25 Amazing Things to do in Ladakh

Jun 5, 2017

Last Updated on: Nov 5, 2021


If you come across arid jagged mountains kissing the skies, you know its Ladakh. Here, the dry winds seem to carry spiritual messages with them. The ancient gompas (Tibetan monasteries), with their whitewashed walls, are repositories of solitude and knowledge. The pristine waters of the lakes here create a perfect impression of the encompassing surroundings.

Once in Ladakh, there is so much to see, so much to explore. From pure blue freshwater lakes to picturesque passes, from dreamy valleys to frozen rivers. One must prepare oneself for a kaleidoscope of experiences here. Have you recently decided to take a trip to Ladakh? This blog brings you the 25 amazing things to do in Ladakh.

25 Amazing Things to do in Ladakh:

1. Sunrise at Pangong Tso Lake!

Witnessing the sky streaked red by the morning sun can be an exhilarating experience. Doing the same by Pangong Tso Lake embellishes the experience further. This spectacular lake made its appearance in the movie “3 Idiots.” Apart from that, it’s a highly coveted spot for late-night camping.

2. Biking on World’s Highest Motorable Road!

Imagine biking at Khardung La – one of the world’s highest motorable road with a height of 18,380ft. You can plan a bike trip to this place from any city of India, or arrive at Leh, and book a bike there. There are several holiday packages for Ladakh trip. Choose any one of your linking.

3. Camping delights!

Another way of absorbing the alluring beauty of Ladakh is going camping. Some of the best camping sites are found at Pangong Tso and Tso Moriri. Camping by the lakes here is the best way of exploring the surrounding landscapes and carrying home some great memories.

4. Go Trekking

One of the best manners of exploring the scenic landscapes of Ladakh is trekking. Be it the winter season or the summer season, trekking provides you an outstanding experience. Some of the most popular trekking routes here are Chadar, Stok Kangri, Tso Moriri and Markha Valley.

5. Go river rafting!

Struggling against the forceful rapids always gives you that ultimate adrenaline rush. No wonder then that river rafting is a favorite amongst tourists to Ladakh. Nothing is more adventurous than fighting your way against the freezing waters of Zanskar River. Along the way, you are treated to the magnificent sights of hilltop monasteries, hillside villages and glimpses of the unique wildlife.

6. Take the Ride-on Double Bactrian camel!

The thrill of taking a ride on a double-humped Bactrian camel is simply indescribable. The place to do this would be the Nubra Valley, located at 12,000ft above sea level. This wonderful wobbly ride takes you through the various landscapes of the region. This is the ride of a lifetime!

7. Look, a snow leopard!

Spotting a snow leopard is a real privilege. These magnificent beasts, sporting a white fur, camouflage themselves with the environs as they patiently wait for their prey. One of the best places to view these lovely creatures is the Hemis National Park. This park is home to more than 200 snow leopards and is best visited during winters.

8. Explore Buddhist Monasteries!

The various monasteries in Ladakh are some of the most ancient ones in the world. As such, they are a repertoire of knowledge and wisdom. One of the oldest monasteries in Ladakh is the Spituk Monastery. It also enjoys a fabulous location and offers panoramic views of the surroundings. Another monastery worth checking out is Hemis Monastery. Besides being the biggest in all of Ladakh, it also hosts the famous Hemis Festival in June every year.

9. The Royal side of Ladakh!

The magnificent Leh Palace lies in a dilapidated state in this day and age. However, its grandeur is still reflected in it’s wood and stone ruins. It is often visited by history and architecture enthusiasts. Built by King Namgyal in the 17th century, this building is nine stories high. One can get panoramic views of the Zanskar and Stok Kangri ranges that traverse the Indus Valley.

10. Opt for a homestay!

A great way to get acquainted with the culture of Ladakh is opting for a homestay. Try to get in touch with a local family. The warm-hearted people will host you with great zeal and enthusiasm. Enjoy a drink of butter tea, taste some delicious momos (dumplings) and have a great time.

11. Gaze at the starlit sky!

When it comes to certified stargazing in India, nothing beats Ladakh! Engaging in stargazing here transports you to the world of stars and comets. The infinite sky, glistening with stars, casts a magical spell on the onlooker. In Ladakh, the best place to do this is the Nubra Valley.

