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READ MORE Hiking Tips

Crucial Hiking Tips to Ensure Your Safety While Hiking

BY  Abdul Aziz Sep 5, 2022

An excellent hike is a perfect way to immerse yourself in the great outdoors. How about some fresh air? Peace and quiet? And Stunning views? Awesome, isn’t it? While hiking can be awesomely invigorating, it does come with some risks as well. In a wilderness setting, unexpected things can and do happen, no matter how experienced or where you are. You just need some useful hiking tips. Some Useful Hiking Tips For Turning Your Trip Safe  In case of an emergency, there are many ways to minimize your chances of encountering one while hiking. Staying safe and having a good time is more likely when you are prepared. Prep smart and trek smart with these expert safety tips. Every time you go hiking, follow these hiking tips. 1. Make A List Of All The Essential Things To Carry  You don’t want to have a ‘hmmm’ moment on the hiking trail when you realise you forgot something very important, whether you’re hiking for three hours or three days. Imagine reaching a dark section of the trail or realizing the sun is setting faster than expected—only to find you left your flashlight behind. Before heading out, make a gear list to ensure you have everything you might need, including one of the best flashlights to keep you safe and prepared for any low-light situations. Originally created by Pacific Northwest hiking and conservation non-profit the Mountaineers, The 10 Essentials is a list of emergency provisions. First aid kit GPS, compass, and map for navigation Protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunscreen and sunglasses. Jacket/raincoat for insulation Flashlight, lantern, or headlamp for illumination Matches, lighter, fire starters for lighting fire Multifunctional tool and duct tape A day's worth of no-cook, nutritious food Water purifiers and water Tent, space blanket, tarp, bivy, etc. 2. Carry An All-Purpose EDC Pocket Knife For Camping An EDC knife is a good example of a  robust camping knife, and carrying this knives come under the most useful winter hiking tips. Furthermore, it can be used to create emergency tools for making food and cutting down vegetables.  As well as it also can protect yourself from the elements. Choosing foldable knives is a clever choice. These are easy to carry, and ensuring that their blades are all crafted with high-quality steel are both important considerations.  3. Carry A Map  Maps are one of the most important hiking tips. Especially with limited service and unreliable battery power, GPS technology should never be relied on exclusively.  Prepare a map in advance, and if you aren't familiar with how to read one, learn how to do so in advance. 4. Take A Hike During The Day  The hiking trips during the day are always more convenient; not only is it easier to get lost in the dark, but the area where you're hiking may also be home to a variety of wild animals that come out at night to hunt. Setting a turnaround time will prevent you from being stuck out in the dark. Stick to your predetermined time, regardless of how far you hike, to ensure you finish before sunset. 5. Study The Hiking Area Hiking new trails is always an exciting experience. The downside is that you don't know the area very well. Check out the following pictured rock hiking tips and information before heading out: Wild animals in the area and what to do if you encounter them Consider poison ivy, sumac, and oak as local poisonous plants Seasons and areas of local hunting Hiking alerts of any kind 6. Make Sure You Check The Forecast  Make sure you check the forecast right up until you leave. In this way, you can determine what gear you will need, such as a raincoat, sunscreen, extra water, or warmer clothing.  If the forecast calls for rain, make sure the path you're taking is still passable under such conditions. You can find real-time information by calling your local Parks and Recreation Department. 7. Be Confident You know what you can and cannot handle, whether you have hiked 30 times or five times.  You may be more comfortable hiking with a group or a friend who is more advanced than you and is inclined to take on something you aren't ready for!  Make sure you're honest with yourself before heading out to the trail so that you won't risk injury. And if you are going out for a hiking date tips confidence is the key make a solid place in your partner’s heart. Do not skip this part. 8. Tell Someone Before You Go  Make sure that you inform someone before your hike before you go hiking. The person can take action if they haven't heard from you by a certain time. 9. Make Sure You Stick Together  Hiking in a large group makes it easy to separate into slow hikers and fast hikers. Natural situations like these happen all the time, but they aren't always safe. Make sure someone is at the front hiking at a moderate pace so everyone stays together. Don't let a rejuvenating hike become dangerous; these hiking tips are especially important for children and new hikers. Don't forget to pack the right gear, appropriate clothing, and enough sustenance for your wilderness adventure. 10. Don’t Forget To Carry An EDC Bolt Action Pen A single piece of everyday carry bolt action pen is a perfect selection for a hiking gear kit. No one ever knows where they will need to note specific areas, whether you have hiked or things which you found. That also can help you, and the same goes for the other hikers and turn things easier for your next adventure. A good reason to take notes is that they are always beneficial. 11. Get In Touch With A Park Ranger National and state parks are typically the best places to hike when deciding where to go. You'll find rangers there with a wealth of information about how to stay safe there. Getting in touch with the park department will provide you with a lot of important information. The terrain has changed recently, like fallen trees or rockslides, resulting in "big and little critters," toxic flora, and toxic fauna. You can get advice from the park department on how to stay safe and protect the environment. 12. Share The Itinerary With Someone Outside The Group Make a rough plan that all members of your party can agree on well before you leave, Schimelpfenig advises. Describe the starting point, the destination, the route, and the anticipated finish time. Keep in mind that calculating timing can be difficult when hiking on unfamiliar terrain. So, start early, be conservative with your timeframe, and don't be overly ambitious. Make sure to share the information with at least one person who is not hiking with you. It is also possible to leave this information with the park office. A search party will be able to gather this key information if you do not return on time. Conclusion: Without any proper trip scheduling and packing, Even a short day small hike can also turn into a potentially risky outing. So, before you start to wash off your weekday stress and lace up your hiking boots! Always remember these eight safe hiking tips. Additionals: Why You Need A Military Flashlight? Things To Do In Rocky Mountains National Park Stephen Gleave On The Best Waterfalls And Trails In Ancaster Exploring The Unexplored: Which Is The Best Time To Visit Darjeeling?

READ MORE Best Waterfalls

Stephen Gleave on the Best Waterfalls and Trails in Ancaster

BY  Abdul Aziz Aug 17, 2022

When lawyer Stephen Gleave relocated to a Hamilton office building for the shorter commute, he didn’t realize the kind of beauty he was in for. But that’s the thing about Ancaster – its unique style has a way of sneaking up on you. There’s something about Ancaster that makes you want to stay,” he explains. “There's a magic to the town. That magic he’s referring to could be its proximity to endangered Carolinian forests, which are one of the most temperate climates in all of Canada. Gleave could also be referring to the close-knit history of Ancaster – this town sat on the strategic ground of multiple major transportation routes in Upper Canada, connecting different settlements and indigenous towns. Its location near a large creek helped further develop its mill economy. Creeks also feed many of the naturally beautiful waterfalls that Ancaster has to offer. So much of this beautiful little town is covered in different historical settlements bordered by natural forests. There are plenty of trails and water features to explore. Gleave has seen most of them, but his favourites highlight some of the best that Ancaster has to offer. Sherman Falls This waterfall located in Ancaster is surrounded by moss-covered limestone and a deciduous forest. An old but sturdy bridge takes you over its creek, the rumbling of the falls itself loud enough to be heard from many feet away. It feels like a scene out of a fantasy novel, but Sherman Falls, also referred to as “Fairy” or “Angel” falls is very real. It may be located on private property, but this 17-metre-high curtain waterfall is still accessible, as the owners are happy to oblige. The trail leading to Sherman Falls is accessible year-round. “It’s a wonderful hiking trail,” explains Stephen Gleave. “One of the best in Ancaster.” Canterbury Falls Sherman Falls is located between two other water features that are just as mesmerizing. Canterbury falls on one end is located on a tributary of Sulphur Creek known as Canterbury Creek and can be found on the Bruce Trail. This waterfall cascades 9.5 metres and is about 3.3 metres wide. The land was previously owned by the Milne family in 1766-1826 but is now owned by the Anglican Church of Canada, Hamilton Diocese, which uses the site as a retreat, church and camp. A recently built bridge provides access. Tiffany Falls Tiffany Falls is a particularly interesting geological formation known as an Earth Science Area of Regional Significance thanks to its bedrock exposure, alongside a smaller waterfall called Washboard Falls. This feature has many layers of stratified soil exposed to show millions of years of changes in soil composition. Much like most of the Carolinian Forest ecosystem and the habitat around Ancaster, Tiffany Falls and the area around it is significant for the conservation of animal life. Dundas Valley Conservation Area Gleave describes the Dundas Valley Conservation Area near Ancaster as all the area has to offer, all accessible on a series of well-looked-after trails. This conservation area spans 1,200 hectares and has the same rich Carolinian Forests as well as geological formations and meadows that host a variety of rare and endangered wildlife. The entire zone was once part of a glacial valley that disappeared approximately 10,000 years ago, which is why so many of the other areas on this list are known by geological experts as areas of interest. What makes this conservation area special is its availability to the public and its equestrian-accessible trails. There are also more than 40 kilometres of recreational trails, with some trails offering wheelchair and scooter accessibility. One of the best choices I ever made was coming to Ancaster,” says Gleave. “It’s reignited my love and pride for Southern Ontario Additionals: Which City Is Known As The City Of Lakes? 11 Great Places To Take Pictures In London Things To Do In Rocky Mountains National Park What Are The Places To Visit In Meghalaya? – Travel Guide

