When Can Navigation Rules Be Overlooked?

Jan 5, 2023

Last Updated on: Sep 18, 2024

Travel Blog

If the question arises of when can navigation rules be overlooked, then the answer is that they should never be overlooked. However, there are moments when you only have the option to ignore these rules.

Certain situations and groups can ignore and overlook these rules whenever they want. To know them, too, scroll down below.

What Do You Mean By Navigation Rules?

For every water vessel traveling through water bodies, specific rules are enforced to see their safe travel. These rules are like the traffic rules, but except for roads, they are for the waterways and waterbodies.

These navigation rules ensure the safety of the vessel and the passengers onboard from dangerous rocks, shallow waters, and reefs.

When Can Navigation Rules Be Overlooked?

The navigation rules are set in place to ensure safe and secure travel on water, but there are moments when these rules need to be followed sometimes. So the situations that can force the sailors to ignore the navigation rules are as follows.

Crossing Dangerous Waters

When you are crossing turbulent and dangerous waters, with the people on board being unsafe, the navigation rules can be overlooked; their priority is to protect the passengers.

When it comes to sailors, during storms and dangerous turbulent waters, they are not bound to follow the navigation rules. They can easily overlook them.

To Avoid Immediate Danger

Who may depart from the navigation rules? The operators may need to depart from the navigation rules while trying to mitigate imminent dangers.

While traveling over waters, danger can happen anywhere, and at any point, so paying proper attention to the navigators is essential. They are trained for any sudden changes in water and air direction.

So if travelers and navigators predict something dangerous, they can ignore all the navigation rules. This is how they can keep the onboard passengers safe.

When A Vessel Has Little Maneuverability

If the captain and crew feel like the vessel is going through a little maneuverability, then they are allowed to overlook all the navigation rules for boats. It is more important to keep the passengers safe than to travel in a hazardous environment.

When The Sailor Is Inexperienced

It is important that navigators and sailors should know how to navigate their way around the water. That way, they don’t end up endangering the lives of others on the vessel.

To save time, these inexperienced sailors sometimes disregard all the maritime navigation rules that are in place. When can navigation rules be overlooked? – if you are a navigator or sailor, look back to your novice years.

Sailing In Poor Visibility

When a sailor is sailing in a situation with poor visibility, then the rules of navigation are ignored. If the radar is not working properly, then the navigation rules can be ignored.

When climatic situations make it difficult to see, and visibility becomes a big issue, navigation rules are entirely ignored. That is when experience and intuition come into action.

What Are The Basic Rules Of Navigation?

The “rules of the road at sea,” or navigation regulations, apply to all boats. These regulations clearly indicate when to pass, approach, yield, and overtake other boats. The International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs) and the fundamental rules of the water should be familiarized with by all boaters, regardless of the size of their vessel.

For other masters to see your intentions, you should always move in a clear and deliberate manner. Never assume that the captain of a different boat will follow the rules; always be ready to prevent a collision.

To prevent collisions with other boats, the Colregs provide clear signals for passing, approaching, giving way, and overtaking. These are the rules for boat traffic.


Here are some of the basic rules of navigation that you need to be aware of when at sea:

  • When navigating a river or channel, a boat must always operate on the starboard (right) side.
  • You have the right of way when a boat approaches from your starboard (right) side. You have right of way if you approach another boat from the starboard side. However, you must act to avoid collision if the other boat does not yield.
  • Each boat changes course to port (left) and changes course to port (right). Always assume that this is the case.
  • You have the option of overtaking a boat from either side of the one you want to pass. But you have to stay far away from the boat you’re passing. This is true for sailboats as well as powerboats.
  • The sailing boat with the wind on the port side must give way when there are two boats with wind on opposite sides.
  • The boat to windward must yield to the boat to leeward when both boats are facing the same direction.
  • Sail usually triumphs over power. However, this isn’t always the case. Due to their size, larger vessels, like ferries and container ships, are difficult to maneuver. By giving larger vessels a wide berth, masters of other boats, including sailboats, should always use common sense and good seamanship.

