Trekking Kilimanjaro & Salkantay

Jan 12, 2021

Last Updated on: Oct 27, 2023


Trekking across mountains and rolling hills is always a pleasureful practice, but there are certain trips that will always stand out. The Kilimanjaro climb is often considered one of the best in the world, and an excellent means through which to experience Africa. But other, slightly lesser-known treks, such as the Salkantay Trek are special and challenging in their own right.

The Kilimanjaro climb is an infamous one for its challenge. It’s a five-day climb at minimum for the average backpacker, with most people making it to the peak in an average of six days. The African searing heat and the mountain’s vegetation are often what cause this reduced pace – and what separates a mountain like Kilimanjaro from a climb in the Tatras.

Kilimanjaro: What you need to know


Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in all of Africa, and a rather hefty trek for any experienced traveler. It peaks at 5,895 meters (19,340 ft) and has attracted all sorts of visitors over the years. It’s worthy to note that whilst not the most dangerous climb, it would still do one well to be careful whilst making the trek, as an average of ten deaths are reported on the mountain every year. Altitude sickness tends to be the main risk factor – making the climb is more so recommended for the experienced mountaineers.

Not to say that it isn’t entirely friendly for beginners too. But it’s important to remember that the mountain never be underestimated by any means. The Kilimanjaro climb is attractive for its beauty and its relative difficulty – and both are exactly what you ought to expect during the long trek.

The Marangu and Lemosho Routes to Kilimanjaro

There are various routes to choose from, with various guides to book along the way. The Marangu route is a particularly popular one when it comes to the Kilimanjaro climb, after taking around seven days to traverse. It’s one of the shorter ways of course, alongside such routes as the Rongai route and Machame route, both of which usually take an average of eight days to travel.

There are some longer routes, for the travelers interested in enjoying the climb and putting some focus on admiring the gorgeous surroundings. Examples of this would be the Lemosho route, averaging at about 10 days of travel. All the routes up the isolated Mount Kilimanjaro have their own variations in terms of length and difficulty, but regardless of this, whichever route fits you best – only you can determine. You will have to fly to Kilimanjaro airport, which is quite close to Moshi, the starting point of the Kilimanjaro climbs. When you get delayed you will be able to get compensation through Aviclaim.

The Salkantay Trek and why it is Everyone’s Favourite?

Salkantay Trek

The Salkantay Trek is an equally friendly and famous trek, found in the breathtaking mountainous region in Cusco, Peru. The city of Cusco is famed mostly for its elevation, located at an altitude of 3,399 meters – and renowned as the historic capital of the Inca Empire until the 16th century. The entire city is a world heritage site, and home to one of the finest treks the world has to offer.

The Salkantay Trek is of course a means through which to reach the esteemed Machu Picchu, and it serves as an excellent alternative to the well-traveled Inca Trail. It serves to know that the majority of treks in Peru, including the Salkantay Trek, are a bit more difficult than your average mountain routes. Traveling here comes with a heavy recommendation of good health and some minor experience at the very least.

The Salkantay Trek is much longer, and much more difficult than the Inca Trail thanks in large part to the general height and length. It’s known to be twice as long as the Inca Trail, meaning that you’ll find yourself walking around and pausing for rest breaks on more frequent occasions. As well as this, the Salkantay Trek goes much higher in altitude, making the nights all the colder and the risk of altitude sickness all the greater. Remember – altitude sickness was the very same threat that led to the deaths of people on Kilimanjaro, and that risk remains here if you’re not careful and don’t respect the dangers of the mountain.

The Scenic Beauty on the Salkantay Trek

Don’t let these facts convince you that this is anything but an easy-moderate path, which can be navigated without a guide if you know what you’re doing. Not to mention that the views, both at the peak and along the journey to it, are some of the finest you’ll ever have the pleasures of seeing. It’s these factors that lead to the great popularity of the Salkantay Trek, which has become almost as well known as the Kilimanjaro climb throughout the years.

The Salkantay Trek has been wonderfully preserved by the Peruvian people, and to this day serves as one of the country’s finer means to access natural beauty and breathtaking sights. The best time to go by the Salkantay Trek is typically between March and October time. Of course, this is bound to be the busiest season, but that fact has its reasons – it just so happens to be the country’s dry season.

How to Prepare for the Trek according to Experts

Weather on the mountain will range from daringly hot, demanding wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen, to horribly cold. It’s also worthy of note that the mountain is known to have a disturbing quantity of mosquitoes flying around, and as such, long-sleeves and closed-toe shoes are more than recommended. I’d go so far as to say they’re necessary! But you’ll mostly come across these at Santa Teresa and Aguas Calientes, so it’s not a disaster if all you bring is mosquito repellent.

