Top Ten Southern Africa Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures

Oct 4, 2019

Last Updated on: Jun 8, 2021


In Afrikaans, a kloof is a narrow mountain river valley—in other words, a canyon. And South African adventurers have followed a course parallel to the antics of European and American canyoneering enthusiasts: Kloofing is following a mountain river from its beginnings down through waterfalls, rapids, whirlpools, hiking and climbing your way in between swims. It’s a bit like high diving, hiking, and being put through a spin cycle—all at once.

Top 10 southern Africa off the beaten path adventures for all adventure lovers.

1. Kloofing Near Cape Town

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In the mountains behind Betty’s Bay, a short drive from Cape Town, are South Africa’s two best kloofing day trips; choose between the regular route, where you’ll have to leap 20 feet off a waterfall into the pool below, or Suicide Gorge (heads up: this means a leap of 60 feet). To date, no one has been hurt seriously on a kloofing trip, but if you’re subject to vertigo and aren’t at least halfway fit, then don’t do it. The company Day Trippers will provide guides, wetsuits, lunch, transport, and, most importantly, moral support.

2. Lesotho on Horseback

The mountain kingdom of Lesotho, set entirely within east-central South Africa, serves up stone villages atop remote hillsides. Villagers, called Basotho, live draped in blankets and robes, almost like ancient Greeks. Shepherd boys sit on the slopes, playing flutes. Vultures and eagles cruise overhead. There are few roads; in Lesotho, the horse remains chariot of choice, and this is how you’ll want to get around as well. Semongkong Lodge, near Maletsunyane—southern Africa’s highest waterfall—offers horseback treks of several days; you’ll stay in timeless Basotho villages and ride some of the subcontinent’s steepest terrain. The Basotho ponies, schooled in a special “tripling” gait, are tough, sure-footed, and afraid of nothing. A tip: Book a trek that coincides with Semonkong’s horse races. They’re wild spectacles involving carefully nurtured thoroughbreds, child jockeys, and epic bouts of drinking.

3. Hike Chimanimani

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As South Africa fills with travelers, more and more are heading into Zimbabwe, and several areas have been developed for hiking, fishing, riding, and other types of tourism. But the mountainous Eastern Highlands, east of Chimanimani in southern Zim, are hardly developed at all, and that’s their appeal. Besides, this area, part of the Lebombo Mountain range that marks the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique, provides year-round cool relief from the heat of the plains below.

For the serious hiker, a stiff climb in is rewarded by an upland paradise of high pastures, waterfalls, forests of flowering protea trees, and caves large enough to sleep in. Because the water up here is pure and drinkable, you can live here for days if you bring enough food with you. The only downside: Don’t cross over to the Mozambique side of the mountains, as old land mines from that country’s now-defunct civil war are still scattered on the range’s eastern slopes. Stick closely to the maps (available in Chimanimani village).

4. Learn Polo-Cross

Fast, furious, and very, very physical—that’s lacrosse on horseback. Hugely popular in Zimbabwe and a growing equestrian sport around the world, polo-cross means falls, body crunches, and glancing blows with the lacrosse stick. But those with a go-smack-em attitude and sufficient riding experience can learn this fast and highly skilled equestrian sport on trained horses at Mopani Lodge, near Kwekwe in the Midlands area. Relax between sessions by riding out on the ranch (which has a cross-country course, if you still need an adrenaline fix), or just by sunning at the pool. And because of the favorable exchange rate, what would be an extremely expensive riding holiday anywhere else in the world has become one of adventure tourism’s best bargains.

5. Hunt with Bushmen

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If you’re after a real African cultural experience, you can’t do any better than traveling with the Ju’Hoansi, one of the last Kalahari Bushmen clans left who still pursue the traditional hunting and gathering lifestyle. They’ve decided to open up to small-scale tourism in their remote Namibian locale. You’ll camp near the Ju’/hoansi village of Makuri, go hunting with the men and gathering with the women. This is no theme-park experience: If the hunters stick an animal with an arrow, you may have to track it for up to two days and then carry out your share of the meat. If you love hunting you too do their take best hunting bow with you. You must also carry your own water and food. Don’t just spend a couple days here: Allow at least a week for the people to become comfortable with you. If you’re lucky, they may also invite you to attend a trance dance, at which miraculous healings often take place.

