20 Of The Best Places To Travel In Africa In 2024

Nov 13, 2023

Last Updated on: Dec 18, 2023

Travel Guides

If you’re here, then it’s settled, you’re a travel enthusiast. But what about Travel to Africa? Are you eager to explore the world’s richest continent, or are you looking to return for more unforgettable experiences?

Here’s a rundown of 20 of the best places to travel in Africa in 2024, based on data from the web— with their history and peculiarity, and wonderful activities that people generally do there.

These are just a few of Africa’s top tourist locations, for your bucket list!

1. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Location: Arusha Region, Tanzania

The Serengeti National Park is one of the most well-known and iconic wildlife sanctuaries in the world. It is the most coveted of Tanzania’s top National Parks.

It is home to the annual Great Migration, one of the largest natural events on Earth, where millions of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle travel across the Serengeti plains in search of new grazing land.

Unique and incredible things to do here:

  • Go on a safari to see the Serengeti’s incredible wildlife, including lions, elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, and rhinos.
  • Visit the Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest caldera, which is home to a variety of wildlife. They include black rhinos, lions, and elephants.
  • Take a ride on a hot air balloon over the Serengeti plains for a bird’s-eye view of the Great Migration.

Interesting Facts & Figures

  • Over 500,000 people visit the Serengeti National Park each year.
  • It is the most popular tourist destination in Tanzania.
  • The Serengeti National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2. Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Location: Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, Zambia and Zambezi National Park, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world by the volume of water flowing over it. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa.

Unique and incredible things to do here:

  • Take a helicopter or microlight flight over Victoria Falls for a stunning aerial view.
  • Go white water rafting or kayaking on the Zambezi River below Victoria Falls.
  • Take a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River and watch the sunset over Victoria Falls.
  • White water rafting
  • Kayaking
  • Nature walks

Interesting Facts & Figures

  • Over 1 million people visit Victoria Falls each year.
  • It is the most popular tourist destination in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  • Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

3. Cape Town, South Africa

Location: Western Cape, South Africa

Cape Town is one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in Africa. Tourists get the unique opportunity to explore iconic landmarks such as Table Mountain, Robben Island, and Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.

Unique and incredible things to do:

  • Take a cable car to the top of Table Mountain for stunning views of Cape Town and its surroundings.
  • Visit Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, and learn about the history of South Africa’s fight for democracy.
  • Take a walk along Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, a popular tourist destination with shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Real tourist statistics:

  • Over 4 million people visit Cape Town each year.
  • It is the second most popular tourist destination in South Africa, after Kruger National Park.
  • Cape Town is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa.

4. Pyramids Of Giza, Egypt

Location: Giza, near Cairo, Egypt

History: Built over 4,500 years ago, the pyramids are a testament to ancient Egyptian civilization.

The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.  In 2021, Giza welcomed over 14 million tourists (Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities).


  • Explore the Sphinx and Valley Temple.
  • Take a camel ride around the pyramids.
  1. Kruger National Park, South Africa

Location: Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces, South Africa.

Kruger National Park is one of the largest and most popular game reserves in Africa. Established in 1898, it is one of Africa’s oldest and largest game reserves.

For Safari enthusiasts, the Kruger National Park is also one of the most popular safari destinations in the world. Over 2 million people visit Kruger National Park each year.

You’ll meet an incredibly wide variety of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and buffalo.

Unique and incredible things to do here:

  • Go on a safari to see Kruger’s incredible wildlife.
  • Visit the Blyde River Canyon, the third-largest canyon in the world.
  • Take a  ride on the hot air balloon over the Kruger National Park and look at the stunning and breathtaking landscape from the top.

6. Zanzibar Archipelago, Tanzania

Location: Off the coast of Tanzania

The Zanzibar Archipelago is a group of islands off the coast of Tanzania. Known for its spice trade, Zanzibar has a rich blend of African, Arab, and European influences.

Zanzibar is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, turquoise waters, and rich culture. If you’re a scuba diver looking for greater experiences, by all means, visit Zanzibar.

Unique and incredible things to do here:

  • Go Scuba diving in Zanzibar and her sister Islands like the Pemba Island. The region happens to be one of the most popular scuba diving destinations in Africa.
  • Relax on Zanzibar’s beautiful beaches and swim in the crystal-clear waters.
  • Visit Stone Town, the historic center of Zanzibar City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Take a spice tour around Zanzibar’s colossal spice farms. Learn about some of the world’s most used spices and take special cooking lessons directly on the farms to discover the best of East African food.