12. The Mysterious Magnetic Hill!

Ever heard of a car ascending without any external force being applied to it? Don’t be shocked, defying the laws of physics is a common experience here. The Magnetic Hill, as it’s commonly referred to, pulls a car or a bike towards the peak. The reasons behind this occurrence are as yet unknown. However, it’s worth giving it a try!

13. River of opportunity!

One of the top things to do in Ladakh is watching the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar rivers. The frozen Zanskar River presents tremendous trekking opportunities during winters. Also known as Chadar Trek, it’s a favorite among adventure seekers. The surreal beauty of the icy world enveloping you throughout the trek leaves you overwhelmed.

14. Sipping Tea at World’s highest Cafeteria

A board stating the benefits of drinking black tea welcome you at Rinchen Cafeteria. Located at an altitude of 18,380ft, momos and Maggi are also served along with tea. This wonderful cafe has been named after Col. Rinchen for seizing Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Once here, check out the various stories, paintings, and quotes by the Army.

15. Piping hot Maggie at High Altitude!

Nothing beats the taste of piping hot Maggi at high altitudes. After a tiresome journey which leaves you exhausted, this humble meal comes as a blessing. One of the best places to experience this treat is Khardung La. Here, not only do you enjoy the meal, but discover a fascinating history associated with it.

16. Participate in Mask Festival!

Hemis Mask Dance Festival is one of the famous festivals in Ladakh. This colorful and vibrant festival is held every year at Hemis Gompa, the biggest monastery in Ladakh. The main attractions are the mask parade and the “Chaam” dance. Here, the Lamas put on a spectacle with their burgundy and mustard yellow attires

17. Attend a Ladakhi Wedding!

A wedding in Ladakh is a quite solemn affair. However, the various rituals associated with it are every bit as interesting. The couple wears ceremonial dresses while the guests, seated on small tables, are served butter tea. Traditional songs are played and dance goes on for hours. “Chang”, the local alcohol is served and everyone joins in the festivities.

18. Ladakh’s local delicacies!

Ladakh’s cuisine is the result of an innovative twist to Kashmiri cuisine. One of them is the delicious stew which contains a wonderful combination of ingredients like rice, noodles, momos, thukpa, etc. One should also try the Yak Cheese and the Yak Cheese momos here. Of course, no meal is complete without trying the local butter tea.

19. Meditate by the famous lakes!

Lakes in Ladakh enchant the visitors with their breathtaking beauty. They are known as “Tso.” Pangong Tso, which means “long and narrow lake,” is the highest saltwater lake in the world. Tso Kar and Tso Moriri are two famous lakes. Mirpal Tso attracts travelers with its sandy bed and turquoise waters.

20. Pleasures of bird watching!

The enormous and arid landscape of Ladakh is a haven for diverse avifauna. This region is visited by various species of birds, many of them endangered. The amazing solitude makes bird watching in Ladakh a perfectly blissful activity. Bird watching is popular in Suru Valley, Rizong Monastery and Nubra Valley, besides others.

21. Pray Some, Spin Some!

Ladakh is dotted with several monasteries that are as charming as they are fascinating. A visit to any of them is sure to leave you with great memories. One of the prime activities to do in a monastery is spin a prayer well. Spinning the prayer wheel, according to Buddhist traditions, ushers in good luck. So, when in Ladakh, spin that wheel!

22. Mingle with monks!

One of the great attractions of visiting the monasteries is mingling with the monks. Saffron clad and bald, they possess a wealth of knowledge, with a good dose of humor. Request them humbly, and you may just be in for a session of fascinating tales and stories.

23. Make-a-wish stones

Since the beginning of history, stone stacking has been followed by wish making. During earlier ages, they served the roles of messengers, signs, and landmarks. The locals, however, believe that stacking stones brings good luck to travelers. Stack some stones, make a wish! Your work is done.

24. Shop in the Local Markets to Carry Memories of Ladakh Trip!

Shopping takes an exciting turn in the markets of Ladakh. It’s the best place for mingling with the locals and learning various aspects of their culture. The streets here are lined with numerous stalls which display exotic items. From hand-woven rugs, wall hangings and wicker baskets to woolen bags, one finds it all here!

25. Visit Leh City after sunset!

Sunsets in Leh City are unlike any other you may have come across. Here, the sun takes its own time to leisurely paint the sky red. One of the best places to witness the sunset here is Shanti Stupa. Bring your camera along, and capture some great shots.