READ MORE Preeti Maske Creates Guinness World Record

Preeti Maske Creates Guinness World Record Cycling From Leh To Manali In 55 Hours

BY  Shahnawaz Aug 2, 2022

45-year-old Preeti Maske, a mother of two, stuns India by making a Guinness world record in solo cycling. The Pune cyclist covers a long distance between Leh and Manali, becoming the first Indian woman ever to create this record. Preeti cycles for 55 hours & 13 minutes to cover this long distance. Preeti, the woman, was able to cover this distance. She has covered a long distance of 428 km with a total elevation gain of more than 26000 ft. On her way, Preeti also had to cross the highest pass (Tanglangla Pass). Tanglangla is over 17582 ft high, and some other passes on her path were higher than 16000 ft. When asked, Preeti answered, "It just happened." Preeti also added – Preeti said on Instagram – Feeling top of the world to ride the challenging route of Leh to Manali for Guinness world records and WUCA records, the terrain was challenging with elevation and constantly changing weather, could finish at 55 hrs, 13 minutes and 0 seconds. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Preeti Maske (@the_extreme_lady) While describing her long cycling journey, Preeti said – Managing sleep deprivation in a continuous and non-stop ride in a high altitude region was a big challenge for me. In addition, I had to take oxygen due to breathlessness at high passes twice during my adventurous journey A mother of two, Preeti has an inspirational milestone not only for Indian women but also for women worldwide. The Border Roads Organisation took to Twitter to confirm that she met all the Guinness Book of World Records requirements. Preeti also holds the record for completing the Golden Quadrilateral route stretching through Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Rajasthan, Mumbai, and Pune. However, she is not stopping after finishing her Guinness record. She is already planning her next big cycling adventure. Read Also: Which Is The Best Time To Visit Auli? – Travel Guide Best Time To Visit Mount Abu – Travel Guide In 2022 Which Is The Best Time To Visit Kashmir? – Travel Guide

READ MORE Campervan

Dos And Don’ts Of Travelling With A Campervan

BY  Abdul Aziz Jul 30, 2022

Have you been bitten by the campervan bug? As more and more individuals are taking to the open road in order to discover the world around them, these vehicles have become extremely popular. Are there any ways in which you can ensure a pleasant journey?  In the same respect, what mistakes should be avoided? Let us examine both sides of the proverbial coin so that you will be prepared for whatever may be in store.  Let’s have a look at what is a campervan and how the campervan works. What Is A Campervan? Campervan traveling is a camper van style that allows traveling on wheels. All these are entirely furnished vans. You will get plenty of beds, attached washrooms, televisions, and music systems. The main advantage of campervans traveling is you do not need to book any vehicles for traveling. You can play multiple music players and enjoy the views of the attractive scenic beauties. Every type of modern facility is available here, from kitchenettes to washrooms and televisions. Usually, these travelings are more fun. So let’s see how to make your adventurous journey into a more exciting one. Expert Recommendations: Tips And Tricks One practical recommendation involves knowing what to pack. Campervan traveling is a very exciting feature. Campervan travel is a very adventurous journey. But small mistakes can make your adventurous journey into a big headache. If your campervan has washrooms and a kitchen, then you must take care of your campervan. Hence, pest infestations are also possible at any time. If the campervan is not yours, then also you must take some precautionary steps. Here are a handful of basic essentials that should be included even if the journey is relatively short:  An adapter plug Fan or small handheld cooler Small antiseptic lotion Bandaid and bandage  Small portable, easy chairs Portable solar panels One or more beach towels A fully charged torch Extra bottles of drinking water A cooler A physical map (in the event that you do not have wireless Internet service) Skin care products such as sunscreen and insect repellent Secondly, make it a point to roughly map out your journey while taking into account variables such as traffic and estimated travel times. These factors will ultimately determine how long you can afford to stay at each destination. A satnav can help with this.  Safety Concerning Tips Safety is another priority that should never be taken lightly. Always check the condition of headlamps, tail lights, and similar electronic components.  Make certain that the MOT inspection is up to date. Confirm that the tires are inflated to the appropriate pressure and that the brakes are functioning as they should.  It could likewise be prudent to examine the campervan insurance options found at This is the best way to find personalized packages so that you are financially protected while on the open road.  Mistakes To Avoid During Your Campervan Journey One common error involves airing the campervan out for long periods of time. Opening up windows and doors can cause levels of interior humidity to rise, leading to issues such as mould and foul smells.   If you are traveling with a campervan interior with a bathroom, then always maintain cleanliness. It is instead better to keep windows open while driving and to close them once you reach the destination.  Another mistake is associated with over-planning. While there is nothing wrong with creating a general itinerary, remember that unexpected sights could arise on occasion. So, include a bit of leeway when determining where it is that you wish to visit.  A final pitfall is associated with not checking the weather forecast on a regular basis. When traveling with a campervan, inclement weather can and will occur from time to time.  This is particularly the case during the summer months, as storms may arise from seemingly nowhere. This will place quite a damper on any much-needed holiday. So, be sure to keep up to date with all relevant forecasts.  A Bit Of Planning Will Go A Long Way Adequately preparing for an upcoming campervan trip is the best way to make certain that nothing is left to chance. Sit back, relax and enjoy all that these excursions have to offer! The campervan trips are also going to be very exciting if you are selecting the right way as per the precocious tips. So what is your opinion? Are you thinking of starting a campervan journey? Then share your opinion through the comment section. Additionals: Speed Boat Miami Tour – Sightseeing And Entertainment Kids Traveling With Their Laptops – Tips You’ll Want To Know 10 Things To Do In Madeira Beach In 2022- Tour And Travel Guides Motor Home Hire – 10 Helpful Tips On How To Be A Careful Camper In NZ