6. Dune Boarding

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It’s pure and utter insanity: The seaside town of Swakopmund, where the Namib desert falls into the sea, has become southern Africa’s dune-boarding capital. You’re driven out to the foot of a mountain-sized sand dune, given a large oblong sheet of hardboard, some furniture polish, a pair of heavy industrial gloves, and some welding goggles, and next minute you’re flying almost vertically downward. It feels suicidal; even on the easiest descents, the board can pick up speeds of 60 or 70 km/hr. Steeper ones are much faster. Then you graduate to jumps, finally ending the day with the “Knucklegrinder,” an 800-foot whoosh down to a hard gravel plain.

7. Ride the Namib

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It’s easily one of the most spectacular rides in the world: You’re galloping through the Namib Desert, the world’s oldest, surrounded by 2,000-foot-high, blood-red sand dunes. Thousand-year-old plants that resemble exploded cabbages grow on gravel plains that see rain once in a century. Lonely canyons echo to the barking shout of baboons and the nighttime cough of leopards. Then, suddenly, green oases spring up, overgrown with camel-thorn and tamarisk trees, where herds of desert antelope gather in the shade. Continue on to sun-blasted mountain ranges where ice-cold springs bubble straight from the rock. Trot through this barren wilderness with Reit Safari, which offers 10-day rides on Namibian Hanoverians (German horses) and rehabilitated mustangs, starting on the mountains west of Windhoek, Namibia’s capital, and ending in the ocean of the aptly named Skeleton Coast.

8. Earthwatch Cheetah Project

The lion really can lie down with the lamb—or at least the cheetah can. So the biologists of this Earthwatch cheetah conservation project believe, anyway. Your job: to assist in live-capturing and radio-tracking cheetahs and other big cats on the wilderness ranches of central Namibia—the last place on earth where cheetahs still exist in reasonable numbers. Local ranchers used to shoot them on sight, but now many are cooperating with the study, which seeks to prove that cats only rarely hunt livestock if their natural prey is readily available (and on these ranches it is). You, the paying volunteer, have the satisfaction of both contributing directly to the conservation of these cats while at the same time experiencing the adventure of chasing after and handling them.

9. Bike the Botswana Pans

Why would anyone want to bike through the Makgadigadi Pans—two vast, shallow expanses of mud? In the scorching Botswana summer, they fill with rain, releasing millions of tiny brine shrimp which in turn attract breeding flocks of pink flamingos. In the dry winter, they bake to a hard white crust. A perfect surface across which to go roaring on a quad bike. So wide are the pans that when out in the middle of them you can’t see the “shore.” And the stars in this part of the Kalahari are unrivaled.

From Jack’s Camp, a luxurious place at the edge of the pans. You take quad bikes out to a table set out in the middle of the emptiness to find dinner laid and ready. By day you go walking, looking at the game and picking wild foods, with a Bushman guide called Cobra. If you go during the sweltering summer months, you can’t quad-bike the pans (too glutinous), but you do see the flamingos and—if you’re lucky—you might see the eastern Kalahari’s summer zebra migration.

10. Deep Kalahari

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If you have at least two weeks, hire a 4×4 and blast off into southern Africa’s most remote country. The bigger-than-Switzerland Central Kalahari Game Reserve and the Aha and Tsodilo Hills. This is rugged driving on some of the toughest tracks in Africa; you have to know what you’re doing in a 4×4. You have to carry all the fuel and supplies. And if you get stuck, well, suffice to say it’s best to go in a convoy of two vehicles. Highlights of this once-in-a-lifetime trip include the desert lions of Deception Pan. The Bushmen communities at Molapo and Xai-Xai (where you can go out with the hunters). The stalactite-filled caves of Drotsky’s Caverns, and the ancient rock paintings of the Tsodilos. When you emerge at Shakawe at the northern edge of the Okavango Delta, you’ll have completely forgotten what civilization looks like.