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Cafe Coffee Day – Best Review By Users In 2022

BY Mashum MollahMar 1, 2022

A cup of coffee can be a witness to many things. Well, it might be a misunderstanding between two, a proposal or a business deal. Now, Cafe Coffee Day is probably the best place to have authentic coffee recipes. Here, you can go through the facts about the company and the review of the recipes it makes. As a result, you might develop an urge to visit CCD and have a great cup. For now, read the following points given below. Cafe Coffee Day: History And Overview Cafe Coffee Day (Popularly known as CCD) is a chain of coffee shops in India. The headquarters of CCD is located in Bengaluru, Karnataka. When it comes to the parent company, Cafe Coffee Day Global is an organization from Cikkamangaluru that grows coffee beans in over 2000 acres of land. It produces the Arabica bean on a large scale. As of now, CCD is one of the best places to have coffee in India. Other countries where you could find outlets of CCD are the Czech Republic, Nepal, Malaysia, and Egypt. However, currently, there are no ventures of CCD outside India. In 2011, there were over 1000 CCD outlets all over India. The brand also claimed to invest Rs. 10 billion on CCD resorts. At the same time, CCD changed its logo. So you can consider this period as the “high-time” for the brand. Lately, CCD’s journey has been very dusty as it went through a financial issue. Moreover, the incident led to the demise of the owner. The CCDs business graph is downward. However, coffee shops are still active in several Indian cities. Remarkably, The Cafe Coffee Day share price has also dropped in recent times. Key People Related To Cafe Coffee Day VG Siddhartha was the owner of CCD. Well, this is an essential fact that you need to know while searching “cafe coffee day near me”. He opened the first Cafe Coffee Day showroom on July 11, 1996, in Bangalore. During the high phase of the brand, VG Siddhartha changed the entire outlook of CCD as a business organization. Moreover, he improved the infrastructure of CCD by manufacturing espresso machines and dramatically improving the quality of his products. Furthermore, he changed the company's logo and incorporated a tagline for his business that goes “A lot can happen over coffee”. However, the price of CCD  recipes always remained on the high side. It became trendy among young Indians. The main reason for it is the authenticity and single-standard quality. Inception Of CCD CCD started as a brand under Coffee Global Limited in 1996. The initial capital that Siddhartha got was from his father. However, VG boosted the money by investing in coffee plantations. Till the year 1985, he already became the owner of 10000 acres of a coffee farm. Recipes Of Cafe Coffee Day When it comes to the Cafe Coffee Day menu, you can find several types of coffee. Moreover,  there are multiple side items that you can also try. A few items according to the food type is given below: Drinks Section- Hot Coffee Espresso, Macchiato, Filter Coffee, Cafe Mocha, Inverted Cappuccino, Ethiopian Coffee, Cafe Latte, Aztec Cofee, Toffee Cuuppucino, Vanilla Latte, Ethiopian Coffee. Drinks Section- Cold Coffee Dark Frappe, Cafe Frappe, Devil's Own Vanilla/Cocoa, Kaapl Nirvana Drink Section- Tea Green Tea, Darjeeling Tea, Assam Tea, Kadak Chai, Masala Chai Food Section- Mini Bowls Classic Rajma Rice, Chicken Keema with Rice, Buttery Paneer Masala Food Section- Snacks Cookies, Veg Samosa, Crispy Samosa Kulcha, Saucy Veg Noodles, Veg Cullet, and many more Food Section- Burgers Crunchy Veg, Crunchy Chicken, Spicy Cheese Burger Varients Food Section- Pizza Cheesy Margherita, Paneer Garden Delight, Bar-be-que Chicken, Sriracha Pepper Chicken Food Section- Sippers and Chillers Lemonade, Tropical Knockout, Cool Blue, Print O Virgin Beer, Blue Sparkler Food Section- Chill Shakes Cocoa Cookie, Alphonso Mango, Classic Strawberry Fresh Wave Classic Lemonade, Sweet and Salt Lemony Spritzer, Orange Delight Apart from the above drinks and dishes, there is much more than Cafe Coffee Day has to offer. You should always remember that the availability of a menu would depend on the same for the raw materials. Cafe Coffee Day: Reason Of The Present Downfall To put it clearly, the death of VG Siddhartha has weakened the foundation pillar of Cafe Coffee Day. Where the company has locked out all foreign outlets, many in India are also closing down. Well according to the last letter of Siddhartha, he condemned himself as a failure. A few days from 29th July 2019, his body was found on the Netravati River. At present, multiple outlets of CCD are active in some of the main cities in India. Moreover, you can still taste the outstanding coffee that CCD makes. Mrs. Malavika Hegde is the present CCD CEO. Future Scope As CCD still has the infrastructure, it can again reach new heights in the future. The only thing it has to do is newly make a business plan. The best thing CCD can come up with is a business that provides night and day coffee cafe service. This can easily work in increasing the sales of Cafe Coffee Day. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1. Who Is Running Cafe Coffee Day Now? Mrs. Malavika Hegde is the present CEO of Cafe Coffee Day. She is the wife of VG Siddhartha. Q2. Is Cafe Coffee Day Better From Starbucks? Both CCD and Starbucks are good when it comes to quality. It is only that CCD is a budget option while Starbucks is upscale. Q3. Is Cafe Coffee Day In Loss? Yes, currently CCD is at the loss. However, there is a good scope to turn around. Q4. Is Cafe Coffee Day An Indian Brand? Yes, CCD is an Indian Brand. It has its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Final Take Away As an Indian brand, CCD is something in which every Indian should take pride. However, it is said that the brand is currently going through a loss. The Covid lockdown has also made a big impact on the profits of CCD. Read Also: The Speciality Of Barnaby’s Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price 90 Miles Cuban Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price Nordstrom Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price