Whether you take the Salkantay Trek up Machu Picchu or try your hands at the Kilimanjaro climb, you’ll find yourself having undergone a journey unlike any other. The fauna and flora on the way to the peaks are unforgettable, and will always add to the joy of the experiences. If ever, on the way up, you find yourself feeling tired, don’t forget to use that as an opportunity to remember where you are, and give a moment of wonder to the surrounding landscapes. It may be the last time you see them – or only the first of many.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to technology, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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Planning A Hunting Trip To Africa – Here’s what you should Know

BY Mashum MollahJul 19, 2017

Africa is one of the most popular hunting trip attraction centers all over the world. The region has stunning scenery and incredible wildlife. As a result, most people from across the globe are drawn to Africa naturally. It is one of the best destinations for anyone who wants to explore the world.   Some people go to observe the animals in their natural habitat. On the other hand, others go to experience the thrill of hunting some of the world’s most fascinating creatures. You can achieve these two dreams by choosing to visit Africa.   Most of the people who love hunting have a dream of visiting Africa at some point in their life. Taking a hunting safari through this part of the world can test their skills and also challenge their courage. The experience also provides you with an opportunity to experience a different culture.  Great Hunting Opportunities in Africa   If you ask multiple people what time of year you should visit Africa for hunting, you will probably get varying answers. The reason is that Africa has a lot to offer al; year around.   No matter when you decide to visit, there is a high likelihood that you will be able to find the types of animals that you wish to hunt. The region has excellent hunting opportunities for both the locals and the visitors at large.   Read also: Discovering The 11 Most Beautiful Places of Adventure in the World  The Best Hunting Season   However, it still is beneficial to plan your trip during the time of year when hunting is at its peak. Most experts recommend scheduling your safari between early spring and late summer.   It is the dry season in Africa and a perfect time to go hunting. As a result, animals are more likely to come out of hiding and to congregate around water. It makes them much easier to find, and hence you will actualize your dreams.   Another benefit of traveling during the summer is that you can avoid the vast majority of tourists. Most people plan their African safaris during the colder months. From a hunting standpoint, however, summer is one of the best times to visit this destination.   The harsh conditions and lack of vegetation make it much easier to find animals. The reason is that they are more likely to find their way out into the open rather than staying hidden. It is good to visit Africa when animals are out of their hideout if you are planning to go hunting.   Another advantage of going during this time of the year is that you can miss out on the rainy season. Instead of having to worry about having heavy rain ruin your adventure, you can enjoy beautiful, bright days.   Additionally, because these months are less popular with tourists, there is a low possibility that the animals will be hiding out of fear. So, you can practice your best coyote calls and be sure you will be able to benefit and see some.  Despite the hot daytime temperatures during this part of the year, the nights can be quite cold. Be sure to bring along warm clothing so that you don’t wind up feeling chilled.   Often, the best hunting occurs right at dawn or at dusk. Pack appropriate clothing so that you can stay comfortable no matter what the weather is like outside.  The Hunting Regulations   Africa has so many countries and each of them has its own regulations about hunting. It is good to have all thin information at your fingertips so that you don’t violet any of them. You don’t want to violet even a single one of them because of lack of knowledge.   Pouching is a serious crime and you should not find yourself in that category. Do a lot of research about hunting in Africa so that you can comply during your visit. You can be sure of having a great time in Africa on you hunting tour.   Choose the Best Company   Finally, check with the company that is hosting your hunting safari to see what time of year they recommend coming. They give you insider information that allows you to choose the best time of the year for your trip.  Conclusion  With all this information, you are more than ready to go for a hunting tour in Africa. It is the best destination for anyone who loves hunting. The secret is to choose the most appropriate season when the animals are out of their hideouts. Therefore, timing is a critical element when you are planning a hunting trip to Africa. Read Also : Planning A Trip to Las Vegas, USA? Read this blog first 7 Key points Remember while Planning Your Honeymoon Trip What Can You Expect from the New Year’s in Mexico

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Discovering the Wild: Best African Safari Tours for an Unforgettable Adventure

