Top 7 Things To Check When traveling During The Pandemic

  • Are you planning on traveling to a foreign country in the next few days, weeks, or months during the pandemic?
  • Do you know what are some things you should look out for to ensure that your travel is safe and smooth?
  • Have you tried looking at some of the manuals and suggestions being laid out by governments when it comes to international travel?

The Coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing down or stopping. The past month saw the discovery of a new, more dangerous mutation of the Coronavirus in Britain. The same has now been seen in multiple countries all over the world.

However, even in the midst of all the turmoil, there might be multiple reasons why someone would have to fly out to a foreign location. In this article, we list down the top 7 things, you should check for when traveling during the pandemic.

List of 7 Things to Check when traveling during the Pandemic

1. International Flight Status

International Flight Status

Whether you are flying domestic or international, flight timings, routes and other details are something, which you should be aware of. During the pandemic, the international flight status keeps changing because of multiple reasons.

Flights are getting rescheduled, canceled, or postponed left, right and center. You do not want to be stranded in the airport of some foreign country as you had failed to check on the flight status before you left for the airport. This will hold you in good stead during the travel.

2. Quarantine Rules

Quarantine Rules

Like flights, quarantine rules keep changing at a moment’s notice in many countries and their cities. If you are flying in from countries that are classified as high-risk by the local government, you would need to spend a stipulated period of time in quarantine.

The same can be anywhere from seven to fourteen days. It can also be mandated that you spend the days at a government institutional quarantine center and not at a hotel of your choice. Finding out about the rules can help in clearing confusion and planning your trip better.

3. COVID-19 Negative Test Results

Most countries have set aside rules for international travelers who are flying in. They need to carry COVID-19 Negative Test Results, which should be done no less than 24-48 hours. If your test results are from an earlier period, you will not be allowed to board the flight.

There are many diagnostic centers and labs affiliated by airlines that offer quick one-day results for RT-PCR Tests for COVID-19. This is slightly expensive when you compare the same with normal test results. However, you need to get them before boarding a plane and landing.

4. Safety Protocols at the Hotel or place of stay

Individual institutions too have their own safety protocols in place for travelers coming from outside. In most cases, travelers who are coming from other countries would need to disclose the same. This would be followed by a separate area being earmarked for them.

Most hotels have done away with Room Service and other normal procedures. In fact, the room fridge, might also not have the snacks you need. Timings for using the restaurant and meals would also be done in a staggered fashion to practice social distancing.

5. New COVID-19 Rules Imposed by the City

Most cities around the world have created their own rules and regulations regarding inter-city and intra-city travel. Some cities have placed curfew timings for nights and weekends. Other cities have placed lockdowns on specific zones within the city where cases are rising.

This is why you should be careful of where you are traveling to and the local rules and regulations in the same. However, one more thing, which should be pointed out is that rules and laws regarding mobility change instantly, leaving you with little or no time to adjust.

6. Carrying Protective Gear and SOS Medicines

We all know how the pandemic has necessitated the use of face masks, shields, gloves, sanitizers, and other protective equipment. When you are traveling, you should ensure that you are carrying substantial amounts of the same with you.

Ideally, you do not want to purchase the same in some foreign country. You also need to ensure that you are abiding by all the safety protocols of the place and the pandemic. You can get fined heavily for not following the safety protocols in major countries and cities in the world.

7. Keeping others Informed about your Travel Plans

If you have been paying attention to the article, you would have noticed how we have stressed the fact that quarantine, local movement, and other rules can change in an instant. This is why travel experts suggest that you should always keep others informed about your travel plans.

You might not have cell phone coverage or access to the internet to send a message back home. International travel has become clouded by diplomatic interference given the testing times we are living under. Keeping others in the loop might just come in handy when you are experiencing a problem abroad and are not being able to communicate the same.

The Final Word

Even though we know that international travel is not the safest and wisest thing to do, there might be multiple pressing concerns forcing us to do the same. For some, it would be about going back home to their families. For others, it can be about employment and income opportunities. For a third set, it can be because of medical reasons.