READ MORE Purchase A Boat

6 Reasons Why You Need To Purchase A Boat In 2022

BY  Jyoti Singh Jul 4, 2022

A boat is an exciting investment. However, there is no denying that is it also an expensive one. Naturally, if you are thinking of buying a boat, you may be looking for more confirmation on whether this is a good idea. This guide is here to give you all the motivation you need to go for it! Below – are some reasons why you need to purchase a boat in 2022. Let's Checkout Six Crucial Reasons Why You Need To Purchase A Boat In 2022: 1. You Can Use It For Vacations This is arguably one of the best qualities a boat can offer. Owning a boat means you can travel anywhere around the globe. You no longer have to pay for expensive hotels and holiday destinations. Let's face it; this can be stressful planning at the best of times. Your boat will become the new vacation spot for you and your family to enjoy. You can find some of the best boating destinations online to inspire you. It opens your eyes to the kind of places that you and your family can explore. Once you start using your boat as your new vacation spot, you will never look back. It certainly makes it a worthwhile investment if you love to get away. Related Resource: What To Consider When Choosing Vacation Destinations For Families 2. Opportunity To Meet New People If you like to meet new people, boating gives you this opportunity. The boating community is packed full of enthusiasts who have explored the world. You can meet new people and share your experiences; it is also a great way to expand your boating knowledge. You can easily travel to and from destinations on your boat, so you will always encounter new groups of people along the way. You will tend to find that the longer you are boating, the more immersed you will become in the community. You may even make some life-long friends. 3. There Is The Potential To Earn Money From Your Investment If you are taking care of your boat and ensuring that it is getting serviced at regular intervals, you will be automatically improving the valuation/price of the boat. Always check out the best marine supply store to get parts, products, and accessories for your boat. What if we told you that you could earn money from your boat while not using it? You can indeed hire your boat out to others during seasons when you are not using it. This allows you to make some additional cash to help you maintain your boat's upkeep. Firstly, you need to buy a boat that is in your price range. Luckily, you can find boats for sale online at the click of a button. There are plenty that covers a wide price range. Choose a boat that you can afford to maintain. That way, when you hire the boat out to others, the money you make can be spent on fun activities. Eventually, you may even make enough money to buy a brand-new boat. 4. Cheaper Alternative For Travelling The World One of the great things about owning a boat is you can travel to so many destinations. You are certainly not limited on where you can go. Most people see a boat as a cheaper alternative for traveling the world. Although the boat itself is a significant upfront investment, you no longer have to pay money for hotels or travel. Of course, you may need to pay some yearly maintenance costs for your boat, or perhaps upgrade certain parts due to wear and tear every now and again. A quick search for a 9.9 hp outboard for sale, or whatever motor it is that you need, for example, should find you a good deal in your price range, whatever you require. Your boat not only offers you a place to say, but it can also get you to and from your destinations with ease. What's not to love? You can make your traveling even cheaper by packing your boat with all the essentials you need. For example, you can fill your boat with the food you need, so you do not have to pay for meals out. However, aside from packing your boat with the essentials you need, there are other things to consider if you want to travel the world on your ship. One of these considerations includes a boat license. It’s a document that proves that you’ve completed a boating safety course and understand the rules and regulations of boating in your state and those you want to visit. For example, if you want to travel to Canada, particularly in Ontario, you must get a boating license before taking your water vessel to its beautiful waters. If you want more information about these licenses, you can check out credible and other online resources. Moreover, it’s essential to know that license requirements can vary based on location, as not all states or countries require one. This will help keep your readers informed and encourage them to do additional research based on their specific circumstances 5. They Keep You Fit And Healthy Owning a boat is certainly a great way to keep you fit and healthy. After all, it requires a lot of upkeep. You need to complete daily checks of the boat such as double checking the boat autopilot is working properly, to ensure everything is running smoothly. You also need to keep it clean. It will certainly keep you busy, but that is all part of boating fun. If you love to stay fit while on the move, there are also plenty of exercises that you can try while sailing. Who said workouts are just for land? Some common exercises you can do in a boat include: Rowing: If your boat has oars, you can row. This is a great way to increase your heart rate and work your upper body. Push-ups: Push-ups are a great way to work your chest, triceps, and shoulders. You can do push-ups on the deck of your boat or a bench if there’s one. Sit-ups: Sit-ups are a great way to work your core. You can do sit-ups on the deck of your boat or a bench if it’s available. Squats: Squats are a great way to work your legs and glutes. You can do squats on the deck of your boat or a bench if you have one. With these options, you can pick the best exercises you can perform while sailing. Moreover, Take a look at some tips for exercising on a boat. You can work out with a view. It will certainly give you the motivation you need to stay fit and healthy. 6. Gives You An Escape From Everyday Life If you have a busy lifestyle, it can often feel overwhelming. Sometimes you need to escape from it all. Luckily, a boat gives you this privilege. Whenever you are feeling stressed, you can take a visit down to your boat and travel to a new destination. Sailing on the open water and feeling the breeze in your hair can feel very relaxing. It can give you the reset you need to say goodbye to your stresses. That is truly priceless. So, what are you waiting for? Start looking at boats for sale online and immerse yourself in the world of boating. You won't regret it. 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READ MORE Resort Spa

The Best Wellness Spa Resort & Wellness Island Experience! A Luxury Tourism Guide At Thanda Private Island | Wellness Tourism

BY  Abdul Aziz Jul 2, 2022

Thanda Private Island is a luxurious island located in the Shungimbili Island Marine Reserve, between the mainland of Tanzania and Mafia Island. Thanda Private Island is home to nature in its purest form and feels heavenly. Thanda Island will instantly become your Indian Ocean home as it's in the lap of mother nature, which offers adventures, good food, spa wellness, and much more. The resort spa for wellness is slightly different from the regular luxury resorts. Let’s have a look at what is a spa resort for wellness. Then the difference will be much clearer for you. What Is A Wellness Spa Resort? A wellness spa resort is a resort where the visitors are only asking for healing suggestions. But, yes, some inner and body wellness is the target. So the visitors are getting an exceptional list of body and mind treatment options. They offer yoga, meditation, and Reiki sessions with spa wellness to add even more to your health. At their island resort spa, they believe in nature, its conservation, and all the natural practices which connect us to nature. So, the Spa is among them as it rejuvenates your soul and body to boost healthy circulation and makes you calmer and happier. Facilities Of The Wellness Island Spa Resort  You will fall in love with the sight of an isolated, uninhabited tropical island off the coast of East Africa where the only gesture of human habitation is the rare conventional fishing show. Many of the visitors are asking about what to wear to a spa resort.  Hence these spa resorts are a little bit different than luxury resorts. But the fact is when you are on the wellness island, you can wear anything you want. That means your relaxed feelings are the most required steps.  The island enjoys privacy with family and friends having luxurious villas and two traditional Bandas. Enjoy their marine reserve, swim with whales and sharks, watch sea turtles nesting, and try every water activity there. Enjoy the exotic cuisine and indulge in regular spa wellness to charge yourself for the island's adventures.   What Are The Available Facilities In The Island Spa And Wellness? All the wellness resort spas are built in a remote and naturally beautiful place. So you know the beautiful natural ambiances are the great healers. And These are the largest advantages of vacationing in wellness spas. But apart from the natural ambiance, here are some of the other facilities you are getting in the island Spas. Natural therapies for the face and body that are mentally and physically rejuvenating. Professional care with expert spa therapists Luxury to experience spa wellness at any location on the private island To enjoy the best non-allergic and best products for the treatment. Lastly, enjoy all this with a magnificent view of vast oceans and other amenities. Yoga and other mind-rejuvenating excise facilities along with the mind refreshing massage facilities. Most wellness spa facilities include many oil and water massages. The fitness activity along with the aquatic sports facilities. A private island means the location is remote, and you can spend your vacations without crowds. You can fly to Dar es Salaam where the Thanda Island team will welcome you and take you to the island through helicopters. So, enjoy a grand welcome and luxury island spa at Thanda Island. Names Of The Few Wellness Islands Here are the four names of the popular wellness island. All of these islands are in remote places. All of the resort spa have luxurious facilities. So are you thinking of making your wellness vacation special?Then pick any form of these four options, and you are not going to represent your decisions. 1. Shanti Maurice In Mauritius Address: Coastal Road, Saint Felix, Mauritius Phone Number: +230 603 7200 Operational Hours: 24 Hours Google Rating: 4.5 Shanti Maurice In Mauritius believes, “We live our lives through our senses.” Along with having a golf course and a hub of various family activities, Shanti Maurice provides you with a journey of rejuvenation.  Dr. Avinash Ramapati Tiwari is the doctor and the man behind this luxurious wellness service. He comes with an in-depth knowledge of Ayurveda.  He will personalize the wellness service for you, aiming at your holistic well-being.  2. Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa In Thailand Address: 102 9 Laem-Set Rd, Tambon Na Mueang, Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84140, Thailand Phone Number: +66 77 429 800 Operational Hours: 24 Hours Google Rating: 4.7 Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa In Thailand works to eradicate your mental anxiety and stress. So, along with the wellness of your body, it also works to uplift your emotions and spirit.  Further, the approach to wellness is unique at this wellness spa resort. They go for a wonderful fusion of traditional Eastern methods of treatment with Western technologies and advanced medical research.   The wellness courses and sessions here are versatile, and you can attend courses like “Sleep Enhancement,” “Basic Balance & Revitalise,” “Basic Optimal Fitness,” etc.  3. Blue Waters Resort And Spa, Barbara Address: Atlantic Ave AG Atlantic Avenue, Antigua & Barbuda Phone Number: +44 (0) 870 360 1245 (UK and Europe), +1 (800) 557 6536 (USA and Canada) Google Rating: 4.6 The Blue Waters Resort and Spa in Barbara is a noted destination for wellness tourism. If your muscles are tired and your mind is stressed, a visit to this wellness spa resort will do the trick. The treatments offered here come from a deep understanding of the complex physiology of a human being. In addition, unique technologies are used to address and cure your physical and mental health concerns.  You can avail yourself of facials, massages and various hair treatments. You can also opt for a complete bridal service.  4. Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort In Costa Rica Address: Bodhi Street, Provincia de Guanacaste, Nosara, 50206, Costa Rica Phone No: +506 2682 0256 Hours of Operation: 24 Hours Google Rating: 4.6 Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort In Costa Rica is an all-in-one destination for surfers, wellness enthusiasts, and Yogis. Urban wellness and wellness tourism are currently two trends on the rise, and this Costa Rica wellness spa resort offers daily yoga classes and week-long yoga retreats.  You can also relax, restore, and rejuvenate with the wellness services at Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort.  Wrapping It Up: Wellness resort spa is popular for its marvelous natural ambiance. The facility of all the wellness resort spas is pretty unique. So you can easily pick a basis for your requirements. Some of the visitors prefer natural healing facilities, others also seek the gym and aquatic exercise facilities. So the facilities are different. So which one are you going to pick? Share your opinion in the comment sections. Additionals: Ski Resorts of Idaho The Last Ski-Only Resorts in the USA: Why Do They Still Exist? Spinnaker Resorts & How Do You Get Out Of a Spinnaker Timeshare

