near the shore to avoid rip tides 

Avoid a dip in the river to avoid deadly creatures like crocodiles and bull sharks. They are also not the cleanest place. 

Don’t stay out in the sun for too long, your tan will look more like a burn. 

What Should I Be Careful In Costa Rica?

Be careful about these things in the country.


Clothing choices at night should be careful to avoid poisonous mosquitoes. 


Always travel in groups at nights and avoid isolated places if you are travelling solo. Don’t park in remote places. Belongings should never be unattended on the beaches. 

What Part Of Costa Rica Is Safest? 

If you constantly ask, ‘is Costa Rica safe?’ Before travelling to this wild paradise, it is best to travel to a place that is the safest. 

Puerto Viejo, Drake Bay and Tamarindo are the best places to visit in Costa Rica in terms of safety. They have the lowest crime rate. 

Is Costa Rica Safe For Women? 

Costa Rica is known to have helpful people around. So, as a woman travelling alone you will always have help if needed. 

Alos, avoid travelling to isolated places at night. 

Happy Travelling!

It is understandable that whenever you wish to travel anywhere, especially after the Covid19 surge you are worried about safety. 

Therefore, asking ‘is it safe in Costa Rica?’ is something not very uncommon. 

Always remember that travelling should be a smooth experience where you enjoy yourself. Especially, if you are travelling to scenic sensations like Costa Roca. However, being alert and careful is also a part of that journey if you want to make it worthwhile

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Top 4 Ways of Preparing an Enjoyable Retreat

BY Mashum MollahJan 13, 2020

Trips are healthy for the soul. So, whenever you feel stressed up with office work, make sure you organize a trip. Planning the whole thing can be stressful, especially when you are clueless about where to start. But don’t worry anymore because this article shall provide you with some of the ways that you can put into consideration to plan your vacation successfully. Here are 4 Ways of Preparing an Enjoyable Retreat: 1. Choose a Place to Tour and Decide the Activities You Will Do: Prior to organizing your trip, ensure you have a list of places that you may want to visit. You may decide to go abroad or visit other nearby cities. If you can afford to go for a vacation in another country, then ascertain that you have a good plan. There are a lot of things that you can take part in once you are at your destination. Among the activities that you may consider include hiking, swimming, and playing soccer. While on your vacation, you can meet new folks who you can associate with. Interacting with one another can open new opportunities for you. Hence, if you are ready to take an adventure, consider Bookmundi to have a striking trip. 2. Estimate the Amount You Will Spend: Going for a vacation does not imply that you spend all your savings. You need to think about tomorrow and avoid spending a lot of money. The best way to avoid spending a lot of money is to estimate the total amount of cash you will need. If you are going to spend $200, then don’t exceed that limit. You may also come up with a list of the supplies that you will require during the trip. Include the costs of these supplies to avoid overspending. But if you want to have the fun of your lifetime, you should be ready to spend. 3. Know Everything About the Area That You Want to Go to: It can be devastating to go to a place that you have never toured to. You probably don’t know the history and other facts of that place. For instance, you may not know the weather conditions, security, and culture, among others. Hence, it would be best if you take your time to investigate a little bit to learn everything about the place you are touring. You may investigate online or ask friends for help, especially those who have visited the place before. Collect all the facts you require before you embark on the trip. 4. Get Further Details on the Transport Means You Will Use: If you want to tour overseas, using an airline will be convenient for you. The means of transport is fast and suitable for people who have business meetings abroad. But if you are touring to the next town, a bus will be ideal. Whichever means you pick, ensure you get further details from the traveling agency. Know about the departure time to avoid missing your flight or bus. Conclusion: People travel for various reasons. Some will take a trip to attend international conferences, while others may travel to adventure. So, whichever reason you have, ascertain that you use these ways to plan everything properly. Read Also: The Easy Way To Travel In India 4 Tips For First-Time Travelers To Bali 10 Best Things To Do In Dublin (Ireland) A Beginner’s Guide To Island-Hopping In Greece Top Places To Visit In Italy On Your Next Travel Escapade

READ MORE Starbucks boba

Have You Tasted Starbucks Boba? Does Starbucks Have Boba?