What Are The Consequences Of Overlooking Navigation Rules?

For those asking, “when can navigation rules are overlooked,” it is essential for you to know that there are severe consequences for not following the rules. And some of the effects that may befall you if you overlook the navigation rules are listed below.

  • They are endangering the environment.
  • The ship and its onboard passengers can get lost at sea.
  • With overlooking the navigation rules, a shipwreck is a strong possibility.
  • A hazardous environment on the ship can create a dangerous place for the people onboard. This can lead to health issues and even death.
  • The vessel and passengers can face legal trouble for not following the navigation rules.

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Who May Depart From The Navigation Rules?

The navigation rules are set up for everyone’s safety and security, so not following them can be risky. However, some people ignore these rules to stay safe and do their work.

Please scroll down to see who these people are, who can overlook the navigation rules whenever they want.

Pirates And Illegal Fishermen

For pirates, the rules of navigation don’t apply. They are beyond any rules, which is why they are pirates. They do this so that law enforcement can’t catch them, and they can run away free. That is the same for fishermen who are fishing illegally.

Those In Imminent Danger

The recent enforcement requires maritime law that the answer to the question of when navigation rules are overlooked is during imminent danger. Escaping a dangerous situation is much more important than abiding by the law.

Read More: What Is Most Likely To Cause Someone To Fall Overboard?

Research Vessels

Marine life science research vessels can easily deviate from the navigation rules. The study is based on marine life and the ocean, so they need help to go by the navigation rules.

Those Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis

If someone goes through a mental health problem on a vessel, they can let go of the rules. Instead, they don’t tend to follow them. In addition, if someone is emotionally distraught or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they might not follow the rules.

Wrapping Up!

Now that you know the situations and people who tend to ignore the navigation rules, your question of when navigation rules can be overlooked is answered. In these situations, people don’t regard such laws when they travel on international waters.

So if you want to know more about this topic, we have more articles on our website, so browse through them, but first give us a like and comment below.

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favourite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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Grutas De Tolantongo – Location, Price And Ambience | Ultimate Guide