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Diana Williamson is one of the top contributors to WorthyToShare & Gossipment. She is a full-fledged member of WorthyToShare. Her articles are informative and aim to bring value to readers' lives. She is is associated with thelegalguides, thedatingdairy, thebitcoinmagazine, essaywritingguides, thecbdmagazine, thecasinomagazine, getmeseen, toppreference, bigjarnews, theparentsmagazine, thesportsmag, thepetsmagazine, okeymagazine, onlinehealthmedia, onlinenewsbuzz, realwealthbusiness, techtrendspro, financeteam, socialmediamagazine, searchenginemagazine, technetdeals, thedailynotes, mashummollah, blogstellar, dreamlandestate, tourandtravelblog & redhatmedia.

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7 Major Factors To Consider When Choosing An Airline For Travel

BY Ariana SmithOct 20, 2021

Do you know why every time we take a flight, we tend to remember the bad experiences more than the good ones? This is because air travel has become something that we expect to be comfortable, convenient, affordable, and great! Individuals, families, and professionals take flights for several reasons. It might be for business or pleasure. However, one thing is for sure. All of us want the experience to be a non-stressful one. With the world slowly opening up after the pandemic, you might be planning to go on your next business trip or vacation. With so many different airline options out there, choosing the right carrier to fly with can be an overwhelming experience. In this resource article, we help air travelers make an informed decision about choosing the best airline to fly with. We list down seven factors that should be taken into consideration when booking and flying with an airline. List of 7 Major Factors to Consider when Choosing an Airline for travel 1. Address the Value-For-Money Proposition- There is a reason why everyone wants the best deals on airline travel tickets. This is primarily because when it comes to air travel, we are looking for the best value-for-money proposition. This necessarily does not mean the cheapest tickets available. It means assessing whether the kind of money you are paying is commensurate to the level of experience you are expecting. For example, if you look to book air asia on a travel portal, you know that you will be getting a fantastic experience in terms of pricing, availability, check-in features, and more. 2. Explore Loyalty Programs on Airlines- If you are someone that uses air travel a lot, you would have some credit card type of benefits. In this day and age, most airlines offer loyalty programs and memberships. This allows you to enjoy facilities like upgrades in seating class, use of the lounge, last onboarding and first deboarding benefits, and more. Make sure you check the website of the airline and cash in those loyalty points that you have steadfastly acquired over the years. You can also explore whether you cash in your credit card points on a flight to gain added benefits or not. Consider Reading: 5 Tips To Protect Your Passport While Travelling Abroad 3. Consider the Comfort of the Seats- Budget carriers are notorious for compromising on the legroom, shoulder room, and overall sense of space. While these are common concerns across airlines, there are some carriers that offer better seating positions as compared to their competitors. If you are taking a long flight, you need to ensure that you are sufficiently comfortable. This is even more important if you are traveling with senior parents, who can feel uncomfortable if they are unable to move their feet sufficiently. For taller individuals, seat design and positioning are very important. This is one of the