BY Nabamita SinhaOct 13, 2022

Well, who didn’t memorize each and every drink from the Starbucks menu? There are people who know even the unpopular items on the menu. But have you seen any Boba tea on their menu?  The simple answer is Yes.  Although Starbucks boba tea collection is a bit bleak, that doesn’t mean they don’t have other boba drink options. Keep on scrolling to find them out.  Does Starbucks Have Boba? No, technically, they still don’t have boba, but as of recently, Starbucks has introduced two new boba iced coffee drinks. Since Starbucks is a retail coffee chain, it primarily sells hot and cold variations of coffee. And from it opened, people loved Starbucks for its variety of novelty and regular hot and cold coffees.  Even though being a coffee shop, Starbucks has a lot of tea options and other non-caffeinated drinks as well. Although a few months back, if you asked me the question, “does Starbucks have boba,” my answer would still be, No. They never thought of Boba until recently.   Starbucks has introduced two new boba drinks that they are testing, whether they are well received or not. So all the boba lovers head to Starbucks to taste their newest boba drinks and vote whether it’s a Yay or a Nay! You May Like To Know About Cafe Creme What Are The Starbucks Boba Drinks Being Tested?  Starbucks has confirmed that they are testing out two boba coffee drinks in their US stores, but they have not yet reported on the type of drinks they are serving. But recently, a Tik Tok went viral that showed the two drinks in detail.  1. Iced Chai Tea Latte With Coffee Pearls This is the first drink that they are serving, it is primarily iced tea, but on top of the ice, there are boba pearls.  This drink seems a bit odd and can be difficult to drink for some people. The cost of an Iced Chai Tea Latte with coffee pearls is priced at $5.45. At times, you might feel as if the drink is too awkward to drink if you do not like anything solid in your liquid drink! The traditional boba is tapioca flavored along with being chewy! This might be the texture a lot of people do not like! Instead, the drink has incorporated a salty and sweet taste in the boba and the size is very similar to coffee beans. 2. In The Dark It is possible that the name is something you may have heard of, “A shot in the dark” drink. The drink seems to be inspired by this phrase. Unlike floating on top of ice like the other one, the pearls sink into the bottom for this drink. This particular drink costs $5.25. According to the Tik Tok video, the drink is “really small and awkward to drink”, and it also tastes “oddly salty-sweet.” But now, if you ask me the question, does Starbucks have boba tea, then the answer is neither Yes nor No. Though they are testing out an Iced chai tea latte with boba pearls, they don’t have the traditional types of boba tea. This drink is similar to the concept of “A Shot in the Dark '' and it is avaiable in “Grande '' size. A lot of people are already waiting for it as per reports on TikTok! The look of the drink is so beautiful and based on the drink being available in Palm Desert, you gotta try it out! Understanding What Is Boba? And It’s Popularity It is a mystery how the sudden craze for boba tea began in western countries. Boba, which is also known as bubble tea, first originated in Taiwan. It was first invented in the 1980s in Taiwan as a type of tea. Then in the 90s, boba tea became popular in some South-Eastern and Eastern countries. But it wasn’t till the mid of 2000s that boba found its way to Western countries, and there it became more hyped. This was when a lot of novelty variations of boba started to originate from the original recipe.  Different forms of boba started happening, like tapioca boba pearls, popping boba pearls, and even crystal boba pearls. Even boba ice cream became a huge invention. It might be stretching a bit, but boba cocktails and boba beer are also a thing, apparently. Boba tea has integrated itself in our regular routine so how can Starbuck stay behind! The reason why they are experimenting on two of their drinks with boba so that they can have complete exclusivity of the product. It is important to understand that their own rendition of the boba tea or drink will help in more social media popularity. Apart from the drink, the concept of ‘Coffee Pearl’ will make the drink more noteworthy among people. How To Make Your Own Boba Tea? If you can’t find a Starbucks boba tea, why not make one for yourself?  Making your own boba is not a big deal; there are a lot f make your own boba tea kit available online, so you can easily make one for yourself.  There are two ways you can buy your own starter kit. The first is to buy the regular boba starter kit that includes loose or powdered lead tea, tapioca pearls, and boba straws, along with reusable boba cups.  These homemade kits also feature flavors like classic milk tea, taro milk, raspberry milk tea, pearl milk tea, and also jasmine milk tea.  The other way is to make boba tea from scratch at home. Though it might sound a bit complicated, in reality, it's not.  By making boba at home, the number one advantage is that you can control the flavor of the whole thing. And you can also decide on the type of milk you wanna use and also how much.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): If you wanna know more about Starbucks boba tea, then here are a few questions that others have asked that might help you to get more clarity. Q1. Is Starbucks Testing Boba? Yes, Starbucks is currently testing two boba flavors in their US stores. The two features flavors are In the dark and Iced chai tea latte with coffee pearls. Q2. Does Starbucks Actually Have Boba? No, at the moment, Starbucks doesn’t carry any boba tea, but two Starbucks boba tea are still in the testing phase. And after the test is over, it might be available. Q3. What Is The Cheapest Thing At Starbucks? There are definitely cheap options at Starbucks. Among them are the cheapest options on Starbucks, Teavana hot tea, and short hot brewed coffee. Wrapping Up! Boba tea has huge popularity worldwide, and Starbucks is well aware of that, so it won’t be late when they also try to profit from this trend of boba tea. So if Starbucks boba tea is not available at this particular moment, be assured that soon boba will be available here in Starbucks. Read Also: Top 5 Best Coffee Shops Of India The Speciality Of Barnaby’s Cafe Cafe Creme – Best Review By Users