BY Ankita TripathyFeb 13, 2024

If you've ever dreamt of witnessing the breathtaking beauty of Africa's untamed wilderness up close, then embarking on one of the best African safari tours is an absolute must. From the iconic savannahs of the Serengeti to the lush forests of Rwanda, Africa offers an array of safari experiences that promise adventure, discovery, and a profound connection with nature. In this guide, we'll explore some of the top African safari tours, focusing on Tanzania, a country renowned for its spectacular wildlife and pristine landscapes. Safari ventures are one of the coolest activities that you can do and share the experience with your loved ones, be it your family, friends and loved ones. It is a thrill and excitement rolled into one! A lot of these safari tours have been created based on the preferences of the visitors. The extraordinary experience created through these safari experiences brings together an amazing journey where you get to learn a lot! visitors become more aware of the adventure along with the living beings, animals, birds and plants.  The visitors learn a lot about how to give the animals a safe environment along with the global need to save them. The experience is about learning the extinction rate and the way it will benefit the overall landscape of living beings sustaining the changing environment and climate! Let’s delve into the beauty of Africa! The Magic of Tanzanian Safaris Located in East Africa, Tanzania is a safari enthusiast's paradise. Home to some of the most iconic national parks and wildlife reserves on the continent, Tanzania offers an unparalleled safari experience that draws travelers from around the globe. Whether you're seeking the thrill of witnessing the Great Migration or hoping to encounter the Big Five in their natural habitat, Tanzania has something to offer every type of safari adventurer. The national park is well known for its untamed beauty especially because it is situated at the heart of Africa giving visitors a journey of a lifetime. The biodiversity of Tanzania is unmatched and the reason why it is the most popular is because of the authentic safari experience! with no boundary fences, the wildlife experience is wild! Serengeti National Park No list of the best African safari tours would be complete without mentioning the Serengeti National Park. Renowned for its vast plains, abundant wildlife, and dramatic annual migration of wildebeest and zebra, the Serengeti is a bucket-list destination for safari enthusiasts. Visitors to this iconic park can expect to witness incredible scenes of predators on the hunt, herds of elephants grazing peacefully, and stunning sunsets painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. With a collection of about 4000 lions, 550 cheetahs, 1000 leopards and 500 varieties of bird species inhabit this area creating a massive grassy southern plain with unbound beauty. Visitors can also experience raw beauty as there is Grumeti River infested with crocodiles in the west. Another unique element is the black eagle which visitors can check out on this safari! with the Black rhinos, the national park has so much to offer for visitors who have chosen this safari to experience the wildlife! Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area Another must-visit destination for safari-goers in Tanzania is the Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. Formed from the collapsed caldera of an ancient volcano, the Ngorongoro Crater is a natural amphitheater teeming with wildlife. Here, visitors can embark on game drives in search of lions, rhinos, buffalo, and more, all against the backdrop of the crater's dramatic landscape.Why is the crater so in demand? located in the Northern side of Tanzania, there is the big 5 game as it is a home of leopard, elephant, buffalo, lion and rhino! Not just that, there is annual migration of zebras and huge herds of wildebeests who traverse across the national park. If you visit the location, you will also see the livestocks of the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe grazing alongside the wild animals. Furthermore, in the Olduvai Gorge, Hominin fossils have been found which dates back hundreds and millions of years back! Tarangire National Park For those seeking a more off-the-beaten-path safari experience, Tarangire National Park offers a unique opportunity to explore Tanzania's lesser-known wilderness areas. Famous for its large population of elephants and majestic baobab trees, Tarangire is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy game drives, guided walks, and birdwatching excursions, all while surrounded by the park's stunning scenery. With 1100 square miles, the towering baobab trees give a lush feeling to the place. The national park features a huge number of birds along with a significant number of games because there is only one source of water, the Tarangire river. The park is decorated beautifully, attracting a large number of tourists annually! Choosing the Best African Safari for You With so many incredible safari options to choose from, selecting the best African safari tour for your preferences and interests can seem like a daunting task. However, by considering factors such as wildlife viewing opportunities, accommodation options, and budget constraints, you can narrow down your choices and find the perfect safari experience for you. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind before you choose the best African safari for you. Alongside the breathtaking landscapes, you have to remember your choices or preferences such as luxury, basic needs or requirements. Captivating sunsets count in too if you consider the breathtaking landscapes which intrigues visitors across the world. Read about the aspects that are necessary to consider to bring changes in your outlook to have an amazing and memorable African safari experience. Wildlife Viewing Opportunities One of the primary attractions of an African safari is the chance to encounter the continent's diverse wildlife up close. When choosing a safari tour, consider which animals you most want to see and research the best times and locations for viewing them. Whether you're hoping to spot lions prowling the savannah or witness a herd of elephants crossing a river, each safari destination offers its own unique wildlife experiences. Accommodation Options From luxury lodges to tented camps, African safari tours offer a range of accommodation options to suit every traveler's preference and budget. Whether you prefer the comfort of a boutique safari lodge or the rustic charm of a traditional tented camp, there are accommodations to fit every style of travel. Consider factors such as location, amenities, and price when choosing where to stay during your safari adventure. Connect With A Safari Specialist Your preferences and needs will be considered by the safari specialist concerning luxury, activity, relaxation or excitement! To have an ultimate experience in life, you have to know someone who has the local knowledge for understanding the excursion and inclusion. Budget Constraints While an African safari is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it's essential to consider your budget when planning your trip. Safari tours vary widely in price, depending on factors such as the length of the tour, the level of accommodation, and the included activities. By setting a budget and researching tour options within your price range, you can ensure that you find a safari tour that offers excellent value for money without breaking the bank. Conclusion Embarking on one of the best African safari tours is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Whether you choose to explore the iconic landscapes of the Serengeti, witness the wonders of the Ngorongoro Crater, or discover the hidden gems of Tarangire National Park, Tanzania offers a safari adventure like no other. With its rich diversity of wildlife, stunning natural beauty, and warm hospitality, Tanzania is the perfect destination for an unforgettable safari experience. So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to discover the wild wonders of Africa on an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania. 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