leading reasons why travelers book air, Asia. 4. Check out the In-Flight Entertainment Options on board- Most of us are so wired to our laptops and smartphones that we feel that they will be sufficient on flights. That is not the case. If you have in-flight entertainment in the form of screens, headphones, and streaming platforms, your travel experience will be better. For starters, you will not feel the strain in your hands from holding up your mobile device for long hours. Secondly, you will not start looking for battery sockets. A good in-flight entertainment system can make a major difference to your travel experience. 5. Look at the ease of Web Check-Ins and Reserving Seats- If you are taking a flight, you want the last-minute hassles to be out of the way. A cool way to reduce them is to opt for web check-ins. While most carriers offer this, the experiences vary drastically. Look for how easy check-in options are on the carrier’s website. Make sure to book seats in advance if they allow that. You can book aisle or window seats depending on your preferences. This is a great thing if you are traveling with kids or senior parents. You might have to look at so many other things. Striking out web check-ins can reduce your pressure. 6. Examine the COVID-19 Safety Protocols on the Airline- We are living in difficult times and you need to make sure that the airline you are choosing is as cautious about safety as you are. It is best that you go for an airline that prioritizes social distancing norms, has sanitation, distributes masks, and ensures that all their staff is vaccinated. The best airlines disinfect common areas, touchpoints, seats, and toilets after every flight. Be sure to go on the website of the airline and see what steps they are taking to follow the COVID-19 safety protocols. A little cautiousness goes a long way in ensuring safety. 7. Read Reviews on the Customer Service of the Airline- There are so many small things that can make a huge difference to your overall airline experience. One of them is customer service. From the way your tickets are processed to the manner in which the steward or air hostess addresses your concerns with a smile, everything can make a difference to customer service. Leading airlines like AirAsia have been regularly voted as being the best when it comes to customer service. You can understand it through checking up an airline’s social media pages or heading over to platforms like Quora. You can also see the importance of customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and customer experience for a business at where it is clearly explained. Consider Reading: 10 Tips For Traveling Across Europe The Final Word There are other factors that you can also take into consideration. Many travelers look for airlines that have been voted highly on the quality of food. If you are traveling for business purposes, you might need to work on a last-minute presentation or send emails. In this regard, you need an airline that offers network connectivity in the form of Wi-Fi. Most experts recommend that if you are looking for the best prices on airline tickets, you should compare travel platforms. You also need to be flexible, if you are traveling for personal reasons and not professionals. Shifting your flight by a day or two can translate into lower prices, better amenities, and a newer aircraft. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address on choosing the best airline for travel, please let us know in the comments below. We will be more than happy to address as many of your concerns as possible. Read Also: Travel Insurance: What Is It And Why You Should Get One Improve Your Travel Experience By Hiring A Limo