Interesting Facts & Figures about Zanzibar

  • It is the second most popular tourist destination in Tanzania, after the Serengeti National Park.
  • Zanzibar is one of the most popular beach destinations in Africa.
  • Over 500,000 people visit Zanzibar each year.

7. Chobe National Park, Botswana

Location: Chobe District, Botswana

Chobe National Park is one of the largest national parks in Africa and is known for its large elephant population. It is also home to a variety of other wildlife, including lions, hippos, crocodiles, and antelope.

Unique and incredible things to do:

  • Take a boat cruise on the Chobe River and see elephants swimming and bathing.
  • Go on a game drive and see Chobe’s incredible wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Savuti Marsh, a unique ecosystem that hosts a lot of wildlife.

Interesting Facts & Figures

8. Okavango Delta, Botswana

Location: Okavango Delta, Botswana

The Okavango Delta is a unique wetland ecosystem in Botswana. It is fed by the Okavango River, which flows from Angola into the Kalahari Desert.

The Okavango Delta is a piece of hot cake, famous for its variegated wildlife, including elephants, lions, hippos, crocodiles, and antelope.

Unique and incredible things to do here:

  • Take a mokoro boat ride through the Okavango Delta and see wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Moremi Game Reserve, a protected area within the Okavango Delta.
  • Go on a helicopter safari and see the Okavango Delta from above.


Interesting Facts & Figures

  • Over 100,000 people visit the Okavango Delta each year.
  • It is the most popular tourist destination in Botswana.
  • The Okavango Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered one of the most beautiful places in Africa.

9. Tsingy De Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar

Location: Menabe Region, Madagascar

People say Madagascar is the 8th continent, not for its Geographic isolation from Africa, but for its uniqueness– being home to some of the rarest animal species in the world. If you’re curious about wildlife in the universe, by all means, visit Madagascar.

The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its limestone karst formations. The stingy are sharp limestone pinnacles that can reach up to 40 meters in height.

The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park is a territory for a multitude of wildlife, including lemurs, chameleons, and birds.

Must-do tourist activities here:

  • Hike through the Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park and see the incredible limestone karst formations up close.
  • Visit the Tsingy de Bemaraha Special Reserve, a protected area within the national park.
  • Go on a boat cruise on the Tsiribihina River and see wildlife from the water.

Interesting Facts & Figures

10. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Location: Ngorongoro District, Tanzania

The Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the world’s largest intact caldera. The crater is home to a variety of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and buffalo.

Unique and incredible things to do:

  • Go on a game drive through the Ngorongoro Crater and see wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Olduvai Gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where early human fossils have been found.
  • Take a hot air balloon ride over the Ngorongoro Crater for a top view of the entire wildlife.

Interesting Facts & Figures

  • Over 600,00 people visit the Ngorongoro Crater each year.
  • It is a popular tourist destination for tourists from all over the world.

There goes your top 10 must-visit places in Africa this coming 2024! Add these to your bucket list.

Here are some more amazing places to visit in Africa in 2024, with relevant images:

11. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

The Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the most popular safari destinations in the world. It is a heaven for lovers of wild beasts and the Great Migration, an endless, majestic voyage of wild beasts —which cuts across Tanzania and Kenya.

On your safari tours, you’ll come close to incredible animals like lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, and leopards.

The annual wildebeest migration takes place between July and October.

Must-do tourist activities here in Kenya:

  • Go on a game drive through the Masai Mara National Reserve and see wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Mara Triangle, a protected area within the national reserve.
  • Go on a ride on a hot air balloon over the Masai Mara National Reserve for a bird’s-eye view of the wildlife.

12. Lake Malawi National Park, Malawi

Lake Malawi is the third-largest lake in Africa and one of the deepest lakes in the world.

It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and UNESCO describes the National Park as an area decked with nature’s beauty and bounty and also with the rugged landscapes around it.  It indeed forms a  contrast with the clear waters of the lake.

Lake Malawi is a popular swimming, snorkeling, diving, and fishing destination. Speaking of fishing, the area hosts hundreds of varieties of cichlid fish. Not only this, nearly all the fishes are endemic to that of the  Lake Malawi.

Remember to practice sustainable fishing!

Must-do Tourist Activities on Lake Malawi National Park:

  • Visit the Likoma Island, a beautiful island in Lake Malawi.
  • Go snorkeling or scuba diving in the clear waters of Lake Malawi and see a variety of marine life.
  • Take a boat trip on Lake Malawi and enjoy the stunning scenery.

13. Rainbow Mountains, Morocco

The Rainbow Mountains are a unique geological formation in Morocco. The mountains are made up of a variety of colorful rocks, which give them their name.

The Rainbow Mountains are a popular tourist destination for photographers and hikers.