READ MORE Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners

Top Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners

BY  Mashum Jun 11, 2022

Did you know that there are always numerous challenges while rock climbing, even if you are an expert? No matter how many times you may have successfully scaled a wall or a mountain, there are always problems to look out for. It is essential to go through these rock climbing tips for beginners. Rock climbing is fun and exhilarating, but there is a lot to learn. From the right harness, ropes, chalk, and footwear, you need a lot of preparation to navigate through this minefield. Here is everything you need to know about rock climbing and its benefits, with some helpful tips to safely get you to the top. What Is Rock Climbing? Rock climbing is an exhilarating sport where people need to climb up, down, or across natural rock formations or an artificial rock wall. The goal is to reach the summit safely without any dangerous problems. Some people rock climb with harnesses, while others prefer to free climb. Depending on the expedition, you may need to get some gear together to tackle a mountain. Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners The first tip in this rock climbing guide is to invest in decent equipment. This is because unsuitable shoes or clothes can lead to serious injury. Renting equipment can be expensive, but the best quality gear will be more advantageous in the long term, especially if you plan to become a competent climber. You will need a chalk and chalk bag, beginner climbing shoes, a sports harness, a climbing carabiner, and a helmet. Then you can also get some other gear like quickdraws, ropes, and crash pads that will come in handy when you have more climbing experience. Then you need to find a good instructor. When climbing as a beginner, there are numerous techniques to learn. The only way to know that you are learning everything is by going face-to-face with an expert in climbing. They have all the skills to teach lessons, lead guided tours, and do safety checks. Check out these Kilimanjaro guides for more information. Find a Climbing Partner Rock climbing is no different than other sports. Therefore, it is always more fun to have some friends around to keep you company. Having someone with you can be beneficial until you become a more confident climber. You can look out for each other to hold ropes or catch falls. Climbing with a partner is also a great way to maintain motivation while adding a touch of healthy competitiveness. Avoid Doing Too Much One of the most important rock climbing tips that no one talks about is to slow down. Remember that rock climbing is challenging. Rushing into things and tiring yourself out too early is not beneficial. Instead of developing and learning how to rock climb at their own pace, many people treat the course like a sprint. This can cause you to carelessly disregard skill and technique. Although it can feel embarrassing being left behind, always trust the process. Never be too hard on yourself, even if it takes you the longest to reach the summit. You should also not let yourself feel pressured to climb every day. Up to three sessions a week should be enough for training. Otherwise, you risk becoming fatigued and can potentially get injured as well. Silent Feet Method When you first start climbing up a rock or a mountain, you will notice that your footwork is appalling. Do not let this bring you down because everyone has terrible footwork when they start rock climbing for the first time. You should avoid looking up while climbing without paying attention to your feet to practice. To master the silent feet method, you should make very little noise while placing your feet on the footholds. The key is to be as silent as possible. This way, you will start paying more attention to footwork, making you a better climber down the line. Practice Falling There are many rock climbing benefits, but falling is not one. However, every rock climber knows that a fall is inevitable. It is best to spend some time purposely falling to learn how it feels. This will lower your chances of getting hurt when it happens in the real world. Remember to always keep your rope in front of your feet while climbing. This is because the rope can get tangled and cause you to do a backward flip when you fall. Always let your guide or partner know before coming off the wall during practice. Avoid pushing yourself off the wall with a lot of force. Otherwise, you will swing back straight away and collide with the wall with a lot of speed, which will add more pain. Keep Arms Straight This is the most important tip for rock climbing if you are a beginner. You cannot perform well if your arms are bent. This is because your arms need to support your body weight more than usual while climbing. You will become exhausted, and rock climbing may seem like a lost cause. Bending your arms will restrict your reach. To avoid making your climb harder than it already is, always practice stretching your arms out. There is a reason why we do not bend our arms while carrying shopping bags. We need all our strength. Work Your Core Core strength while climbing will be more important than upper body strength. Give your core a good workout before a climb. The best thing to do is practice Pilates, gymnastics, or yoga. If those are not your favorite exercises, you can find many strength training videos online that can help engage your core to get you ready for a climbing expedition. Always Climb Safely Now that you know the best rock climbing tips for beginners, it is time to stretch those arms and strengthen your core to get ready for the expedition. Remember to warm up to avoid serious injury. Wake up early before a climb and do some leg swings, jumping jacks, push-ups, and squats. These will loosen your muscles while making you more alert. If you enjoyed reading this rock climbing guide, check out some of our other posts for more information. Read Also: A Guide To Planning Your First Family Ski Trip 10 Best Places To Travel In February – Travel Guide 2022 10 Best Places To Travel In March – Travel Guide 2022  

READ MORE Speed Boat

Speed Boat Miami Tour – Sightseeing and Entertainment

BY  Abdul Aziz May 30, 2022

Do you want to explore the Miami coastline on a thrilling speedboat tour? Then, zooming along the water in a powerful catamaran will become a memorable adventure. Speed boat Miami tour is a sightseeing cruise past amazing landscapes, Fishing Island, mansions, celebrity houses, and other sights. So unusual and breathtaking travel ensures fascinating experiences and an adrenaline rush. Of course, you'll also be happy to speed down the sandy coast of South Beach and savor the local sun, surfing on this high-speed trip.  However, you should find the best company to provide all bells and whistles of speed boating in Miami. For this purpose, Jetboat Miami is one of the best options.  Jetboat Miami: What Is on Display? Once you enter the company's official website, you'll dive into various offers promising the most exciting speed boat tours in Miami. Exciting activities include the following rides: Jetboat tours to taste the thrill of a lifetime. Mind-blowing parties on catamarans. Jet skiing Miami rides for highly energetic adrenaline-seekers. Pontoon boat rentals Miami for fishing, family trips, and quality time with friends.  Yacht and speedboat tours Miami to enjoy fascinating excursions.  Yacht rental for private charters.  All sorts of adventures are at your disposal. In fact, you can choose to hire watercraft with the crew or operate Miami speed boats independently. A wide range of activities provides inflexible services for people of all tastes.  Water Miami Tours for Extreme and Sightseeing Have you ever felt the wind in your hair? Have you dreamed about spotting sea animals and tropical nature along the way? Do you care about your health? If yes, water activity is a win-win solution. Whether you choose calm pontoons or breathtaking jet skis and speed boats Miami, you'll have too much of a good thing. People worldwide apply to JetBoatMiami to appreciate local natural beauty, seek adventures, and have quality time with close people. The operator's services are exhilarating and unforgettable ways of enjoying vacations, honeymoons, birthday parties, and corporative events. You will find a trip for couples, small and big companies of friends and colleges. The company features high-level customization, providing a diversity of experiences based on clients' desires and needs. Of course, most people look for rest and entertainment when booking speedboat Miami trips. However, the operator also has offers for those striving to enhance physical or mental health, add romantics to relationships, or bring more joy to their kids.  Related: Factors To Consider When Hiring A Boat In Sydney How Can You Book a Tour on You will easily find all speed boat tours in Miami on the company's official website. The online platform is a fast and convenient way to explore offers and choose the best to make your dreams come true.  The site is very informative. It discloses specifics and pricing for every speed boat tour in Miami, facilitating the search for different audiences. So whether you are parents with small kids or Miami speedboat fans, you'll find the most appropriate options with a few clicks.  It should be said that the site is perfectly optimized for mobile devices. So, you can make bookings and read news on the go from anywhere you want. Once you find what you're looking for, use an online calendar and a convenient form to order an exciting and affordable Miami speed boat tour. The company is notable for some interesting services. For example, in a special section, you will find photos and videos taken by professionals during previous pontoon, jet ski, yacht, and speed boat Miami tours. You may filter your search by time or alphabetically.  The platform is also easy to book services for novices. It clarifies requirements like allowed age, maximum weight per person, rules for pregnant women, etc. In addition, it highlights other aspects and peculiarities of extreme water activities. Those seeking more detailed information may read a blog or FAQs on the site.  Why Should You Choose JetBoatMiami for Rides and Cruises? The JetBoatMiami tour operator ensures unique and highly personalized experiences for all guests coming to us in search of adrenaline and adventures. At the same time, many other companies can make travelers closer to local sights and attractions. A speed boat tour of Miami is a popular service. Why JetBoatMiami? Let's see! The operator owns top-of-the-line, brand new, and super-fast personal watercraft. It offers guided private, group, and individual journeys on various vessels.  One-hour and longer tours cover various localities (Star Island, Biscayne Bay, Downtown Miami Area, etc.) You can make adjustments and include parties, diving, fishing, snorkeling, and more water entertainment in your Miami speed boat and other tours.  Although the operator has strict rules and regulations to follow the law and protect customers, their policies are flexible enough to find the middle ground and provide unforgettable impressions. Besides, you will appreciate JetBoatMiami's loyal cancellation policy. For instance, clients can make up to three rebooks and reschedule the tour up to 24 hours before the start. If some misunderstandings occur, the staff does its best to address any issue on short notice and reach out to a mutually beneficial agreement. Many reviews on third-party websites prove the company's client-oriented focus and quality services.  Related Resource: Top 10 Best Beaches In Florida 10 Best Places To Travel In August – Travel Guide 2022 10 Best Places To Travel In December – Travel Guide 2022 10 Best Fishing Charters In Florida To Visit In 2022 – Tour And Travel Guide