READ MORE coffee shops

Top 5 Best Coffee Shops Of India In 2022 – Must Read!

BY Sarmind SafiFeb 28, 2022

Nowadays, coffee has become one of the prominent necessities for people of India and abroad. If you are an Indian and love drinking coffee, this article can be a fun read. Here you can learn about the five best coffee shops in the country. Consider trying out a few of them in 2022. Nevertheless, for now, you can go through the history of coffee in India. Well, if you are a coffee lover, these facts would inspire you more to visit the top cafes and taste a cup. Have a read: Coffee In India: A Classic History The introduction of coffee in India dates back to the late seventeenth century. According to the lore, Baba Budan, a Mecca pilgrim from India, bought seven coffee beans from Yemen. However, it was a smuggle as taking coffee beans out of Yemen was forbidden. This Indian Sufi planted the seeds somewhere in the hills of Chikmagalur in Karnataka during the 1670s. So, that is how coffee farming started and developed in India. Even today, the best coffee found in the country is from the plateau hills of the Deccan. Top Five Coffee Shops Of India In this part of the article, you can go through the facts of the top five coffee shops in India. However, do not expect to have instant coffee in any of these. All these cafes serve coffee from the best-processed beans. Even real coffee takes much time to get ready. So, do not consider any of these cafes similar to the “local coffee shops near me” and have patience while placing the order. Remember that the top cafes do not serve instant coffee. Instead, they consider it as a part of the culture. Have a look: 1. Mocha Art Cafe Location: Kochi, Kerela Things to Try: French Press, Chocolaty Mochas The Mocha Art Cafe can top your search results as you look for coffee shops near me, from Kochi. It has a diverse menu and carries a little bit of that history, too. Amazingly, Baba Budan smuggled some coffee from the Mocha city of Yemen. So, many coffee shops have ‘Mocha’ common in their names. The best things to try at the Mocha Art Cafe in Kochi are French Press, Chocolaty Mochas, and Classic Espresso. Expect to get unique coffee recipes in Mocha Art Cafe under the types above. This cafe uses the classic brewing technique, and you can enjoy the marvelous smell of roasted coffee beans everywhere. So, next time you are in Kochi, do not forget to spend some time at the Mocha Art Cafe. Lastly, about the location, Mocha Art Cafe is located in a Jewish Quarter that can give you an old and classic feel. Tripadvisor Review: "Came here for lunch. Situated upstairs just along from the synagogue, in a bright covered courtyard. It was empty the day we were there but got busier. The area was quite hot (being enclosed) but the fans helped to create some air movement/cooling. It was good to have some “Western” food for a change - the pineapple pancake and the toasted cheese and tomato sandwich were both very good as were the lassis. Good place for lunch." -SDSydney693 2. G-Shot Coffee Roastery And Cafe Location: Assagao, Goa Things to Try: Vietnamese Coffee, Espressos If you are a dedicated coffee lover and visit Goa, do not forget to sip a cup at the G-Shot Coffee Roastery and Cafe. Expect to find the cafe easily as it has proximity to the Vagator and Anjuna. All you have to do is search for the coffee shops nearby from the aforesaid beaches. The best part about the G-Shot Coffee Roastery and Cafe is its menu. It is pretty outstanding that the makers here use only single-origin beans. Moreover, the menu contains coffee types like cold brews. Espressos and Vietnamese Coffee. Yet another best thing about the G-Shot Coffee Roastery and Cafe is that it provides the customers with a chance to rejuvenate listening to music and meditating. Really, this is unique among all coffee shops. Tripadvisor Review: "G Shot, you have my heart. The coffee served over there is excellent. The owners source their coffee directly from farmers all over India ensuring that they get excellent coffee beans and that the farmers get to enjoy the benefits too. We had their Mocha, Iced Latte and Macchiato. The mocha has a nice nutty flavor without being overtly sweet. We also bought a packet of their home-made granola which was again excellent. Will definitely recommend!" - Krittika M 3. Third Wave Coffee Roasters Location: Bangalore, Karnataka Things to Try: Latte, Espresso The Third Wave Coffee Roasters is another top-notch cafe based in Bangalore. This is one of the best places to try coffee in India due to many reasons. Apart