Must-do tourist activities here:

  • Hike through the Rainbow Mountains and see the incredible colors of the rocks up close.
  • Take a photo of the Rainbow Mountains at sunset or sunrise to capture their magical colors.
  • Visit the nearby Berber villages and learn about the local culture.

14. Dogon Country, Mali

The Dogon Country is a region in Mali that is known for its unique culture and architecture. People here are known for their cliffside villages and their traditional masks. The Dogon Country is a popular tourist destination for people interested in learning about African culture.

Incredible things to do here:

  • Visit the cliffside villages of the Dogon people and see their unique architecture.
  • Learn about the Dogon people’s culture and traditions.
  • See the Dogon people’s traditional masks.

If you’re planning for International Travel in 2024, here are 9 great tips for a more authentic travel experience.

15. Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

The Simien Mountains National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its stunning scenery and its population of gelada baboons. The Simien Mountains are also home to a variety of other wildlife, including mountain nyala, Walia ibex, and Ethiopian wolves.

Unique and incredible things to do:

  • Hike through the Simien Mountains and see the incredible scenery, including the Ras Dashen mountain, the highest peak in Ethiopia.
  • Visit the gelada baboon population and see these fascinating creatures up close.
  • Take a photo of the Simien Mountains at sunset or sunrise to capture their magical beauty.

16. Dahab, Egypt

Location: Sinai Peninsula, Egypt.

Originally a Bedouin fishing village, now a popular diving destination. Dahab attracted over 1 million visitors in 2021 (Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities).

Dahab is peculiar for The Blue Hole, a renowned diving site that attracts thousands of scuba divers around the world.

Things you just can’t miss:

  • Dive or snorkel in the Blue Hole.
  • Explore the Desert of Sinai on a camel safari.

17. Etosha National Park, Namibia

Etosha National Park is a large national park in Namibia, reputed for its salt pan, which is one of the largest in the world. The park has now become the top tourist attraction of Namibia with more than 140 000 visitors recorded annually.

Beyond the salt pan, Tourists visit Etosha National Park to experience a diversity of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, and giraffes.

Unique and incredible things to do:

  • Visit the Etosha salt pan and see the animals that come to drink from the waterholes.
  • Go on a game drive through the Etosha National Park and see wildlife up close.
  • Visit the Okaukuejo waterhole and see the animals that come to drink at night.


18. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa

Addo Elephant National Park is one of South Africa’s proud National Parks,  reputed for hosting arguably the largest population of elephants in the world.

If you’re a fan of these giant creatures, you should be visiting South Africa’s Addo Elephant National Park in 2024. About 120,000 people check out this park every year.

The park is also home to a variety of other impressive wildlife, including lions, rhinos, and buffalo.

Things you can’t miss here:

  • Go on a game drive through the Addo Elephant National Park and see elephants up close.
  • Visit the Shamwari Game Reserve, a private game reserve within the Addo Elephant National Park.
  • Take a helicopter safari over the Addo Elephant National Park and see the wildlife from above.

19. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

Location: Southwestern Uganda, at the junction of the plain and mountain forests.

Just realized we haven’t talked about Gorillas so far. Thankfully, there’s the Bwindi National Park, which is popular for the 400 Bwindi Gorillas and Mountain Gorillas.

The Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is known for its exceptional biodiversity, with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns 1. It is also home to many types of birds and butterflies.

Impenetrable National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the largest population of mountain gorillas in the world.

Stuff you can’t miss here:

  • Go on a gorilla trekking tour and see mountain gorillas up close.
  • Visit the Mubwindi Swamp, a unique ecosystem within the national park.
  • Take a hike through the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and enjoy the stunning scenery.

20. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Location: Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

We’re ending the list with a place that’s known as Africa’s roof – The Kilimanjaro. A dormant volcano, Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest peak, a place that attracts around 50,000 climbers/hikers each year.

As you hike the largest free-standing mountain in the world (20,000 ft), you’ll experience multiple climatic zones, from tropical rainforest to arctic ice cap.

Visiting Kilimanjaro is different from hiking other mountains in the world, such as the Seven Magic Mountains in Vegas, because almost all the variants of the ecological system are traced on the mountain. Not only this, they are also traced to the rain forest, heath, moorland, alpine desert, cultivable lands, and an arctic summit.

Did you know?

Nearly every climber who has summitted Uhuru Peak has recorded his or her thoughts about the accomplishment in a book stored in a wooden box at the top.

Activities you can’t miss here:

  • Trek to the summit for a sunrise view.
  • Explore the diverse flora and fauna along the trails.