BY  Nabamita Jan 5, 2023

If you are planning an upcoming vacation to Mexico, then you must visit Tolantoongo, which is a box canyon, which is in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. The canyon is 1.5 hours of northwest, Pachuca, and about 198 km which is about four hours from Mexico City.  So if you wanna know more about this exceptional natural escape with beautiful hot water springs and natural pools and rivers with caves. To know more details about the Grutas de Tolantongo, then keep on scrolling down.  How Will You Reach The Las Grutas De Tolantongo? With diverse natural resources, Mexico is a haven for visitors and travelers. The Las Grutas de Tolantongo is a natural system of grottoes and caves. The beautiful water flows from the Grottos to the river of Tolantongo, which flows through the hot springs, which act like swimming pools like natural pools.  If you don’t know what a grotto is, then it is a type of cave that is naturally made underground and flows through for thousands of years. Rainwater could easily seep down piercing calcareous rocks, which dissolved them.  Then the result that formed was a mesmerizing aquatic heaven with rivers, waterfalls, and even hot springs, that became Tolantongo.  How To Reach Las Grutas De Tolantongo? Now that you know where this aquatic heaven is, you should be able to reach the place easily, as there are many options you can avail to reach the place. Here are the options you can select from.  1. Renting A Car Service One of the most popular choices of transportation from Mexico City to la Grutas de Tolantongo. Although a car service can be expensive, it is still one of the expensive options. So if you have a hefty budget, then you can easily avail of a car service. Well if you love a long stretch of road, then you will love the surrounding atmosphere while traveling.  2. Take The Bus One of the cheapest forms of transportation is the bus service. The bus is public transportation that any tourist can avail of. The easiest way for you to get a bus service is through Mexico Terminal TAPO.  From the ADO bus service, you can reach Pachuca. The journey is a 2 hours journey by bus, although the buses run every 3 hours, then plan your timing accordingly.  You would have to take a bus again till Ixmiquilpan, the bus is about 2 hours journey which runs about five times a day. Then from Ixmiquipan, it is about a 14 minutes walk, from where you can get a bus to Tolantongo.  The bus journey is very jarring and tiring and it might take you 6 hours to complete the whole journey. And it will cost you about $12 to about $22. Since this method is so tiring and long, it is not recommended for tourists, as it would take them a whole day.  3. Join A Tour Group Another possible transportation you can get to Las Grutas de Tolantongo is by organizing to join a tour group. If you are staying in Mexico City, for a few days, then the easiest way of traveling to Grutas de Tolantonga is with a tour group.  What Are The Things To Do In Las Grutas De Tolantongo? Upon reaching Grutas de tolantongo, there are a lot of places you can do there, and a few of these things that you can do. The area is divided between two areas, which are La Gruta Zone and El Paraiso Escondido.  1. Tolantongo Hot Springs (El Paraiso Zone) The hot springs of Tolantongo in the El Paraiso Zone are known as a stunning sight to see. There is a variety of hot springs, present here are mostly infinite pools, built on the side of grottos, cliffs, and swimming pools.  The temperature is somewhere around 96F and 100F. The hot springs were very relaxing and very popular, which have people flock there for this relaxing activity, so having a swimsuit with yourself is a must if you wanna go to the hot springs. Read More: Top 10 Hot Springs Near Denver You Can Visit In Winter 2. Tolantongo Cave & Tunnel (La Gruta) There are beautiful dark and wet caves and tunnels that you can visit and explore by yourself. Since the walls of the caves and tunnels are wet, you should carry water shoes, to avoid slipping. You can also go swimming in the pools in the caves, where you will find beautiful waterfalls.  3. Tolantongo River (La Gruta) All of you who want to stay overnight at Tolantongo would mostly camp out near the Tolantongo river. The blue and warm Tolantongo river is a beautiful place to camp. There is more open space for people to gather and enjoy themselves.  Read More: 7 Best Places For Free Camping Near Me In Las Vegas 4. Suspension Bridge (El Paraiso) One of the famous places of Tolantongo is the swing bridge which allows visitors a beautiful and luscious green environment.  The suspension bridge is an attractive tourist destination when you are visiting Grutas de Tolantongo. You should remember to wear comfortable shoes since you will be walking for a while.  5. Zipline (El Paraiso) If you are an adrenaline junky and love adventure sports, then you are going to love Ziplining through the greenery of Tolantongo. Although it is not free, the price for ziplining is not as much, only about $10.  Wrapping Up! Now that you know that Grutas de Tolantongo is a beautiful place state in Mexico. Then if you are visiting there you will find a comfortable grutas de tolantongo hotel. Or if you are staying there only for a night, then camping is the best option.  So if you think this article helped you in knowing more about grutas de tolantongo, then give your own article a like and comment down below. Read Also: Explore These 5 Excellent Yacht Charter Destinations! 7 Creative Truck Cap Camping Ideas To Use In Jungle Adventures Top 10 Scenic Snowflake Cities In The U.S. To Travel To This Winter