READ MORE indian buffet near me

Indian Buffet Near Me In Florida – Best Buffets For You

BY Barsha BhattacharyaDec 20, 2022

Are you currently in Florida craving some Indian food desperately? Are you busy asking Google ‘which is the best Indian Buffet near me?’ If you are nodding your head already, then just stop your google search and instead scroll down! Because we have managed to dig all the hidden Indian gems in Florida, the ones known for their buffets! Keep reading to find out! Indian Buffet Near Me In Florida - Best Buffets For You So you are on Google typing ‘best Indian buffet near me’ and waiting for search results - but isn’t it so confusing? There are so many results - which one is better than the other? Which ones are closest? Which one’s out of budget? So many queries and so little time. Take a pause because we are here to do the research for you! You just need to scroll down and find out all the top places in Florida serving killer Indian buffets!  1. Aashirwad Indian Food & Bar: Address7000 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32819Phone(407) 370-9830HoursMonday - Friday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm & 5:30 - 10:30 pm | Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 - 3:00 pm & 5:30 - 10:30 pm A mixture of tastes and flavors, this restaurant brings you a mix of cultural diversity and demand for Indian food. The dishes are all delicious and fresh so there is hardly any complaint. You don’t need to type ‘Indian restaurant buffet near me’ on Google because you can just go to this great place instead! Located near Universal Studios, the Aashirwad Indian Food & Bar brings the best Indian platter to you, complete with all the right spices and flavors. Recently, there have been complaints about the prices going up! Well, can you raise your voice against it, especially when the food quality and quantity are both satisfactory? Delicious! The rice was perfect; fluffy, tender, fragrant, and fresh! The lamb coconut curry and chicken spicy curry were phenomenal. The lunch menu is seemingly different from the dinner menu. I'm not sure but what we had was fantastic. We will surely be back to try all the other food options. Review By Brandon Kline 2. Moghul Indian Cuisine: Address401 N Semoran Blvd, Winter Park, FL 32792Phone(407) 599-9001HoursTuesday - Sunday: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm & 5:00 - 10:00 pm | Monday: closed Located right at the heart of Winter Park, in Florida, if you are a sucker for Indian buffets then you must try the food here once. Instead of looking for the perfect ‘Indian food buffet near me,’ just visit Moghul Indian Cuisine, and you will be sorted. It is a renowned restaurant that makes its food from the freshest of ingredients while its dishes are authentic. The menu boasts of authentic Moghul flavors with rich aroma, established culture, and culinary perfection. Great place for Indian buffet. Worth the price. The taste is really nice. They have both veg and non-veg options. Chicken tandoori was really nice, and the samosa chat was awesome. Naan was freshly made, got the crunch, one of the best you could have. Review By Gangesh Yadav 3. Saffron Indian Cuisine: Address7724 W Sand Lake Rd, Orlando, FL 32819Phone(407) 674-8899HoursSunday - Thursday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm & 5:00 - 10:00 pm | Friday & Saturday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm & 5:00 - 10:30 pm Want to try some Indian dish which is sumptuous and vibrant? Visit Saffron Indian Cuisine restaurant to try the wide selection of food dishes that have been meticulously cooked and presented. Do not miss their lunch buffet that is during the weekend because you can taste some of the most diverse and cozy dishes. Finding the best Indian buffet near