Need help planning your trip to Africa? Check out our Top planning tips for your next trip abroad.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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READ MORE National Parks In Arkansas

A Guide To National Parks In Arkansas – Latest Guide

BY RashmiSep 1, 2021

The foothills of the Arkansas ranges are full of natural abundance and historical places. The national parks in Arkansas are not only famous for their unique beauty and the forest. These national parks have a vibrant historical background. The national parks in Arkansas are the favorite traveling places among popular hikers and explorers. Along with the natural beauty, travelers can experience the good American civil war history. For the campers and the hikers, these Arkansas national parks are like a gem. Every hiking trail has a rich history. The natural grace and the mesmerizing beauty of the national parks in Arkansas are making their solid place on the favorite list of travelers. 7 Best National Parks In Arkansas These foothill’s rich historical background and unique abundance of the place are turning these national parks in Arkansas maps into a great option to explore. Every age of travelers can taste it. When you are in the birthplace of the American leader and the national river is flowing under the bridge. Undoubtedly this place is turning out to be a magnificent place to explore. Here are the seven best picks for you to explore the Arkansas foothills. 1. Buffalo National Riverside This river has a unique history, the Buffalo River. The River is floating from right in the middle of the national parks in Arkansas. This is America’s first national river. The 135 miles long free-flowing river has a rich history and unique natural beauty within it. The buffalo river banks are the perfect area to start the campfire. Take a boat and start exploring the place by boat. The free-flowing barrier-free smooth river is the best place for river floating. The international dark sky park is the greatest attraction of the Buffalo river banks. 2. Fort Smith National Historic Site The fort smith hometown city has a vibrant history along with the mountain town’s natural beauty. The site is just in the middle of Oklahoma and Arkansas. The Fort Smith national historic site has many historical buildings which were constructed during the civil war. Visiting the historical courtrooms is a chilling experience. You can see the hanging of Judge Parker's courtroom. And the historical gallows where almost a hundred men are executed as the death penalty verdict by the judge. Many hiking trails lead to the historic town and the national historical officer’s garden. Take any trail from the Buffalo River and reach your destination. 3. National Park Of Hot Springs  The hot spring national park is an excellent camping choice among all the national parks in  Arkansas. Apart from the national sites, the hot spring park is a charming place for every age of travelers. In addition, the Hot Spring National Park’s are leading many hiking trails towards the Ouachita Mountains. Rent and camping arrangements are all available for the tourists. However, if you want to enjoy the hot springs, you have to go camping beside the springs. Although the historical vibes are all present, the hot springs are the greatest attraction of the area. There are many bathhouses present as the hot springs water has many healing benefits. 4. Little Rock National Historic Site The little rock national historic site has constructive historical vibes. When you are right in the middle of the national parks in Arkansas, you will get plenty of options to enjoy the places. The best part is these national parks do not have heavily dense forests. And each of the hiking trails leads to a mountain town, and the little rock national historic site is one of these places. The little rock high school has ancient buildings and structures. The forced desegregation of the nine black students in 1957 is making this school famous. In the remembrance of these brave nine black students, the school is making the place highly valuable in the integration crisis of 1957. 5. Arkansas Post War National Memorial The lower Mississippi is the first place where the Europeans first established themselves. Since 1686 the place has become a popular European establishment. This was the first post, and the history of the Arkansas posts is quite long. When you are planning to visit the national memorial of the Arkaskans, take time to book for the historical tour as the place has several iconic historical buildings. Late summer and the early spring is the right time to visit the place. Take a time out to visit the place. The Arkansas towns are the perfect home of the many plants and the different kinds of flora and fauna. The natural beauty in the time of spring and the summer is outstanding to explore. Always take a leap to visit the place in these seasons. 6. President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace The Arkansas map is full of many different historic places and natural abundance. And among all the national parks in Arkansas have some sort of historical smell. This place is the perfect definition of an American leader born in the woods and makes some revolutionary movements. President William Jefferson Clinton Was born in the Town of Hope from the Arkansas ranges. The precedent spends his first four years here. The property is still in good condition. Take a walk on the property. Then take a tour in the town of hope. And feel the historical vibes of the place. From the buffalo riverside, you can reach your destination with your personal vehicles. 7. Trail Of Tears The national parks in Arkansas all have great historical value. Trail of tears is like the other areas. The historical value of the trails is pretty touching and in the memory of the Native Indian tribes and the Cherokee people. The trail of tears is a historical trail that is 5,043 miles long. The track stretches from the southern Appalachian mountains to the westside. This single historical trail crosses over nine USA states. The heart-touching facts are attached to this trial. In 1830 seventeen Cherokee groups were removed from the homelands. And the painful consequences are determining the faith of these people. For the remembrance of the sacrifice of the people, this historical path is called the trail of tears. Wrapping It Up: All these seven popular national parks in Arkansas are good travel destinations for people of all ages. If you are looking for a good travel option that has historical value. This is the best choice. For adventure lover travelers, this is the best choice to spend the entire day on the side of the Buffalo River. You can visit the nearest places from the river banks, and all the hiking trails are leading towards a town. So most often there is less chance of getting lost. But morning and the day time is the most suitable time to explore the place. So what is your next travel plan? Do not forget to share your experience with us in the comment sections. Read More: Luxurious Wedding Venues – Make Your Destination Wedding Glamorous 7 Key Points To Remember While Planning Your Honeymoon Trip