Things To Do In San Juan, Puerto Rico For Free | Traveling On A Shoestring

BY  Pijus Maity Nov 20, 2024

Puerto Rico is more than just a beach vacation. There is a reason why it is all over the internet, with a 22% surge in the search volume in 2024 (year-on-year). The UN Tourism report further highlights Puerto Rico as the second-most searched Caribbean destination.  The tourism attractions in Puerto Rico are diverse, and there is a sincere attempt from the government to develop the tourism infrastructure.  San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, has a vital role to play in the tourism boost of Puerto Rico. Along with being a stunning destination, San Juan also has vibrant street art and a happening neighborhood. Moreover, it is a quintessence of joie de vivre.  Need more reasons to head to San Juan? It has many activities that will not charge you a single buck. Sounds fun, right? Let’s explore the best things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for free.  You Can Try The Following Things To Do In San Juan, Puerto Rico, For Free | Budget-Friendly Travel Ideas In The Caribbeans  It will not be a jugglery of words if I call San Juan a “Caribbean Gem.” By the end of the 1800s, San Juan became a part of the USA. Further, San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, is the oldest city under the USA jurisdiction. Did You Know?Some airlines in Puerto Rico have increased their line of flights. Avelo Airlines is one of them and it has added a flight in “The Lakeland (LAL) – San Juan (SJU) route.” Further, it is the second route it has added to its itinerary outside the continental USA.  The flight will have 20000 more seats, and this addition is expected to yield an economic impact of $6.3 million only in the first year of the line’s operations. This news corroborates the prospects and boost of tourism in San Juan.“The strengthening and expansion of air access to the island is key to the full development of the local tourism industry, so negotiations to attract new airlines and the increase in routes and frequencies is decisive for everyone. We share the enthusiasm of Avelo management with this new non-stop route since this new service between Puerto Rico and Florida will result in economic benefits for the entire tourism industry.”Carlos Mercado-Santiago, Executive Director, Puerto Rico Tourism Co. (PRTC) The city has rainforest, beaches with cobalt blue waters, century-old architecture, heritage, and of course, the things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for free.  So, why not try them? 1. Explore The Street Art In Santurce El Patio de Sole is a local restaurant on Calle Cerra and it is one of the highlights of Santruce, the most happening neighborhood of San Juan.  Murals and larger-than-life art pieces by street artists have transformed this locality into a vibrant art gallery.  Calle Loíza, the “Foodie and Arts Avenue” of Santruce, is another great place to explore street art here. Moreover, Aguacates and Las Musas are some of the best larger-than-life installations here. Did You Know?Almost 10 years back, San Juan, Santurce, and the entire Puerto Rico were going through an economic crisis. Through the Santurce Es Ley street art festival and the Color Libre engagement project, the street artists addressed social problems.   2. Enjoy Bird Feeding At Parque de las Palomas Parque de las Palomas is a public park and it is a place to relax amidst or after a tiring day at work. You can just sit on the benches overlooking the ocean and enjoy the cool breeze here.  Further, feeding birds at Parque de las Palomas is one of the best things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for free. This park is home to pigeons. You can collect bird seed from the park kiosk and feed these playful creatures.  3. Indulge In Street Food At Piñones Piñones on the beach bustle with local street foods. You can have fresh coconut here. Also, the alcapurrias and empanadas available at the local kiosks are amazing. Tour And Travel Note Don’t forget to get some honey and souvenirs from local vendors and artisans here. You can also take a stroll along the boardwalk or enjoy a bike ride in the mangrove forest.  