From Tokyo To Kyoto: An Epic Journey Through Japanese Culture And History

BY Abdul Aziz MondalJun 16, 2023

For travel enthusiasts seeking an extraordinary adventure that combines ancient traditions, futuristic cities and a tantalizing gastronomic journey, look no further than Japan - a captivating country that seamlessly blends past and present. From the vibrant streets of Tokyo to the tranquil temples of Kyoto and the breathtaking natural wonders in between, Japan offers an incomparable immersive experience. This article explores compelling trip ideas and assesses the top cities to visit in Japan that must be seen to be believed. 1. Explore Tokyo's Vibrant Cityscape It is natural to begin your journey in Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. This dynamic metropolis offers a blend of tradition and futuristic technology. Take a stroll in the historic Asakusa district, where you can visit the iconic Senso-ji Temple – one of the most ancient Buddhist temples in Tokyo. Moreover, marvel at intricate architecture and experience the bustling atmosphere of Nakamise Shopping Street, lined with traditional shops and food stalls. Next, enjoy Shinjuku’s neon lights and vibrant atmosphere, known for its entertainment and shopping districts. Lastly, experience cutting-edge technology and bustling energy in Akihabara, the center of Japan’s “Otaku” culture and immerse yourself in anime, manga, and gaming. Perhaps this may even inspire you to find out about onee-chan wa game o suruto hito ga kawaru onee-chan, or another manga series that catches your eye, once you return home. 2. Immerse Yourself In Kyoto's Rich History Travel back in time by visiting Kyoto, the cultural heart of Japan. This city is home to numerous temples, shrines and traditional gardens. Explore the magnificent Kinkaku-ji (known as the Golden Pavilion) adorned with gold leaves reflecting on a tranquil pond. Discover the peaceful Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, a mesmerizing forest with towering bamboo stalks that create an enchanting atmosphere. For an authentic cultural experience, participate in a traditional tea ceremony. Next, don a kimono and stroll through the historic streets of Gion, known for its geisha culture, and catch a glimpse of these traditional entertainers. Lastly, ensure to visit Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates that lead to a stunning view of Kyoto from the mountaintop. Consider Kyoto Tours for a seamless extension of your adventure, offering a contrast but equally captivating experience in the bustling metropolis. 3. Experience Natural Beauty In Hokkaido Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido, is a must for nature lovers. Renowned for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife, Hokkaido offers a plethora of outdoor activities. Visit the picturesque town of Biei, famous for its rolling hills and colorful flower fields. Moreover, explore the UNESCO World Heritage site of Shiretoko National Park. This pure forest is home to brown bears, eagles, and seals. Consider unwinding in the natural hot springs of Noboribetsu or hiking in scenic Daisetsuzan National Park, with stunning alpine scenery and beautiful views from the summit of Mount Asahidake. If you visit in winter, Hokkaido is renowned for its superlative skiing and snowboarding resorts. 4. Meditate On The History Of Hiroshima Pay tribute to history and visit Hiroshima, a city that emerged from tragic events in World War II. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum serve as reminders of the atomic bomb that devastated the city in 1945. Take a moment to contemplate the ruins of war and comprehend the significance of peace. Afterward, explore the nearby Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island - famous for its iconic floating torii gate and beautiful scenery. Lastly, take a calming walk along the picturesque streets of the island. 5. Indulge In Japanese Cuisine No trip to Japan is complete without indulging in its unique cuisine - Japanese food is renowned for its freshness, variety, and meticulous preparation. Indulge in sushi, a culinary art form showcasing the finest fish cuts and expertly seasoned rice. Alternatively, order a comforting bowl of steaming ramen, a beloved Japanese noodle dish with flavorful broth and toppings, and savor crispy tempura, where delicate seafood and vegetables are lightly battered and perfectly fried. It is recommended to try yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) at a traditional Izakaya (Japanese pub). Moreover, venture into lively food markets (such as Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo or Nishiki Market in Kyoto) to sample fresh seafood, street snacks, and local delicacies. Experience the art of traditional kaiseki dining, where each dish is meticulously prepared with seasonal delights to blend flavors. 6. Attend Festivals And Cultural Events Immerse yourself in Japan's vibrant culture by attending traditional festivals and events. If you visit during the cherry blossom season (sakura) in spring, the cherry blossom will be in full bloom. You can join hanami parties in parks throughout the country. Experience the excitement of summer festivals (such as Gion Matsuri in Kyoto or the Nebuta Matsuri in Aomori). It features colorful floats, traditional performances, and fireworks. During winter, catch the Sapporo Snow Festival. Here, you can marvel at magnificent ice sculptures and enjoy winter sports in the snowy wonderland. Throughout the year, various cultural events and festivities take place. They take you deeper into the traditions and customs of Japan. You May Also Like: 10 Best Things To Do In Prague 10 Amazing Things To Do In Medellin Top 10 Affordable Hostels In Los Angeles – California

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Best Sailing Holiday Locations for Enjoying Wildlife and Adventure