READ MORE best-time-to-visit-ladakh

Which Is The Best Time To Visit Ladakh? – Travel Guide

BY Nabamita SinhaOct 19, 2022

Known as a “Barren Beauty,” Ladakh has one of the, if not the most beautiful landscapes in India. Here in Ladakh, you will find one of a kind landscapes that are breathtaking and definitely one of a kind. With beautiful Buddhist cultural festivals, activities, and monasteries, Ladakh has the highest mountain passes in the country. But being situated at such great heights, Ladakh has some travel restrictions in certain months, so which is the best time to visit Ladakh? Keep on scrolling through all the details about the best time to visit Ladakh. Welcome To Ladakh! Ladakh is a union territory of India located in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, in the extreme northern parts of India. Ladakh is known as a cold desert, the only one in India. There also located the highest saltwater lake in the World, the Pangong Lake. Ladakh is popular among tourists as it provides the best road trip opportunities in India. Experiencing a cross-country road trip to Ladakh is something of a dream for most travel enthusiasts. Best Time To Visit Ladakh Ladakh is a bucket-list-worthy place for most adventurers, but being such a dreamy place, you should know which is the best time to visit Ladakh. Being located at such great heights, it is not possible to travel there whenever you want to. April - JuneJuly - SeptemberOctober - March21c to -1c25c to 5c14c to -11c 1. April - June For most adventurers who want to explore the place, and see the raw landscape of the place, the best time to visit Ladakh would be during the summer. Although it’s the summer months, don’t expect the weather to be warm and sunny. It is rather cold, even during the winter months, as well. You will be able to see the snow melting under the bright sun. But you will be getting a crystal clear blue sky, amazing views, wild blooming flora, and clear fauna. These are the things why Ladakh from the months of April and June is the ideal time to travel. 2. July - September From July, the monsoon season begins in Ladakh. With irregular heavy rainfall, you can really enjoy the rain in Ladakh if you are into it. Although there are a lot of ways you can enjoy Ladakh during the monsoon season, a few of the most exciting activities there are bike tours and trekking routes. It is mostly closed or blocked due to the occasional snow slides, landslides, and even cloud bursts. There are few areas that fall under the rain shadow area and hence receive more rain, and it is very difficult to reach there. These particular areas are Leh on the Manali side, Baralacha La Pass, Leh from Srinagar, and also Zoji La Pass. 3. October - March From October to March is considered yet another best time to visit Leh Ladakh. It is the perfect weather for road trips without the fear of any rain or landslides. But make sure that the atmosphere is quite chilly, so be ready to feel the cold and chill in your bones. So be sure to pack enough warm clothes to help you actually enjoy the adventure. The beauty of Ladakh during these months is something different. The snow-covered landscape with frozen lakes and a beautiful clear sky. You will have to witness it to actually experience it. Different Climates In Ladakh If you are planning to visit Ladakh, you can choose the season you want to experience. The summer, monsoon, and winter moths are quite distinct here in Ladakh. So depending on your preference, you can easily choose the best time to visit Ladakh for you.  1. Summer In Ladakh The summertime in Ladakh is when it generates the most number of tourists. There is hardly any snow now, or it is melting away for the season. And during the summertime, you can enjoy a lot of outdoor activities such as biking, trekking, camping, mountain climbing, and many more. During summer, there are quite a lot of activities you can do in Ladakh, and they are, going for a camel safari on the double humped camels called Bactrian camels. You can even witness the summer festivals that take place here in the monasteries. There are a number of festivals that take place during the summer, and they are Saka Dawa Sindhu Darshan, Yuru Kabygyat, Phyang Tsedup, Hemis Festival, and also Matho Nagrang. There are many adventure sports that you can enjoy during the summertime, which are mountain biking on the Zanskar &Karakoram ranges, Jeep safari on the Zanskar valley, and even River rafting in the Zanskar stream. 2. Monsoon In Ladakh Even though it rains irregularly during the monsoon season in Ladakh, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy that experience. Although the monsoon season may not be the best time to visit Ladakh by bike or in general, it still can be very picturesque. Some of the exciting activities that you can take part in Ladakh during the monsoon season are adventure sports like white water rafting. You should also you should experience the monsoon festivals here like Phyang, Dakthok, Karsh Gustot, Karzok, and Sani Nasjal. Other than these festivals and sports, you can really enjoy a hot bowl of Thukpa, steamed momos, and a delicious cup of butter tea when you are sitting in a warm room, and it is raining outside. It doesn’t get better than that. 3. Winter In Ladakh The winter months in Leh Ladakh best time to visit for its picturesque scenic beauty and the pleasant chill and snow-covered valleys. Even though the cold weather may not be for everyone, there are a lot of activities that you can do here during the winter months. Some of these activities are like taking part in winter treks for experienced trekkers, even campings are available during the winter months. Similarly to the summer and monsoon festivals, there are many winter festivals too that is a unique experience to witness. A few of these festivals are such as Spituk Gustor, Dosmoche, Stok MOnastery festivals, Ladakhi Losar, and even Thiksay Gustor. And as a matter of fact, the winter months are the best to witness the wildlife here in Ladakh. Animals like snow leopards, mountain wolves, magpies, blue sheep, and even wild hares are a few of the animals you can witness. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): If you have any more doubts about the best time to visit Ladakh, then here are a few queries that others have had. 1. Which Month Is Snowfall In Ladakh? The peak snowfall season in Ladakh is from the months of October to February. During these months, the entire valley is covered in a thick blanket of snow. 2. In Which Month Is Leh Closed? Usually, in November, the Manali-Leh highway stays closed due to heavy snowfall and road blockage. No vehicles are allowed to pass. The highway again opens up in April. 3. Is There Snow In Ladakh In April? There are a lot of benefits of visiting Ladakh in April; since there won’t be many visitors, you can easily get great deals on hotels and homestays. And in April, you can easily witness a lot of snow. Visit Now! Ladakh is a destination you should travel to at once in your lifetime, it is an experience that you will always remember. The landscape, the mountains, the valley, the beautiful traditions of the Buddhist culture, and everything in totality makes Ladakh a worthwhile place to visit. If you find this article helpful, then let us know in the comment section when you are planning to book a trip to Ladakh. Read Also: Which Is The Best Time To Visit Mussoorie? Which Is The Best Time To Visit Sikkim? Top 7 Best Places To Visit In Darjeeling