READ MORE Downtown Cleveland

Exploring Downtown Cleveland with an Extended Hotel Stay

BY  Abdul Aziz May 6, 2022

Downtown Cleveland is a bustling city that offers plenty of things to do for visitors. Whether you're looking for a place to eat, a place to shop, or a place to explore, Downtown Cleveland has something for everyone. And with the Downtown Cleveland Hotel, it's easy to stay downtown for longer to take advantage of everything the city has to offer. Whether you're here for business or pleasure, Downtown Cleveland has a wide variety of hotels to suit your needs. There are budget-friendly options as well as the more upscale establishments. The one you ultimately decide to stay in will depend on what you want out of a vacation or business trip. Let us now check out some of these Downtown Cleveland attractions that might encourage us to stay longer. Catch a game at Progressive Field or Quicken Loans Arena Progressive Field is one of Downtown Cleveland's crown jewels. The home of the Cleveland Indians, Progressive Field is a premier destination for baseball fans. From the beautifully designed concourses to the amazing sightlines, Progressive Field is one of the best ballparks in the country. Don't miss out on a chance to see a game at this iconic venue during your extended stay downtown. Home to the Cleveland Cavaliers and Monsters hockey teams, Quicken Loans Arena is Downtown Cleveland's most popular attraction. The arena hosts more than 200 events per year and welcomes more than 2 million visitors annually. Whether you're a sports fan or not, there's something for everyone at Quicken Loans Arena. From concerts to family shows, there's always something going on. Stroll through the Cleveland Museum of Art When looking for things to do, the Cleveland Museum of Art is always a top option. With an impressive collection of both modern and classical art, there is something for all to enjoy. Some of the most popular exhibits include Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" and Michelangelo's "David." If you enjoy art, and have a go at it yourself from time to time, then you will appreciate what is on offer at the Cleveland Museum of Art. You can get to see exhibits that are only available to view here in person. Seeing art on a computer screen or inside a book is just not the same because you cannot grasp the textures that make up a composition and how these work to produce such beauty. Note: Consider going through our exclusive guide on Ohio Attractions Explore the Warehouse District The Warehouse District is a popular spot for nightlife in Downtown Cleveland. It's home to plenty of bars and restaurants, as well as art galleries and other attractions. If you're looking for a place to go out and have some fun, the Warehouse District is worth exploring. It is good to have some nightlife to participate in because it extends the pleasures of a vacation. Things look different at night and it somehow has a completely different atmosphere to the daytime. Many of us would experience it back at home, so why not see what it is like in a place that we have never visited before? Check out the skyline from Edgewater Park Just a short drive away from downtown is Edgewater Park, a beautiful public park along the shores of Lake Erie. It's perfect for a peaceful walk, a picnic lunch, or a day spent fishing. There's also a playground and a beach, making it a great spot for families. Skylines are always a sight to behold and something to photograph as a memory to take back with us. Parks are a great place to relax. More so when they are close to water. Anything involving water seems to have that calming effect. We can then truly relax while we are on vacation. We can relax for even longer if we decide to extend our vacation. As well as the above, you could have drinks or dinner at one of downtown's many restaurants and bars. Not just once, on an extended stay, but several times, trying different venues. Alternatively, if you booked for a more luxury hotel, you might want to simply enjoy the variety and culinary delights their menu offers. Luxury hotels do tend to attract the best chefs in the world. Exploring Downtown Cleveland is a breeze when you're staying in one of the many hotels in the area. With so much to see and do, it's easy to stay longer and take advantage of everything downtown has to offer. From catching a game at Progressive Field or Quicken Loans Arena to exploring the Cleveland Museum of Art, there's something for everyone in Downtown Cleveland. Read Also: Finding the Best Hotel in Bournemouth 6 Things Boutique Hotels Do that Makes Them Unique Few Excellent Ways to Get Discount on Hotel Booking The Many Reasons Hotel Stays Become Extended in New York City


New Jersey — The Comfort And Golf Hotbed You’ve Been Missing

BY  Kanchan Shaw May 4, 2022

Pebble Peach, Torrey Pines, Augusta—the most common answers of where the best golf is. New Jersey golf does always make the list (but it should). It's the same when you talk about beautiful resorts on the American coastline. New Jersey isn’t the first place that comes to mind. Why Not New Jersey? New Jersey has world-renowned golf courses, with up to eight in the country's top 100 each year. There is an appreciation for the golf courses, but not always the state they’re in. People want a climate where you can play 12 months a year. With New Jersey, that’s not possible, but it's okay. Up and down the Jersey Shore, no, not that Jersey Shore, are beautiful beaches with hotels and attractions to match. Whether you’re a few miles from New York City or further South, down to Cape May, there are plenty of options. The hardest to ignore is the New Jersey Golf School by Bird Golf at the Seaview Hotel, a top 20 Golf Resort in the World. What Each Region Has to Offer The Northernmost region relies heavily on performance-type entertainment. The South makes it possible to entertain yourself. Scenic golf courses and paradise-like resorts make New Jersey what it is. And that's one of the best under-the-radar, all-around destinations in America. Put yourself in the Atlantic City area. Beaches, casinos, golf, shopping. Pick whatever you like. In one single area of New Jersey, you have access to any type of entertainment you’re looking for. Because of geography and notoriety, it is not discussed outside the direct region as much as it should be. The Complete Destination Golf Experience Where New Jersey is beginning to open its eyes is with combination golf courses and resorts. These are not resorts with executive courses, but complete and challenging tracks. Just because it’s not located in an area where you can play in shorts during March does not mean it shouldn’t be in the top conversation. Case and point, the Seaview Hotel and Golf Club. While the rest of your vacation party is lounging, you can sneak off to the New Jersey golf school by Bird Golf. Besides world-class accommodations, you have world-class instructors pushing your game in the right direction. Now he might not have visited the school, but even Dwight Eisenhower used to frequent Seaview. PGA Level Golf New Jersey has top-level golf, of equal pedigree to that of PGA Major-hosting courses. Bartustrol has hosted the US Open seven times and PGA Championship three times with a fourth on the way. Trump National, Seaview, and Englewood also each have a major under their belt as well. Any article highlighting New Jersey golf wouldn't be complete without focusing on Pine Valley. You know, a course frequently ranked number one in the world. New Jersey golf, is not bad. What Makes it Worth the Trip? World-class golf is nice, but we’re highlighting what New Jersey has to offer in the way of relaxation. It is what makes their golf course resorts special. So few people realize what high-quality instruction can do for you, but New Jersey golf school by Bird Golf is changing that. You’re combining the best of both worlds, relaxation, and golf. With New Jersey golf school by Bird Golf paving the way, it won’t remain underappreciated for long. Read Also: Top 10 Best Beaches In Florida For Families 10 Best Places To Travel In February – Travel Guide 2022 Which Is The Best Time To Visit Kashmir? – Travel Guide