me was definitely difficult, but just for the distance, you cannot compromise on the quality of food. Saffron Indian Cuisine doesn’t compromise the food quality, the price, or even on the location, making this place worth the visit! Absolutely delicious, and great customer service. One of the best in Nashville, and certainly the best in downtown. Flavors and spice level perfect. We eat a vegan gluten free diet and their menu was labeled, and they were so accommodating. Will definitely go again. Review By Joy M. Salasin 4. Mynt Fine Indian Cuisine: Address7000 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32819Phone(407) 370-9830HoursSunday - Thursday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm & 5:00 - 10:00 pm | Friday & Saturday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm & 5:30 - 10:30 pm The restaurant offers a fusion treat for visitors as they are offered customized food items, meticulously crafted food, and exclusive recipes. The restaurant uses fresh ingredients that are locally sourced. You will enjoy a unique and eventful experience when you visit the restaurant for dining. Each dish is artfully presented but with a classic Indian look! Florida has pretty great Asian restaurants provided you know where to find them. And finding the best Indian buffets near me was relatively easier. You will find a pretty inspiring menu that boasts an authentic Indian palette - plus, the staff here is great, and you will feel at home. I ate here on Valentine's for the first time, and it was excellent!  I got the lamb korma with medium spice, and everything about it was amazing. I really love Indian food am I’m glad that there’s a great Indian restaurant close by now. I’m a middle age white male who has been to India. Review By Christopher Gray 5. Kohinoor Indian Restaurant: Address249 W State Rd 436 #1093, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714Phone(407) 788-6004HoursTuesday - Sunday: 11:15 am - 2:30 pm & 5:00 - 10:00 pm | Monday: Closed There’s no way you have never heard about the Kohinoor Indian Restaurant in Florida! In fact, every time we typed ‘Indian buffet near me’ on Google, we stumbled upon this restaurant - so we ended up visiting this place, and whoaaaa - the food was simply delectable. The food is spicy but delicate when it comes to introducing foreigners to the taste of India. There is a beautiful and sublime approach to the way the food is prepared. There is a wide variety of food that you can choose from the homestyle Indian bistro food joint! Went for the buffet, and the food was so delicious! So many options for vegetarians. The service was great too! Our kids finished eating before us, so our waiter named, Willie came over and entertained them with some brain teasers! If I could give this place more than 5 stars, I would. Review By Magally Putt 6. Gateway To India Longwood: Address790 E State Rd 434, Longwood, FL 32750Phone(407) 339-9996HoursMonday - Sunday: 11:30 am - 9:30 pm The best part about visiting Gateway To India Longwood is you get to eat an Indian buffet that’s literally approved by experts. There are a variety of options that you cannot miss, such as Vindaloo, tandoori, and vegetarian dishes. The town of Longwood in Florida is a historic town where the mystique restaurant offering northern Indian delicacies is based. The restaurant presents a wide variety of Indian haute cuisine made by the freshest and finest ingredients. The food is delicious and a welcome change, especially if you are bored with your regular food. The sumptuous food is pleasing on the palate and gives you a great sense of adventure. The best part about visiting Gateway To India Longwood is you can eat an Indian buffet that even experts approve of. You don’t need to waste your time on ‘Indian dinner buffet near