No matter that the reason you have to undertake international travel, it is best that you keep the above seven points in your head. They will ensure that your international travel is as stress-free and easy as possible. If you have any other points you would like to add to the article, mention them in the comments section below.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to technology, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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Canary Wharf: A Mini-Guide for Your Next Visit

BY Ariana SmithMay 27, 2021

The great thing about London is that it boasts so many different and unique neighbourhoods across its vast cityscape. If you are planning on making a trip to the UK capital anytime, then why not consider Canary Wharf as a place to stay? It might be a little bit lesser known than some other districts and areas, but it has a unique charm that is becoming more and more popular by the day! If you are interested in what Canary Wharf has to offer but still want to know about a little bit more before making any kind of booking, then here is a fun mini guide of great places in the area to help you make your mind up before your next visit! 1. The Lotus: If Chinese cuisine is a favourite of yours then you absolutely have to make a booking at The Lotus. Specialising in dim sum, this eatery is actually a floating restaurant, and you can enjoy all of the best flavours of Asia whilst taking in the amazing Canary Wharf skyline that is so instantly recognisable and iconic. 2. Museum of London Docklands: Canary Wharf might be a very upmarket and affluent area in 2021, but it wasn't always so flashy! Take a trip to the Museum of London Docklands where you can learn all about what the area used to be like. It is located inside an old nineteenth-century coffee, rum and sugar warehouse, and the history can really still be felt within the walls to this day. 3. Canada Square Park: If you are looking for a spot for outdoor relaxation amongst the skyscrapers, then head to Canada Square Park for a little slice of nature in the big city. The park holds lots of interesting events across the year, so you might find yourself in the middle of a music concert, a car exhibition or even watching a sports match on some big screens. It's a great place to grab a drink or picnic with friends. 4. Gaucho: If you are celebrating a special occasion in Canary Wharf, then look no further than the amazing meals and atmosphere at Gaucho. Regarded as one of the best steakhouse chains in London, you can actually pick the exact piece of meat that you want to be served when a waiter brings you the choice of cuts on a plate. It's a unique dining experience that can make any patron feel special. 5. Boisdale: And finally, you can end the night at Boisdale, a brilliant restaurant and bar that specialises in jazz and blues music, featuring an array of performers and tribute acts every single night of the week! And we’ve barely scratched the surface! If you like the sound of the area for your next trip to London, then you should consider the serviced apartments Canary Wharf as an alternative to a hotel. Don't make the mistake of thinking that East London is too far away from all of the central action in town because it absolutely isn't! Canary Wharf looks forward to welcoming you! Read Also: Best National Parks In Hawaii Vacationing In Florence: A Brief Guide Looking For Your Next Fun-Filled Family Vacation: Head To Aquaventuras Park