BY Mashum MollahJan 20, 2022

Sailing is the best way to travel because you have a lot of freedom. You can actually get much closer to nature and see how it can help you relax, rejuvenate, and calm your inner self and go back with more experience and more love towards the location. If you want to enjoy adventure and wildlife, you should choose far-flung locations for your sailing trips. You will be able to confront magnificent wildlife, explore remotely placed islands, and try out exciting adventure water sports. You can encounter the most incredible sights of nature by just sitting on the deck of your sailing yacht. When you decide to enjoy adventure and wildlife on your sailing holiday, you need to choose your sailing destinations accordingly. Let us see the best adventure and wildlife sailing destinations. If you want to enjoy adventure and wildlife, you should choose far-flung locations for your sailing trips. You will be able to confront magnificent wildlife, explore remotely placed islands, and try out exciting adventure water sports. You can encounter the most incredible sights of nature by just sitting on the deck of your sailing yacht. Boats don't have to burn a hole in your wallet either. You can pick up plenty of bargains from used boat auctions online to fuel your next seaworthy adventure! 1. Vancouver Island in Canada One of the best places to enjoy adventure sports and wildlife is Vancouver Island in Canada. The stunning scenic beauty will make you go crazy once you reach the place by sailing. It is a great combination of witnessing amazing wildlife and enjoying various kinds of adventure sports. This place is ideal for kayaking and snorkeling. So if you are a fan of either of the two, opt for Vancouver for your memorable sailing trip. 2. The Whitsundays in Australia In the Whitsundays, you are likely to witness incredible and stunning locales with diverse wildlife. This is the location where you can enjoy a spectacular scene of nature without any obstructions from the deck of your sailing yacht. The Whitsundays in Australia is the best place to enjoy diving, scuba diving, and surfing. You will surely have some unforgettable moments here at the white sand beaches. 3. Phuket in Thailand There are a lot of places in Thailand that you can choose for your sailing holiday. But Phuket is one of the picturesque and exotic locations where you have the chance to enjoy adventure water sports and wildlife together. It consists of some ancient villages where the only occupation for residents is fishing. The idyllic islands in Phuket will make a dreamy background to your sailing yacht deck. You can enjoy snorkeling, deep-sea diving, scuba diving, and swimming in Thailand’s Phuket. 4. Abacos in the Bahamas The beautiful beaches are the most attractive things about this location. You can choose this location for its famous diving spots. You can sail in the Bahamas all year-round and it has that perfect weather to enjoy the place and to relax and rejuvenate yourself for which you have arranged your sailing holiday. 5. Belize in Central America Another place that you choose for enjoying wildlife and water adventure in abundance is Belize situated in Central America. It has a barrier reef that has a shelter for all those coming by sailing. Belize consists of rainforests that are incredible to watch. You can also witness the ruins of the Mayans here. Snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing, kayaking, and deep-sea diving are some of the adventure water sports to enjoy on your sailing trip to Belize. All You Need to Pack for Your Caribbean Sailing Holiday If you have mastered the art of travel packing efficiently and effectively, then you surely deserve kudos! Most of you may look confused about what to pack when you decide on a sailing holiday either as a couple or as a family. Amidst all the excitement of sailing to a new destination can make you forget everything for a moment. But you need to be very careful and cautious about the things that you pack because remember you are going on a sailing voyage and you will be in the middle of the ocean. You have chosen the sun-soaked Caribbean as your sailing location and spend your vacation wisely. Packing for a laid-back island getaway can be difficult. Here is a guide that you can follow to pack items for your Caribbean sailing trip like a professional. Essential Travelling Documents First things first, you cannot even imagine traveling to a destination without your travel documents. Before you forget and just after you have booked your catamaran or sailboat for the trip, be ready with all the necessary documents. The documents you need for the Caribbean sailing trip are, The passports of you and your family members. Proper identification forms. Booking papers. Paper mentioning your itinerary. Additional documents are required for the trip. Essential Clothes  The Caribbean region is warm and it gets hotter. So you must carry summer clothing particularly. You cannot imagine your Caribbean vacation without swimsuits, bathing suits, bikinis, and summer short beach dresses. Choose outfits that are breezy, loose-fitted, and lightweight. The material must be dry-fit so that you don’t feel uncomfortable when you perspire. You can pack party dresses if you plan to visit any nightclub. Essential Accessories As a thumb rule, hats and shades are musts for your Caribbean sailing holiday. You can pack stylish designer hats inside your lightweight duffel bag that will protect you from sun exposure when you sit on your yacht deck or sunbathing. The pair of sunglasses should be polarized and you should be able to take pleasure from the magnificent views of the surroundings. Toiletries Bring only your necessities. Pack only those that are an absolute must for your Caribbean sailing holiday. Try to pack a travel-size toiletry set and liquids that take up less space inside your bag. Try to avoid carrying unnecessary makeup items. Some toiletries that you can pack are, Sunscreen Insect repellent Hair care products Basic makeup products like mascara, lip gloss, and powder Moisturizer Perfume or deodorants Personal Hygiene essentials Personal grooming items Electronic Items You can carry electronic items like your camera, mobile phone, iPad, and eBook. Try to avoid carrying your laptop. Leaving behind your work essentials will help you enjoy your trip more and rather not think about what is happening in your workplace. You can also make some cloth pouches for carrying your electronic items to make them splash-proof and keep them safe in your beach tote bag or your backpack. Read Also: Ski Resorts of Idaho A Cruising Tour of Komodo Island Want an adrenaline-filled activity? Try Zipline Smoky Mountains! 9 Things Every Traveler Should Know When Visiting Shanghai