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10 Best Places To Travel In March – Travel Guide 2022

BY Shahnawaz AlamApr 13, 2022

The first two months of the new year often pass following all the new year resolutions and new work plans. Unfortunately, students also have a busy, hectic schedule keeping them from breaking free into the world of wonders. But who can resist the wanderlust burning within? All you need is a short holiday break; then, there is nothing to stop you from going out in the wild again. In March, you can create the perfect opportunity for travel. There are some of the best places to travel in March; once you check out some of the places I have mentioned in this article, you will definitely take the opportunity. You can heal your tired body and mind on the sunny and windy beaches. However, the wanderer within you may also want to spend a few nights in a new city that you have never been to before. The best thing about traveling is that it introduces new places to you. It helps you rediscover life, gives you a wider perspective, and helps you love yourself. And March is the perfect time for such rediscovery, all thanks to its weather. March is the perfect time for traveling since the weather remains moderate and bearable. The sun is bright but not scorching, and the wind is cool and relaxing. Such weather makes a perfect opportunity to go out and explore the world and its beauty.  Ten Best Places To Travel In March The following article lists some of the best places to travel in March– 1. Lakshadweep - India The smallest union territory of India, Lakshadweep, Is an archipelago of 36 islands situated in the Arabian sea. The 36 islands include three reefs, 12 atolls, and five submerged banks. Ten among them are inhabited. In Malayalam and Sanskrit, the word Lakshadweep means a hundred thousand islands.  Lakshadweep apples to the travelers with its sun-kissed sea beeches adorned with lush green landscapes. The pristine ecology and culture of Lakshadweep make it one of the best places to travel in March. The beeches are calm, with beautiful palm and coconut trees to keep you company.  Famous For: Lakshadweep is famous for its natural beauty. How To Reach: From Kochi, tourists can reach Lakshadweep by ship or by flight. Places To Visit: Agatti Islands, Bangaram Island, Kalpeni Island, Minicoy Island, Kavaratti Islands, and Kadmat Things To Do: Scuba diving, kayaking, parasailing, pedal boating, and relaxing on the beach.  Foods To Try: Fish tikka, Octopus fry, Mus kabab. 2. Canary Islands - Spain The first two months of the year are freezing cold in most of the places in the Northern Hemisphere. March makes up for the best time to escape from the chilly winter and busk in the Canary island in Spain. Known as the Sunshine Center Of Europe, Canary island is an archipelago consisting of seven islands. Five of these islands have been declared biosphere reserves. There are also four national parks on this island. The weather here is pleasant all around the year. It is among the best places to travel in March if you are planning to spend a family holiday. The small beach towns nearby, wedding venues, and restaurants welcome you with the best place to spend romantic quality time in March. Famous For: Sea beaches, bio reserves, and national parks.  How To Reach: You can land at Gran Canaria International Airport. Places To Visit: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, and the four national parks. Things To Do: Enjoy water sports, rock climbing in the national parks, explore the exceptional volcanic landscapes, and dive. Foods To Try: Spanish delicious dishes like–Mojo Picón, Almogrote, Ropa Vieja,Miel De Palma, Sancocho, Canario, Bienmesabe. 3. Paris - France The vigorous springtime in March is the best time to celebrate love. And I can't think of any better place than Paris to spend a romantic holiday in March. A kiss under the Eiffel tower is on the bucket list of many couples. In March, you can grab the opportunity and explore the history, romance, architecture, and wonderful cityscape of Paris in March. Unlike summer, Paris is not all that much occupied in March. It is undoubtedly among the best places to travel in March. Famous For: One of the seven wonders of the world, City of love.  