Prepping For Your Winter Trip To Salt Lake City

BY Barsha BhattacharyaSep 21, 2023

When the temperatures drop and the first snowflakes begin to blanket the mountains, every winter enthusiast knows it's time to prep for a thrilling snowboarding season. And if you're aiming for the cream of the crop in snowboarding destinations, Salt Lake City (SLC) should be at the top of your list. But, as with every great adventure, preparation is key. So, whether you're a seasoned boarder or a newbie looking to catch your first drift, here's a detailed guide to make your winter trip to SLC unforgettable. 1. Gear Up Before you hit the slopes, ensure you've got the right gear. Depending on your skill level, you may want to buy or rent your equipment: Snowboard and Boots: A snug fit is crucial for boots. For boards, if you're starting, opt for a softer board for flexibility. Seasoned snowboarders can pick as per their preference. Clothing: Layering is essential. Invest in moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and waterproof and windproof outer layers. Make sure to skimp on a good pair of gloves, snow socks, and a beanie. Protective Gear: Helmets are a must. Additionally, consider wrist guards, padded shorts, and even knee pads. 2. Get Fit Snowboarding isn't just about the right gear; it's physically demanding. Consider adding some fitness prep to your routine. Incorporate strength training, balance exercises, and cardiovascular workouts to ensure you're slope-ready. 3. Research The Resorts SLC boasts multiple world-class resorts. Do your homework: Brighton: Known for its welcoming vibe to beginners. Snowbird: Challenging terrains that promise adrenaline-pumping sessions. Park City: Offers a blend of slopes for all, plus a lively town atmosphere. 4. Book In Advance. Winter in SLC is peak season. To get the best deals and ensure you're included in the cold, book your accommodation, snowboarding lessons (if needed), and any other experiences well in advance. 5. Limousine: Ride In Style Now, let's address the most luxurious part of your trip – arriving in style in a limousine. Why opt for a regular car when you can elevate your travel experience with a limo ride? Here's why a limousine is perfect for your ski resort experience. Space Galore: With all your gear, luggage, and maybe even a group of fellow snowboarding enthusiasts, a limo ensures ample space without cramping anyone's style. Comfort and Luxury: After a tiring day on the slopes, there's nothing like sinking into the plush seats of a limousine, sipping on a warm drink, or maybe even watching a movie on the built-in entertainment system. Safety: Limousine services prioritize safety. In the icy conditions of SLC's winter, trust a professional driver to navigate the roads while you relax. Making a Statement: Arrive at your resort with panache. Only some days, do you get to make an entrance that people remember! 6. Explore Beyond Snowboarding While snowboarding will be your primary activity, SLC offers more. Try ice skating or snowshoeing, or indulge in hot cocoa in one of the city's cozy cafes. Explore the historic Temple Square or catch a renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir performance. 7. Respect The Environment Remember, the pristine white landscapes aren't just for our enjoyment. Respect the environment. Stick to marked trails, dispose of waste responsibly, and maintain a safe distance from wildlife. 8. Stay Updated On Weather Conditions. Mountain weather is unpredictable. Always keep an eye on the forecast. Being caught off-guard in a snowstorm is not just inconvenient but can be dangerous. 9. Bond And Make Memories The best part of any trip is the memories you make. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or with friends, cherish the moments. Capture photos, make snow angels, indulge in snowball fights, and above all, let loose and have fun! In Conclusion A winter trip to Salt Lake City offers adventure, relaxation, and sheer beauty. As you glide down its powdery slopes, with the backdrop of the majestic mountains and the city lights in the distance, you'll realize why this preparation was all worth it. And, as you round off your day, stepping into a luxurious limousine, you'll truly appreciate the blend of thrill and luxury that only SLC can offer. Safe travels and happy snowboarding! Read Also: Best Restaurants In Honduras To Visit While Traveling Indian Buffet Near Me In Florida – Best Buffets For You Top 15 Restaurants In Colombia You Must Visit While Traveling