4. Flying Kites At El Morro El Morro, a famous fort in San Juan, is located on the top of a hill, and it overlooks the bay. The grassy land in front of the fort is a big draw to the visitors.  The high winds here make the grassy stretch ideal for flying kites. You can carry your own kites or buy one from the local vendors and enjoy your time with kids and the ones young at heart.  5. Sunbathing Playa Ocean Park, a hub of offshore reefs, is the highlight of Condado, the most popular beach in San Juan. Condado and all other beaches of Puerto Rico are free as those are public land. Further resorts like Condado Vanderbilt Hotel and La Concha make visiting Condado one of the best things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Moreover, you can go kitesurfing or just relax on the beach and enjoy a sunbath.  6. Paseo De La Princesa Scenic Walk Paseo De La Princesa is an esplanade. This 19th-century promenade from the cruise port to El Morro fort stands out due to its European vibe. As you take a walk along Paseo De La Princesa, just outside the city wall, you will find large trees making arches. Further, the antique street lamps will grab the attention of any connoisseur. Moreover, you will find many food vendors as you enjoy the scenic walk. Are you travelling with your partner? Visit Paseo De La Princesa during sunset for the most romantic experience.  7. Experience The Best Of Night Life At La Placita De Santurce Do you want to experience the happening nightlife of San Juan? You must visit La Placita De Santurce after 9 PM as most of the bars here open after 9 or 10 PM and remain functional till early morning. Especially on the weekend, La Placita, or the famous market square, is the most vivacious with people on the street. Enjoy the Salsa moves and the grooviest reggaeton music.  8. Take A Walk In The San Juan Botanical Garden Operating Hours: 6 AM to 6 PM The San Juan Botanical Garden is a great place for the study of local plants and animals. The botanical garden is on the University of Puerto Rico campus. You can take a free entry here, and you also don’t need to pay any charges for parking.  This is a great place to relax and exercise in San Juan. It is also perfect for a picnic. Moreover, you can explore the Japanese bridges and trails to make the most of your time here.  9. Pray At San Juan Cathedral Operating Hours: 8 AM to 4 PM (Sunday - Up to 2 PM) Mass Times: 7:25 AM and 12:15 PM on Weekdays, 7 PM on Saturdays, 9 AM and 11 AM on Sundays The Catedral de San Juan Bautista, or San Juan Cathedral, is the oldest church in the entire Western Hemisphere.  Juan Ponce de Leon rests here, and the church also houses the mummified remains of a martyr from the first century, St. Pio.  Attending the Noche Buena mass on 24th December is a one-of-a-kind experience at this church.  To make the most of these fun and free things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico, you need comfortable accommodation in the city. The table below has a list of some of the best hotels in San Juan with contact details.  Hotel In San Juan, Puerto RicoContact Number Courtyard by Marriott Isla Verde Beach Resort+1 787-791-0404Residence Inn Isla Verde+1 787-961-1155Hyatt House San Juan+1 787-977-5000Dream Inn PR+1 787-200-6340Condado Vanderbilt Hotel +1 787-721-5500Tropica Beach Hotel+1 787-728-8119La Concha Renaissancece San Juan Resort+1 787-721-7500Dreamcatcher by DW+1 787-455-8259Hotel El Convento+1  787-723-9020AC Hotel San Juan Condado+1 787-827-7280 If you are planning to explore the best things to do in San Juan, contact any of the hotels first to book your accommodation.  Also read Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try. Top 13+ Famous Wonders Of India That You Must Visit. Top Tips For Motorbike Rental In Phuket – A Guide To Exploring The Island On Two Wheels.