from its diversified menu, the Third Wave Coffee Roasters ensures that the beans are from individual farms. Moreover, you can get light-roasted coffee that brings out the best flavors. The Third Wave Coffee is a movement that aims to enhance the love for coffee among drinkers. Some roasters have turned the movement into a cafe, and you get coffee heaven when in Bangalore. Tripadvisor Review: "I have visited Third Wave Coffee at Margosa Road, MalleshwaramI have visted during day time morning 9:00 am to 12:00 non range.Both the times the crowd was less and i enjoyed the feel of less crowd.Its 25 seater capacity and ambiance is very good.It has small parking space for 2 wheeler and car.Staff was warm and cordial.Menu for Tea and coffee is sufficient for chit chat and gossip.Rest Room is there. Covid rules were followed.Wheel chair access is possible with the help of support as its in ground floor.Can chill out with Family and friends." - GangaShankar74 4. United Coffee House Location: Connaught Place, Delhi Things to Try: Instant Coffee, Latte, Espresso The fourth entry in the list of best coffee shops in India is the United Coffee House. It is located in Connaught Place and is a buzz among the coffee enthusiasts of Delhi. It is a 75-year-old organization and can still hold its craze after generations. The most unique thing about United Coffee House is its blend. It comes from the best beans from Colombia and India. Moreover, the experienced brewers in the UCH execute their work to give you the perfect taste. Tripadvisor Review: "For an exceptional dining venture, United Coffee House Rewind is the top recommendation. It’s the epitome of a place to share moments with friends and family. The vibes are incredibly positive, enhancing the overall mood. The staff’s attentiveness and warmth create a welcoming environment. And the food, coupled with their refreshing drinks, forms a delectable combination that’s hard to match." - Vidur S 5. Brahmin’s Coffee Bar Location: Bangalore, Karnataka Things to Try: Instant Black Coffee and Instant Milk Coffee The history of Brahmin’s Coffee Bar in Bangalore is no less than a fairy tale. As most Bangaloreans are coffee fanatics, this has always been their favorite coffee joint since the 1960s. This is the place where you can get the best quality instant coffee and some Espresso recipes. Moreover, the Brahmin’s Coffee Bar is also known for the baked cookies that they serve with the coffee. So, when you visit the ‘Garden City of India’ next time, do not forget to visit this place for a hot cup of coffee. Tripadvisor Review: "We come back to this place every time we visit Bengaluru finding time for it. Normally it is breakfast or afternoon snacks. There was even a time we used to take parcel home to eaten same day.They serve excellent mouth melting idlis and topped with their vadas. They continue to my favourites and a dish of 3 idlis and 2 vadas really made my day topped with strong coffee.Same traditional outlet. You stand and eat or sip coffee. No parking available so tend to be too far to park." - NayantSavani Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1. What Are The Most Popular Coffee Shops? As people mostly search for new coffee shops for me, they know about the shops like Starbucks, Cafe Du Monde, and Cafe Coffee Day.  Q2. What Is Hot In Kolkata Cafe? Some of the prominent coffee shops in Kolkata are- the Kookie Jar Cafe, Blue Mug, Calcutta 64, etc. Q3.  What Is In A Coffee Shop? In the leading coffee shops, you get a lot of coffee recipes like Espresso, Cappuccino, and Latte. You can also find ice-coffee, cold drinks, and baked products in a coffee shop.  Q4. What Is The Difference Between A Cafe And A Coffee Shop? Although both the terms have now turned unanimous, cafes and coffee shops have a slight difference. In cafes, you can get food and beverages, but coffee shops are more into serving only tea and coffee in India.  Final Take Away The coffee culture in India is quite old, and you can get one or the other cafe/coffee shop in every city. While most people in the country believe that the coffee came with Europeans, it was bought by a Sufi. If you love drinking coffee, try to consume the instant ones less. Instead, you can order the roasted beans. Well, these cafes can be the right places for you to visit if you desire to have excellent coffee. Read Also: The Speciality Of Barnaby’s Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price 90 Miles Cuban Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price Nordstrom Cafe – Reviews, Special Menu, And Price