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READ MORE Paraguay food

Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try

BY  Abdul Aziz May 1, 2024

Many of the countries in South America are popular for their exquisite and varied cuisine. However, the practices of Paraguay food are not known to many. The Paraguayan Cuisine has been influenced by the local indigenous tribe’s culinary traditions and practices brought by immigrants from Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Being a foodie myself, I love traveling around the world to have a taste of every new variety of food that the world has to offer. Visiting remote areas, meeting with new people, and trying out their traditional dishes is what I have always loved! I was also in your shoes when I first landed in Paraguay, a bit startled and confused. Although, as I began to explore, my first meal at a fancy restaurant in Asuncion changed my entire perception of the state.  Tid-Bits About Paraguay Food Classic Paraguay food includes some of the most exclusive dishes that are bound to beat any of the Peruvian or Argentine preparations. Traditional culinary elements in Paraguay food recipes consist of meat, maize, vegetables, manioc, cheese, fish, milk, and even fruits.  ‘Asado’ is a local term used for barbecue, which is referred to as both a cooking practice and a social event. In Paraguay, barbecuing is the most important mode of cooking their traditional Paraguayan food dishes.  Here in this article, I will elucidate the best dishes and popular foods in Paraguay that you must try in Paraguay this year. The Paraguay famous foods excite your taste buds and have an experience like never before.  1. Kivevé You will be stuck in a dilemma whether to count this as a main course or a dessert. Kieve is the most popular and loved Paraguay food. It is a vegetarian dish that is cooked out of andai (a type of juicy pumpkin), cornmeal, Paraguayan cheese, milk, and sugar. Kieve is a typical food in Paraguay. It has a very creamy and light texture and is orangish in color. This rich-flavored delicacy is served lukewarm and is often consumed as a side dish or even main meal, at breakfasts, and as an evening snack. 2. Chipa Considered a staple Paraguay food, Chipa is a simple bread roll that was invented by the local indigenous people in the 18th century. It is a bun that is made out of manioc or cassava flour, lard, and anise, and beaten eggs and cheese. There are different versions of Chipa available, varying over the regional influences. The bread has a very crunchy crust due to the addition of lard. The crumb is soft and has a unique flavor. It is prepared and consumed by every household in the state.  3. Bori Bori Bori-Bori (Vori-Vori) is a nutritious and flavorful thick soup that is prepared out of vegetables such as carrots, celery, onions. It is filled with meat (chicken or beef) and dumplings of cornmeal plus cheese. The prime flavoring ingredients in this soup are bay leaves, cloves, and parsley. The addition of saffron to this hearty broth makes it even more flavorful and rich golden in color. It must be served piping hot, garnished with some parsley and Paraguayan cheese on the side. It is especially popular during the winters.  4. Sopa Paraguaya This specialty is not what it sounds like. Even though SOPA translates to soup in the local language, it is not at all in the vicinity of any soupy preparations. It is the national dish of Paraguay, which resembles a cakey thick bread.  It is crafted out of cornflour, cheese, milk, and eggs. The flavor is inculcated through the use of onions and pork fat. It is usually baked and is often termed solid soup. It has a soft and crumbly texture and is served on special occasions as a side dish.  5. Mbeju Mbeju, when translated to the local Guarani language, means cake. It is a very simple and staple Paraguay food. It is a kind of starchy pancake that is prepared with cassava flour, salt, oil, milk, eggs, crumbled cheese, and even pork fat. The dough is kneaded well and rolled out thickly like a pancake. It is then fried in hot oil. It is usually consumed during breakfast, sometimes dinner, alongside a bitter herbal tea or coffee.  6. Soyo This is another popular Paraguay food, which is a thick unpassed soup. It is made with beef grounded in a mortar, rice, and vegetables, including green peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Soyo is another good example of Paraguay’s famous food.  The dish is flavored with garlic, parsley, oregano, salt, and pepper. The name is derived from the native Guarani phrase so’o josopy, meaning crushed meat. A whole bowl of soyo can be considered as a complete meal and has a high calorific value. Also Read: Unmissable Attractions In Surabaya 7. Tereré Since the climate in Paraguay tends to grow hotter every summer, Terere acts as a relief to many. It is a cold-brewed herbal tea that is bitter in taste and is commonly known as yerba mate.  Terere is one of the essential elements of export, and the natives can be seen carrying around a thermos flask, guampa (a spherical mug), and bombilla (a silver straw) everywhere they go. It is a very healthy and refreshing drink and has high caffeine content. 8. Dulce de Mamon Here comes our most awaited syrupy sweet dessert in the list of top Paraguay food you must try! Dulce de Mamon is one of the oldest and most traditional preparations of Paraguay, which has only two major ingredients. It is cooked by boiling small cut wedges of papaya in sugar syrup. The mixture is simmered for almost 2 hours in order for the papaya to achieve a soft texture. You can even add some cloves, lemon zest, and a little orange juice to enhance the flavors.  Also Read: 3 Intriguing Reasons To Cruise In Alaska 9. Pira Caldo Another most favored Paraguay food includes Pira Caldo. It is basically a light fish stew made with freshwater catches such as surubi, mandi’y, and tare’y. I have never in my life tasted such meaty textured fishes with a tinge of saltiness in them. Initially, vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, leeks, celery, bell peppers, and carrots are fried in pork or beef fat and are cooked with other spices. It is then combined with milk and soft white cheese to improve the thickness and flavor. 10. Bife Koygua Bife Koygua, or hidden steak as it is known, is another popular Paraguay food that is a must-try.  It is a heavy preparation in which the beef steaks are covered with onions and tomatoes. Hence the name. According to the local language, bife means beef, and koygua means shy or hidden. The recipe calls for the steak to be pounded first with spices, then fried with onions and topped with tomatoes. Towards the end, an egg or two is added at the top, and the dish is garnished with parsley. Puchero Paraguayo Recipe The Paraguayan version of a traditional meat stew is called Puchero paraguayo. This stew has its origins in Spain and is now prepared in several countries throughout South America and the Philippines. The name of the stew, Puchero, comes from the Spanish word meaning "stewpot". Course: Main Course Cuisine: Latin American, Paraguayan Servings: 4 people Author: Nita Ragoonanan Ingredients 1½ lb beef (skirt or flank steak, cut into pieces) 3 cloves garlic, cut in half 1 onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, diced 2 carrots 10 oz. pumpkin, cubed 2 potatoes, cubed ½ cup rice 6 tablespoons olive oil Salt Pepper Equipment Pressure cooker Instructions To start, get a large pot and fill it with 10 cups (2.5L) of water. Add in some onions, carrots, and bell peppers, and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and season it with salt and pepper to your liking. Set it aside. Next, heat some olive oil in a pressure cooker and add in some garlic and meat. Saute over high heat while stirring constantly until the meat is browned. Pour in the reserved broth and vegetables and close the pressure cooker. Cook for 45 minutes on medium-low heat. While waiting, rinse the rice. After 45 minutes, open the pressure cooker and add in the rice, potatoes, and pumpkin. Close the pressure cooker again and continue cooking for 15 minutes. Frequently Asked Questions!!! (FAQs): Q1. What Is The Traditional Dessert In Paraguay? Ans: Mazamorra also known as Kaguyjy is one of the most popular traditional deserts in Paraguay. it is made of corn and sugar, mixed with honey or milk. Ka'i Ladrillo is a candy made of peanuts and molasses. Q2. What Is Paraguay's National Dish? Ans: Sopa Paraguaya is the national dish of Paraguay. it is similar to cornbread and made up of corn flour, pig fat, or butter, with cheese and milk. it is very spongy and is rich in calories and protein. Q3. What Is The National Drink Of Paraguay? Ans: Yerba mate tea is prepared with cold water. different variations of terre can be found in Brazil and Argentina. Its birthplace is Paraguay. Final Thoughts These are some of the most exotic preparations from Paraguay that made their way into my Top 10 list. Thanks to those Guarani friends that I had over there who guided me through to the best of their culinary traditions. And if you are hesitating about visiting this place, trust me, the experience is worthwhile. It is not only about their food but also their culture, traditions, and heritage. This beautiful country deserves all the appreciation in the world. You May Also Like:  Top 7 Places To Visit For An Asian Solo Traveler Top 7 Nantucket Beaches For Tourists In Massachusetts 10 Things To Do In Bogota – You Must Know Before Going

READ MORE Motorbike Rental In Phuket

Top Tips For Motorbike Rental In Phuket – A Guide To Exploring The Island On Two Wheels