What To Do In Houston | Is Houston Worth Visiting Now | Traveling Across A Large Cosmopolitan Destination

BY  Sibashree Dec 13, 2024

Yes, Houston is worth visiting for an eclectic experience. The fourth-largest city in the USA is a cosmopolitan area. So, you can explore various cultures and cuisines in the city.  Further, the answer to what to do in Houston is extensive, including a visit to the Houston Museum of Natural Science or the Space Center of Houston.  Also, Houston is a year-round travel destination, with each season spilling a different charm. For example, February to April or September-November are the best months to visit Houston. Moderate weather conditions make these months ideal for exploring the city.  At the same time, winter, or December to February, is not freezing in Houston. The average temperature here remains between 6-17 degrees Celsius during the winter months. So, many people visit Houston in winter to beat the crowd and chill. Nevertheless, Houston stands proud of its places of attraction, irrespective of the time or season of your visit. Here, we have curated the best places to visit in Houston, confirmed by a local travel expert.  What To Do In Houston? You Cannot Miss These Activities In This Texas City  As I was saying, Houston is a melting pot for many different things. So, despite remaining true to its Texas route, it offers you world-class luxury in its fine dining restaurants and museums.  Furthermore, Houston has 25 distinct neighborhoods. So, almost every 50 miles, you will get to be familiar with different cultures.  So, are you ready for a truly eclectic experience? Let’s check out what to do in Houston this season.  1. Visit The Space Center Houston Address: 1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX Contact Number: +1 281-244-2100 Hours Open: 10 AM to 5 PM The Space Center Houston is currently basking in the glory of the ongoing Galaxy Lights presented by Reliant. This space-themed holiday live show started on 16th November 2024 and will continue until 5th January 2025. (Lights timing: 6-10 PM) Upcoming Events At Space Center Houston Home School Day December 2024 - 13th December, 2024, 9 AMThought Leader Series | Hearing The Universe: The Art Of Space Sophistication - 18th December 2024, 6:45 PM Further, this show promises experiences that transcend the boundaries of the Earth. In addition, there have been highlights on the new collections of the museum. OSIRIS-REx Sample has, of course, been the highlight among them.  NASA collects the OSIRIS-REx Sample from Bennu. Bennu is an asteroid, and it’s 4.5 billion years old.  Moreover, the Space Center Houston has many year-round exhibits, including the Starship Gallery, Spacesuit Collection, and the replica of Independence mounted on the original NASA 905 shuttle carrier aircraft.  2. Explore The Houston Museum of Natural Science https://www.instagram.com/p/C8XVl9HOUTi/?img_index=3 Address: 5555 Hermann Park Dr, Houston, TX  Contact Number: +1 713-639-4629 Hours Open: 9 AM to 5:30 PM The Houston Museum of Natural Science always hosts special events or exhibitions. For example, the current special exhibitions are Death by Natural Causes based on Natural Born Killers and Matter & Motion: Quantum Chemistry to Astrophysics. Furthermore, there are many permanent exhibits at the museum. For instance, take Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. Hall. It is an ode to Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. He was a philanthropist, and he was passionate about conservation.  The highlight of this exhibition on the Tumbesian fish species. You cannot especially miss the black marlin that used to weigh 1560 pounds. This black marlin also made a grand appearance at the The Old Man and the Sea movie in 1958.  Another section of permanent exhibits at the museum are The World Around Us: From Butterflies to Biomes. If you are a curious explorer or someone fascinated by the evolution of lives, you will love these interactive exhibits with infographics.  3. Visit The Buffalo Bayou Park Address: Shepherd Drive to Sabine Street between Allen Parkway and Memorial Dr, Houston, TX Phone Number:  +1 713-752-0314 (Extension: 301) Open Hours: 6 AM to 11 PM Located in Houston Downtown, the Buffalo Bayou Park will offer you a quiet retreat. It is stretched over a 160-acre landscape. It is a native landscape and with acres of green space, it’s great for a walk with your pets and biking.  You can even visit the park with your family for a fun picnic and relaxation time. You will even love the public art displays here.  Moreover, you can explore the park by water. Kayaking and canoeing are popular outdoor activities in the park. The Buffalo Bayou Kayak Tours is in charge of kayaking, canoeing, and boat rentals at the park, and you must get in touch with them.  Exploring The Culinary Landscape Of Houston | What To Do In Houston As A Foodie  https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLSeWGp2Ks/ You have to explore the culinary excellence of Houston if you want to be familiar with the cultural richness of the place. Further, the Visit Houston data says that the city has close to 13000 restaurants from which you can try cuisines of 70 countries.  So, there is no wonder in travelers seeking unique culinary experiences in the city. In addition, the market data for food tourism looks the most promising, with a projected CAGR of 15.20% from 2023 to 2033.  Moreover, Houston is a place where tourists spend 1/3rd of their tour budget on food. It’s hard to avoid the allure of the cakes, lamb tartare, fish tacos, and lobster pies.  Therefore, when it comes to what to do in Houston, you must consider exploring some of the finest restaurants in the city. At Tour and Travel, we have curated some names backed by our love for Houston cuisine, Yelp rating, and suggestions from local experts. Name of Houston RestaurantsAddressPhone NumberNancy's Hustle2704 Polk St Houston, TX (346) 571-7931Traveler's Table520 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX(832) 409-5785The Ginger Mule449 W 19th St Ste C200 Houston, TX(713) 876-4768Grotto Downtown1001 Avenida De Las Americas Ste A Houston, TX(713) 658-0752 That’s pretty much from me if you want to know about what to do in Houston now. Enjoy your Texas holiday to the fullest! Also read Ultimate Guide to Your Next Family Vacation in Israel. Boat Charter Miami: Essential Tips for a Great Experience. You Cannot Miss These Things To Do In Wilmington, NC (With Tour And Travel Tips And Tricks)