How To Reach: You can fly directly to the International Airport of Paris.  Places To Visit: Eiffel Tower, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Louver Museum, Arc de Triomphe.  Things To Do: Kiss under the Eiffel tower, visit Louver Museum and explore the architecture and cityscape.  Foods To Try: Croissants, steak tartare, jambon-beurre, escargots, macarons. 4. Crete - Greece Crete still has millions of mysteries stuck on the walls of the ancient architecture and its beautiful City. People say that Crete used to be an ancient capital in the time of Theseus. There are castes full of mysteries and alleys with undiscovered history. The pristine beaches and hundreds of archeological sites are among the best attractions to spend a few days in the temperate weather of Crete. Crete is one of the best places to travel to in March if you are looking for a historical location in March. Famous For: Several archeological sites, including the Palace of Knossos. How To Reach: You need to land at Athens international airport. Then take a ferry from Piraeus Port. Places To Visit: Chania lighthouse & Venetian harbor, Heraklion, Palace of Knossos, Rethymno, Knossos Things To Do: Sightseeing, visit ruins of prehistoric villages, get out on safari, spend time at the beaches.  Foods To Try: Cretan Cheeses, Fried snails, Dakos, Cretan Cheese Pies, Mountain Bulbs. 5. Prague - Chez Republic You want to travel, but your pocket is short. But a tight budget should not stop you from traveling. Prague is a budget-friendly place to visit in March. Moreover, Prague is one of the best places to travel in March for the hopeless wanderers who love to explore cultures and explore history from close proximity. Architecture lovers will have the best time of their lives in Prague. The statue of Infant Jesus in Mala Strana is a must-see site in Prague. Unlike European travel destinations, Prague is much of a budget-oriented travel destination. You will love the castles and the beauty of the town life in Prague. Famous For: beautiful architecture, affordable nightlife. How To Reach: Land at the Prague international airport and take a taxi to roam around the City. Places To Visit: Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Charles Bridge. Things To Do: site-seeing, spend time in the beautiful town. Foods To Try: Knedliky, Koleno, Czech roast duck. 6. Phuket - Thailand The biggest island in Thailand, Phuket, is one of the best places to travel in March. The relaxing beaches, beautiful temples, and rich culture of Thailand are some of the overwhelming attractions of Phuket. However, for people wanting to have fun on vibrant and colorful nights, Phuket can be an attention seeker. You can have fun at the Nai Harn and Kata Noi beaches. The 45 meters tall Buddha statue in Phuket is another attraction. If on Budget, Phuket is on the top list of the best places to visit in March for a family holiday. Famous For: Beeches, vibrant nightlife, cultural sites. How To Reach: You can land at Phuket international airport. Places To Visit:  Phuket Trickeye Museum, Old Phuket Town. Things To Do: Water sports, boat tour, nightlife, sightseeing, jungle safari, and shopping. Foods To Try:  Pad Thai, Kuay Teow, Pancake, Moo Ping. 7. Reykjavík - Iceland Many travelers yearn for the calm and serene beauty of the wild. Such loves of nature will find Reykjavik pleasing. Adventure lovers and nature worshipers can connect with the scenic beauty of Iceland once they visit Reykjavik. It is one of the best places to travel in March. While I suggest you visit Reykjavik in March, July and August are also the best for visiting This beautiful place. Famous For: The best music festivals in North Europe, enjoying the nightlife. How To Reach: In Reykjavik, you can fly to Keflavík International Airport Places To Visit: Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Hallgrimskirkja, Perlan, Sun Voyager.  