Top 7 Nantucket Beaches For Tourists In Massachusetts

BY Subham SahaOct 7, 2021

Nantucket beaches are famous for their most beautiful natural view and the sanity of the place. Massachusetts beaches are quite popular among local and international tourists because of the fresh air and the most delicate natural environments.  The sea beaches are covered with beautiful white sand, and the small green mountains are just standing behind the sea beaches. These small hills are the perfect spots for hiking and exploration. The weather in Nantucket is all-time pleasant, warm, and sunny. Some of the beaches are also popular for birdwatching and seals.   If you are tired of your day to day work and hectic lifestyle, then just pack your bags and go out for the small seaside trips. These beaches are the perfect spot to spend leisure time in comfortable environments. The natural view of the beaches is quite soothing. Massachusetts has the most beautiful beaches in the whole world.   Top 7 Nantucket Beaches In Massachusetts Entire Massachusetts is just full of multiple Nantucket beaches, but if we are talking about the preference-wise beach choice, we can differentiate the beaches on the basis of the traveler’s preferences one is the south shore beaches and the other direction, north shore beaches, and the east shore beaches.   The north shore sea is relatively calm and the perfect spot for family outings. Here is the list of the most popular beaches in Massachusetts 1. Jetties Beach Jetties Beach is one of the best destinations for family-oriented people. The calm sea and the safety precautions of the beaches are quite impressive.  The entire beach is patrolled by the beach guards and the life safety guards. The Jetties beach is very near the city, only a few hour’s drive from the central city. This is a north shore Nantucket beach of Massachusetts. The entire beach is full of different adventure sports and the perfect entertainment spot for the children.  The beach is full of different facilities like a lifeguard, windsurfing, changing room, restrooms, kayak learning lessons. This beach is quite famous for the different types of celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries and weddings.  2. Chatham Lighthouse Beach Chatham Lighthouse is a trendy sightseeing place among the local people and the tourists. This beach is only half a mile away from the heart of the city. This is one of the top preferred Nantucket beaches on the list of the south shore.  Another attraction of the Chatham lighthouse beach is the beautiful sight of the sea seals. The Lighthouse is the favorite hangout spot for these beautiful sea animals. Another attraction of the beach is the lovely white long spread sands. These beautiful sea beaches are the perfect place for going for a walk. The sea is quite beautiful; there is a separate allocated place for the swimmings and surfings. 3. Madaket Beach This is one of the very popular south shore Nantucket beaches. The Atlantic ocean is behaving quite differently here. The sea can change her mood within a very short period of time. The occasional big and powerful waves and riptides are making the beach a more attractive place for surfers and young people. If you are in Madaket Beach, but you are not dining in Galley Beach Nantucket, we think your Madaket Beach visit is incomplete. The restaurant’s address is 54 Jefferson Ave, Nantucket, MA 02554, United States; visit there and feel Nantucket beach’s real taste. This Nantucket beach is the perfect place for surfing, tanning, and playing beach volleyball. But most of the time the sea is quite calm in nature, making the beaches the perfect place for swimming. The long beach is another positive point of Madaket Beach. 4. Cisco Beach If you are a surfer, then Cisco beach will be your best destination point. The soft white sand and the sunny weather is quite soothing. The beach is very popular among the young surfers of the town. But if you are a family person, this beach might not suit you because of the lack of facilities. The place is quite near to the hammock pond road, only four miles driving from the road. The lifeguard and surfing-related facilities are all present here. The lack of a beach restaurant is making this beach less crowded. But food trucks and the parking facilities are all present here. 5. Joseph Sylvia State Beach The beach with small waves and the blue water is always the best hanging spot for the family outing. The beach has a gradually sliding slope, and the warm water and the fine white sand is the best part of the sea beach.  The sea beach is the perfect place for the children and elders. The warm sea beach is the perfect place for sunbathing. There is a 750-acre tidal lagoon present nearby the beach. This place is a perfect place for hiking and walking. The hiking and biking trails are present in between the pond and the beach.  This sea beach is a trendy place among the migrant birds. So when you are visiting this beach, take a bird watching binocular with you and enjoy the heavenly bird sightings. 6. Children's Beach This is the perfect place for family outings and hanging out with toddlers. This place is very close to the town.  The whole beach is overflowing with the children’s activities and the different fun games for the child and their parents. The food standard is quite comfortable for the children. As this beach is specially allocated for the children's the all beach resorts are full of fun games. The calm seawater is letting your child take swimming, surfing, sea boat surfing lessons.  The entire beach is full of children’s parks and picnic spots. This beach is almost like a big natural amusement park for the children. Also Read: Things To Do In Maryland – Free Places To Visit In Maryland 7. Surfside Beach Surfside is the best beach for surfing. The very family-friendly vibes are all over the place. The place is only half an hour of bike riding from the Nantucket town. But if the beach weather is bad then sometimes it may affect your motorcycle riding gear.  The less busy beach and the golden sand is making a perfect beach icon.  The most flexible part of the beach is you can take the beach armchairs and benches by paying hourly rent and enjoy the sunny weather.  The foods of the snake bar are quite mouthwatering and delicious. You will find many little shops on the side of the sea. If you forget anything like a swimsuit or surfing top, then these shops are present there to save you. Also Read: 12 Things That Everyone Should Try In Mexico Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Are Nantucket beaches sandy? Visit the South Shore where you will find seashells, larger swells, and smooth sandy ground. Where can I find sea glass on Nantucket? Craigville is the place where you can find the glass due to its good positioning it’s basin shape also makes it a magnet for sea glass accumulation  Can you drink and smoke on Nantucket beaches? Alcohol and smoking are not permitted on public beaches. Use trash receptacles on the beach. Conclusion Nantucket beaches are counted as the most beautiful beaches in Massachusetts. These beaches are the best hanging places for locals and tourists. Though there are many beaches in Nantucket, these seven beaches are especially known for their extreme natural beauty.   Nantucket's natural scenario will refresh your depressed mind forever. Most of the passionate surfing tourists and young adults are enjoying their time here. So, visit Nantucket and enjoy the solidity and calmness of nature. 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