BY  Barsha Jan 6, 2024

Phuket, the Pearl of the Andaman, is a stunning island in Thailand known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and incredible natural scenery. While there are many ways to explore this tropical paradise, motorbike rental in Phuket is undoubtedly one of the best and most popular options. With its convenient size and excellent road network, Phuket offers the perfect setting for an unforgettable motorbike adventure. Whether you're an experienced rider or a novice looking for a thrilling yet convenient mode of transportation, renting a motorcycle in Phuket is a straightforward and rewarding experience. The island boasts numerous rental shops offering a wide range of bikes to suit every preference and budget. From sleek scooters to powerful motorcycles, you'll have plenty of options to choose from. Before you embark on your motorbike adventure in Phuket, there are a few essential things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's crucial to have a valid driver's license. While an international driving permit is technically required by law, rental shops generally accept licenses from most countries. Additionally, be sure to wear a helmet at all times, as it's not only a standard safety precaution but also mandatory by Thai law. To find a reputable Phuket motorbike rental, you can ask for recommendations from locals or fellow travelers or simply do a quick search online. It's always a good idea to read reviews and check the rental company's terms and conditions before making a reservation. Some shops may require a cash deposit, while others may accept credit card payments. Why Opt For Motorbike Rental In Phuket? If you are visiting Phuket, renting a motorbike can be a convenient and cost-effective way to explore this island. Phuket is a vibrant and bustling destination with many attractions, beaches, and sights to see. Having a motorbike gives you the freedom to navigate traffic easily and reach your desired destinations quickly. Here are a few reasons why renting a motorbike on the island is a good idea: 1. Flexibility And Independence When you hire a motorbike, you enjoy the freedom to explore Phuket at your own pace. You can easily visit different beaches, viewpoints, and attractions without having to rely on tour buses or taxis. This flexibility allows you to create your own itinerary and spend as much time as you want at each location. Read Also: From Beaches To Mountains: Ideal Routes For Car Travel In Dubai 2. Cost-Effective Transportation Hiring a motorcycle in Phuket is an affordable transportation option compared to hiring a taxi or using public transportation. The cost of renting a motorbike for a day or a week is relatively low, making it a budget-friendly option for travelers. Additionally, you can save on parking fees as motorbike rental in Phuket allows you to park for free or at a reduced cost in many areas. 3. Explore Hidden Gems With a motorbike, you have the chance to discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations that may not be easily accessible by other means of transportation. Phuket is known for its picturesque viewpoints, secluded beaches, and charming local villages. Renting a motorbike lets you venture off and uncover these hidden treasures on your own. Just remember to stay safe and drive responsibly. Familiarize yourself with local traffic laws, and always keep a helmet. Motorbike rental shops in Phuket usually provide helmets along with the rental. In conclusion, renting a motorbike on the island offers flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and the chance to explore hidden gems. It is a popular choice among tourists who want to make the most out of their visit to this beautiful island. Explore The Island At Your Own Pace Phuket is a beautiful island with stunning tropical landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque beaches. One of the best ways to fully experience the beauty of the island is by hiring a motorbike. With a rented motorbike, you have the freedom to discover the island’s hidden gems at your own pace, discovering hidden gems and secluded spots that are not easily accessible by other means of transportation. When you rent a motorbike in Phuket, you can create your own itinerary and decide where you want to go and how long you want to stay at each place. Whether you prefer to relax on the iconic Patong Beach, visit the Big Buddha, or explore the vibrant street markets of Phuket Town, having a motorbike gives you the flexibility to make spontaneous detours or take the road less traveled. Benefits Of Motorbike Rental In Phuket: Convenience: With a rented motorbike, you can easily navigate through traffic and reach your desired destinations quickly and efficiently. No more waiting for taxis or relying on crowded buses. Cost-effective: Renting a motorbike is a cost-effective way to explore Phuket compared to hiring a private driver or joining guided tours. It allows you to save money on transportation and spend it on other activities or experiences. Adventure: Riding a motorbike adds an element of adventure to your trip. The feeling of the wind in your hair and the freedom to explore every nook and cranny of the island is truly exhilarating. Important Tips: Always wear a helmet and follow traffic rules: Safety should be a priority when riding a bike. Don’t forget to wear a helmet and make sure you are familiar with the local traffic rules and regulations. Inspect the motorbike before renting: Before renting a motorbike, thoroughly inspect it for any existing damage or mechanical issues. Take photos or videos of the bike to avoid any disputes later on. Avoid driving at night: It is recommended to avoid driving a motorbike at night, as visibility can be poor and the risk of accidents increases. Parking: Make sure to park your motorbike in designated areas to avoid fines or having your bike towed away. Renting motorbikes in Phuket opens up a world of possibilities for exploring the island at your own pace. So, hop on a motorbike, feel the excitement, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in this tropical paradise. Affordable And Convenient Mode Of Transportation When visiting Phuket, renting a motorbike can be an affordable and convenient mode of transportation. With many rental options available, it's easy to find a motorbike that suits your needs and budget. Motorbikes are a popular choice for getting around Phuket because they provide the flexibility to explore Phuket at your own pace. Whether you want to visit popular tourist attractions or discover hidden gems, a motorbike allows you to easily navigate through traffic and reach your destination quickly. In addition to being a cost-effective option, hiring a bike in Phuket also saves you from the hassle of relying on public transportation or waiting for taxis. With a motorbike, you are free to go wherever and whenever you please, giving you more time to enjoy your vacation. When renting a motorbike, it's important to choose a reputable rental company that offers well-maintained vehicles. This will ensure a safe and reliable mode of transportation during your stay in Phuket. It's also essential to familiarize yourself with the local traffic laws and regulations before hitting the road. Overall, renting a motorcycle in Phuket is an affordable and convenient option for exploring the island. It lets you have a more personalized and pleasurable experience while saving time and money. So why wait? Rent a motorbike on the island and start exploring this beautiful destination today! Experience The Freedom Of Riding Renting bikes in and around Phuket gives you the opportunity to experience the ultimate freedom of riding around this beautiful island. Whether you want to discover the stunning beaches, visit historical landmarks, or simply enjoy the scenic views, having a motorbike at your disposal allows you to do so at your own pace. Imagine feeling the warm breeze on your face as you cruise along the coast, with the wind in your hair and the sun shining above you. With a motorbike, you can easily navigate through the streets, avoid heavy traffic, and enjoy the flexibility to go wherever you please. Discover Hidden Gems Phuket is an island that offers more than just popular tourist attractions. With a motorbike, you can venture off the beaten path and discover hidden gems that many tourists miss. Ride through the rural countryside, explore local markets, and interact with the friendly locals who will be more than happy to share their culture with you. You can also take advantage of the motorbike's mobility to visit lesser-known beaches that are tucked away from the crowds. Experience the tranquility and serenity of these secluded spots while enjoying the crystal-clear waters and sandy shores. Unforgettable Adventure Renting a motorbike in Phuket is not just a means of transportation; it's an unforgettable adventure. Feel the adrenaline rush as you navigate the winding roads and ascend to breathtaking viewpoints. Immerse yourself in the lush greenery of the island's interior, with its towering mountains and picturesque landscapes. With the freedom to explore at your own pace, you can create your own itinerary and make spontaneous stops along the way. Whether it's capturing stunning photos, trying out local street food, or simply taking in the breathtaking views, every moment on a bike in Phuket is filled with excitement and wonder. So, don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the freedom of riding a motorbike in the island. Rent one today and embark on a memorable journey that will leave you with unforgettable memories of this tropical paradise. How To Rent A Motorbike In Phuket Renting transports like motorcycles in Phuket is a popular and convenient way to discover the island. Whether you're an experienced rider or a novice, there are a few steps you need to follow to ensure a smooth and hassle-free rental experience. 1. Research And Compare Rental Companies Before opting for motorbike rental in Phuket, it's important to do some research and compare different rental companies. Read reviews and check their websites to get an understanding of their reputation and the quality of their bikes. Look for a company that offers insurance coverage and has a good selection of well-maintained bikes. 2. Bring Required Documents When hiring a motorbike on the island, you'll need to bring a valid driving license. In Thailand, an international driving permit (IDP) is generally required if your regular license is not in English. Additionally, you'll need to bring your passport as a form of identification and proof of age. 3. Inspect The Motorbike Carefully Before riding off, it's crucial to inspect the motorbike thoroughly for any existing damages. Take photos or make a video of the bike from different angles to have evidence of its condition. Check the tires, brakes, lights, and controls to ensure they are in proper working order. Inform the rental company about any pre-existing damages to avoid any disputes when returning the bike. 4. Understand The Insurance Coverage Make sure to understand the insurance coverage provided by the rental company. Some companies offer a basic insurance, while others provide additional coverage for theft and accidents. It's important to know the extent of your coverage and the excess amount you'll be responsible for in case of any damages or loss. 5. Follow Traffic Rules And Regulations When riding a motorbike in Phuket, it's essential to follow traffic rules and regulations. Always wear a helmet, as it's required by law in Thailand. Observe speed limits, use turn signals, and be cautious of other drivers. Familiarize yourself with the local driving rules and customs to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Renting a bike in Phuket can be a fantastic way to explore it and the beautiful attractions nearby. By adhering to these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can have a memorable and pleasurable experience while ensuring your safety and compliance with local laws. FAQ: Phuket Motorbike Rental Is It Possible To Rent Two-Wheelers In Phuket Without A Driver's License? No, it is not legal to rent a motorcycle in Phuket without a driver's license. What Are The Requirements To Hire A Bike In Phuket? To hire two-wheelers in Phuket, you need to have a valid license, your original passport or its copy, and a deposit. Are There Any Age Restrictions For Renting A Bike In Phuket? Yes, you should be no less than 18 years old for the rental purpose in Phuket. How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Motorbike In Phuket? The cost of hiring a bike in Phuket varies depending on the type of bike and the duration of the rental. On average, you might expect to pay around 200-400 baht per day. What Should I Do If I Get Into An Accident While Riding A Rented Motorbike In Phuket? If you get into an accident while riding a rented motorbike in Phuket, you should immediately contact the rental company and report the incident. They will guide you on the necessary steps to take. Is It Easy To Rent Bikes In Phuket? Yes, motorbike rental in Phuket is relatively easy. There are numerous rental shops available throughout the island. Read Also: Feast Your Way Through Europe: Best Tour Packages For Foodies 3 Of The Best European Holiday Destinations For Wintertime How To Prepare An Enjoyable Bus Tour In Europe