Things To Do: Enjoy nature, site seeing, and try local foods. Foods To Try: Skyr, Slow Roasted Lamb, Icelandic Fish, Icelandic Lamb Soup 8. Lisbon - Portugal Lisbon is an aesthetic city with an overwhelmingly vibrant culture and history. The charming City, winding and cobbled streets with pastel-toned houses standing around to pave the pathway of a traveler attract hopeless wanderers. Artist-travelers will have some of the most beautiful cityscapes to take photographs of or make paintings of. The sunny weather in Lisbon will enrich your mood while the Fado music and the friendly local people welcome travelers with their smiles. Famous For: Culture, beautiful City, enjoying the nightlife. How To Reach: Land at Lisbon Portela International Airport. Places To Visit: Jerónimos Monastery, Tower of Belém, Praça do Comércio Things To Do: Sightseeing, photography, enjoying the nightlife. Foods To Try:  Sardines, Bacalhau,Pasteis de Nata 9. Queenstown - New Zealand The adventure capital of the world, Queenstown, is indeed among the best travel locations you can go to in March. The summer in Queenstown is the most pleasant time of the year to travel to. As a traveler from the northern hemisphere, you should feel the most comfortable if you are traveling in March. Why? Because the summery weather of New Zealand is similar to the winter in the Asian countries. Some out-of-the-world natural sceneries make Queenstown one of the best places to travel in March. Photographers, birdwatchers, and nature lovers are going to love what Queenstown has in store for them. The place feels like it is out of a Disney movie. Famous For: Beautiful landscapes, adventurous activities. How To Reach: Land at Queenstown international airport.  Places To Visit: Kiwi Birdlife Park, Shotover River, Skippers Canyon, Milford Sound. Things To Do: Jet boating, white water rafting, skydiving, bungy jumping. Foods To Try: Fergburger, Duck Nachos, Tiger Prawn Linguini. 10. Whistler - Canada Whistler of Canada brings a mix of all the things travelers yearn for. Just as there is some beautiful scenic natural beauty, you can also move around and feel the wonderful weather Whistler has to offer. Whistlers are situated on the Coast Mountain and are a hotspot for the bird watchers. You can go mountain hiking and do lots of fun activities like mountain biking and sky diving in Whistler. If you travel in the winter, you can also go skiing. Famous For: The natural wonders and beautiful weather. How To Reach: You can land at Vancouver International Airport and go to Whistler from there by bus or a taxi. Places To Visit: Whistler Blackcomb, Alexander Falls, Garibaldi Provincial Park, Whistler Olympic Park Things To Do: Hiking, mountain biking, skydiving. Foods To Try:  Poutine, Montreal-style Bagels, Peameal Bacon, Butter tarts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Some of these frequently asked questions will help you if you are planning a trip in March. 1. What Are The Cheapest Places To Travel In March? March is a good time to travel because of the temperate weather in most countries. In the southern hemisphere, it is the time of autumn, while in the north, March brings the springtime. If you are planning the cheapest trip around this time of the year, then you can go to Phuket, Prague, Lakshadweep, and Lisbon. 2. Is March A Good Time To Travel? March is a good time to travel because the weather in March is more than what you call bearable. The weather during this time is usually temperate. Also, most of the travel locations only have a few visitors because most of the traveler's tours are during January and February. If you are looking for peace and quiet, then it is among the best times of the year. 3. What Is The Best Time To Visit Paris? Although you can go to Paris anytime in the year (nothing's stopping you), it would indeed be awesome if you visited Paris from February to May. These are the best months for visiting Paris. I would suggest that you either go in February or in March. Final Words March is the time when most travelers start to evacuate the places they travel to. To enjoy the thrill and adventure of most travelers, they complete their travel within March. So, traveling in March may feel like a little late, but it has its perks. You can avoid congestion and relax to your heart's content. You can go to any of the locations mentioned here. All of them are ranked as the best places to travel in March by most travelers. And please don't forget to share your experience with us. Read Also: A Guide To National Parks In Georgia – Latest Guide Most Exciting Places To Visit In Bulgaria In 2022 Top 10 Best Travel Sites For Tour In 2022