me’ searches; instead, you can just check out this award-winning restaurant for delectable food! MJ and the staff put together a wonderful experience for date night with my wife. The food is amazing. I couldn’t recommend this restaurant any more. Best meal we’ve had in a very long time. Review By Dr. Brandon Mondesir 7. Ahmed Indian Restaurant OBT: Address11301 S Orange Blossom Trl #104, Orlando, FL 32837Phone(407) 856-5970HoursSunday - Thursday: 11:30 am - 10:00 pm | Friday & Saturday: 11:30 am - 10:30 pm There are a variety of Indian dishes that you can order from Ahmed Indian Restaurant! They have the option of dining in and ordering delivery or pickup. They also offer a lunch buffet on a regular basis which is organized in an intricately decorated dining room. The restaurant is quite distinguished with regards to the quality of Indian cuisine that is available. They also serve regional dishes from India, such as selective Bengali cuisine. Apart from that, some Pakistani dishes are also available. You will also get appetizing desserts that are unique and will tease your tastebuds. The restaurant has been around for 10 years, and trust me when I say you will enjoy the food. Not everyone can understand the pull of Indian Mughlai - but if you are a fan of Indian cuisines, there’s no way you can forget about Ahmed Indian Restaurant OBT! India is a diverse country with diverse food options. So you can’t miss out on anyone - try all and trust us, you won’t regret it.  I wanna say thank you! It was such a BEAUTIFUL GASTRONOMIC TRIP. Indian spices makes everything taste super rich and awesome.  I had "Chicken Korma", "House salad", "Lentils soup" and "Milk Tea" everything was delicious! Friendly staff, chilled indian music and great food. Highly recommend this place! Review By Igor Biteev Read Also: Best Group Friendly Restaurants In Las Vegas 8. Tamarind Indian Cuisine: Address501 Orlando Ave Suite #149, Winter Park, FL 32789Phone(321) 207-0760HoursMonday - Thursday: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm & 5:00 - 9:30 pm | Friday & Saturday: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm & 5:30 - 10:00 pm | Sunday: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm & 5:00 - 9:00 pm India is diverse, and so is her food - if Mughlai doesn’t float your boat, how about some South Indian? If you are in the whole ‘Indian buffet near me’ phase, step out of it right now. Just opt for all kinds of Indian restaurants serving all kinds of Indian food, including Tamarind Indian Cuisine. The food is delicious, and so is the interior of the place. Unfortunately, according to a report on Yelper, the place has shut down. Instead, you can visit the Tabla Indian Restaurant Lake Nona, which serves Thai, Indo-Chinese, and authentic Indian cuisine. The vibe of the restaurant is very similar to that of the Tamarind, as the atmosphere is quite tasteful and refined, giving the restaurant a classy feel. There is also an option for outdoor seating and also allows private events. Portion sizes are large, the food is fantastic. I live the level of flavor and spice in the vindaloo sauce. The garlic naan is fantastic as well. I definitely wouldn’t skip out on trying the trio of sauces they bring out to start the meal. Service was quick and efficient. Review By Atrenique Deamus And It’s A Wrap! And that’s a wrap on restaurants serving Indian buffets in Florida! The next time you are craving some great Indian food, you can simply come back here and check out which place best suits you. You need not type ‘Indian lunch buffet near me’ or even ‘Indian buffet near me’ on Google for best results.  Meanwhile, tell us what you think about Indian food. Share your experiences with Indian food in the comments below. 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