Glow your New Year at these Bangalore Events

BY Ariana SmithDec 20, 2017

Don’t keep yourself hanged up because your friends are too busy to plan out the New Year’s Eve. We have made the work easier. Find some of the coolest events in and around your city happening this New Year and if this list doesn’t satisfy you, we’ve got more lined up. Food and party to solitude and nature, there are events for all kinds of people. Glow your New Year at these Bangalore Events: CountDown NYT-2018: Countdown to New Year at I V Sanctum, Race Course. Sia Entertainments offers food and fun along with fireworks, liquors and drinks, buffet dinner and lots of photographs. With all the entertainment, they also take care of security and first aid and provide the drop-in facility. Bengaluru Food Festival: Foodies, the best way to say goodbye to 2017 and the welcome new year would be enjoying it with food. Check in to New Horizon Ground on the last weekend of this year to have your taste buds taste the exquisite flavors. Bring along your foodie friends and enjoy the time relishing the past year. Narasimha Parvatha Trek & Udupi Beach: This New Year lets your nomad soul scream to its fullest at Narasimha Parvatha, the tallest peak in Agumbe Ghats, an awesome trek for that craving solitude. Muddie Trails heartfully invites you to this unique and wonderful combination of mountains, wilderness, waterfalls, and beaches! Explore the lands and live between nature. New Year 2018 in Thailand (Bangkok - Phuket): Mr. Traveler has planned your New Year in the lands far away - Thailand. Celebrate NEW YEAR 2018 in Thailand with amazing certified tour @ INR 29,990 + Flight. It is included with a bunch of tours that will rock your new year and will give you an experience of the lifetime. New Year Party at Kaveri river: Nature calls your inner nomad as you say goodbye to 2017. Caught up in the hectic schedule of studies and work? Now is the time to relish the moment. Escape the city and spend an amazing day amidst nature. Dance and sing to the beats of nature. Eat foodalicious barbecue and socialize at the campfire in the chilling winter weather. Camp your nights in between mountains and rivers. Swim your fears away and rest in village huts. Gaze at the stars and relive the forest child moments. Waiting to spot a shooting star to grant your traveling wish? There’s no need. This is it. Dhaatu International Puppet Festival: Bring out the child in you or bring your children along, this puppet show is for all ages. Dhaatu International Puppet Show at Bangalore. Panache - New Year's Eve 2018: The Luxurious JW Marriott Hotel Bengaluru has planned a star-studded lineup of acts, premium liquor, and unlimited F&B to celebrate the New Year’s Eve. Are they forgetting something? No, they have got all the things well covered! Bring out your inner party animal because this is the time to dance off and have a blast. Bangalore, this is a glimpse of all the good things that will be happening soon. Grab your spot and treat yourself, the time of year has come to enjoy hard and make it happen. Did not find any event of your genre? There are many more events lined up; check out events in Bangalore events for New Year. And do not forget to RSVP yourself and your friends. Read More: 6 Expert Packing Tips that will make your Trips more Fun Make Your Honeymoon a Truly Memorable Affair: Here’s How Improve Your Travel Experience By Hiring A Limo Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try