READ MORE Wonders of India

Top 13+ Famous Wonders Of India That You Must Visit [Updated 2024]

BY  Ankita May 1, 2024

India has some historical monuments that are not only wonders of India but also wonders of the world. Further, from Rishikesh in the north to Pondicherry in the south, India has many spiritual hubs scattered across the country.  In addition, due to the diverse landscape, it has Himalayan peaks, lush jungles, and the coastal life of the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal.  So, as a first-time tourist or even the most seasoned traveler, finding the wonders of India can be overwhelming for you. Here is an attempt to curate eclectic destinations that cover the preferences of all tourists.  Top 13 Famous Wonders Of India: India is full of cultural and historic heritages, monuments, and national parks. Here is the list of the top 10 wonders of India that you must visit. Some of them are also marked as UNESCO world heritage sites. Further, thanks to numerous government schemes and a development in the infrastructure, India has shown significant progress in the worldwide tourism scenario. The Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 shows India's 39th position among the 119 countries. It is a proud moment, considering how it has advanced by 15 positions in respect to the 54th rank in 2021.  1. Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is also a famous monument in India by Shah Jahan. Visiting India and failing to visit the Taj Mahal means that missing great opportunities to explore India. The architectural styles and the marble work of the Taj Mahal attract tourists from all over the world. Millions of people visit this destination every year. Taj Mahal is well-known for its attractions of color changing and a beautiful garden, among others. Talk to your tour guard about the slot for you the best time touring the Taj Mahal. You will have an excellent opportunity to experience one of the great wonders of the world. Direction: The nearest airport of Agra is Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport. Agra is only 200 km away from the IGI airport. You can avail cab from the airport or rent a car. 2. Red Fort Red Fort is a great edifice by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.  It is one of the best architectural wonders in India. When visiting India, you should not allow the Ref Fort to be out of your list of the top places to visit in India. This architectural marvel was constructed with red andstone which makes it look like a red aura that is nice to see. Most people who visit India don’t want to miss out on this excellent opportunity of visiting Red Fort. It will be more beautiful during Independence Day that is full of decorations and has a royal appearance. There is a Sound & Light show at Red Fort that is held every evening. It describes the history, tradition, and culture of the Mughal Emperor. Who will not want to make a feel of this when visiting India? No wonder it falls among the top 10 famous wonders of India. Direction: The nearest metro station is Chandni Chowk, and the nearest railway station is old Delhi. However, the nearest bus stand is Kashmiri Gate Bus Stand. 3. Sanchi Stupa Sanchi Stupa is a famous Buddhist architectural and cultural monument in Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the most popular tourist attraction sites that should not miss out on your list when touring India. It is a beautiful wonder in India with decorative images, designs, etc. Under the rule of Shunga, this monument was added with some more modifications like a beautiful harmonica on the top and stairways. It is excellent scenery for anyone who is visiting Australia. Direction: The nearest airport is Raja Bhoj in Gandhi Nagar. Sachi stupa is only 55 k.m away from the airport. 4. Gateway of India This famous Indo-Saracen-style monument was built by British architect George Wittet in the year 1911. Gateway of India was completely made of concrete and yellow-colored basalt rock which attracts a large number of people. This glorious architectural marvel adds glory to Mumbai city with its massive structure. You can be sure of having a good time when touring the Gateway of India. Most of that person who has stepped on this ground will tell you that it’s an amazing experience. Direction: Central Secretariat metro station is the nearest metro station. From the metro station is the only 3k.m.  5. Khajuraho Temples Khajuraho's group of temples are very famous for its architectural style and exotic sculptures. These temples are mainly dedicated to Jain and Hindu religions by the Rajput Chandela Dynasty. By visiting this wonderful monument, you can experience the skill of architects of the 10th century back time. It will give you an exclusive opportunity to learn about the great wonders of India. Direction: Lucknow is the nearest airport to Khajuraho Temple. In Khajuraho, there is a single terminal airport that connects the Lucknow airport. Flights to Khajuraho are available from Lucknow, Delhi, and Varanasi. 6. Qutub Minar Qutub Minar is a five-storied famous monument in Delhi by Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak that shows his victory over Hindu rulers. This beautiful wonder was designed in complete Afghan style, and it will be very interesting to experience this place. It has several destroyed monuments and tombs that are a must-watch for the visitors. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone who would like to experience the top 10 famous wonders of India. Along with the Qutub Minar, you can see the non rusted iron pillar of Delhi within the same campus. Direction: The nearest metro station is the Qutub Minar metro station. And Mehrauli Bus stand is the nearest Bus stand of the Qutub Minar. 7. Ajanta And Ellora Caves Ajanta and Ellora caves are the best examples of beautiful paintings, sculptures, and murals at the time of the 2nd century BC and 6th century AD. This destination also has so much to talk about the history of India. The art effects are dating between 600-1000 CE. Each and every cave are carrying significant art effects and all the time periods are different. These magnificent caves are dedicated to Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. However, these monuments are the best places to experience the arts of the bygone era. Most of the people get an opportunity to visit Ajanta and Ellora Caves. Direction: Aurangabad is the nearest city to the Ajanta Ellora Cave. From Mumbai, you are getting the train, bus, and flight facility to travel to Aurangabad. 8. Amer Fort Amer Fort is a famous majestic monument. Maan Singh built it in Jaipur. It is a marvelous architectural wonder with Hindu and Muslim architectural styles.  Amer Fort gives those visiting this place an excellent opportunity to enjoy the land's beauty. It is a unique monument with attractions such as Diwan-e-Aam, Sheesh Mahal, and Sukh Mandir and a light show in the evening. Ensure you request the tour guard include this site on the list of places you will be visiting while in India. Direction: Jaipur is the nearest airport. Pick a cab from the Jaipur airport or railway station if you want to reach the Amer fort.  From New Delhi station, you get many options to reach Jaipur, and from New Delhi, you will get the Jaipur connecting flights. 9. Charminar In one word, Charminar is the pride of Hyderabad. In a real sense, the monument is a sacred mosque built by Mohammad Quli Qutub Shah in 1591. It is some of the historical sites that are still defining the wonders of India. Due to the rapid growth of the population, it has remained in the center of traffic. The four minarets of Charminar symbolize the first four caliphs of the Islam religion. Get an opportunity to experience this beauty by slotting Charminar on your Indian trip. Direction: Charminar metro station is the nearest metro. Mahatma Gandhi Bus station is the nearest bus station from Charminar. And Charminar is just 2.6 km away from the Mahatma Gandhi Hyderabad Bus stand. 10. Konark Sun Temple Sun Temple in Konark is a famous temple in India.  The temple exists in the form of a huge chariot that is dedicated to Lord Surya Deva in the 13th century. A major attraction of this temple was depicting the mythological figures and images of animals when the first sun rays touch. It is an excellent place for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of India.  Direction: From Puri, only 32 km away from the Konark Sun Temple. You can simply book a cab from Puri and reach the Sun Temple within one hour. 11. Gomateshwara Gomateshwara, located in Karnataka, is a monolithic statue dedicated to the Jain god Baahubali. Voters chose the massive work of art in Karnataka’s Shravanabelagola as one of India’s seven wonders.  The magnificent structure, one of the world’s largest freestanding statues, appears extremely tranquil and peaceful. To keep the rock’s luster and shimmer, the figurine is polished and washed with milk, saffron, and ghee during this celebration. The Mahamastakabhisheka festival takes place here once every 12 years at the temple. And THIS is a sight that you cannot miss! It took place in February 2024. So, it is going to be held again in 2036.  Direction: You can drive from Bangalore for a distance of 144 km through the National Highway 75. This place is also located nearly 95 km from the Mysore airport. 12. Golden Temple The most important Sikhism shrine is Harmandir Sahib, also known as Durbar Sahib and the Golden Temple. It is one of India's most visited religious sites, decorated both inside and out with portions of the Holy Granth Sahib.  The gold-plated structure has copper domes and walls made of sparkling white marble that look like floral patterns from the Islamic style. It is one of India's most well-known wonders due to its tranquility, charm, clean and sanitary environment, and spiritual solace. Direction: The Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport (ATQ) is 11 kilometers from the center of the city. There are daily flights from several international and Indian cities. You can also take a cab from Amritsar Railway Station to reach the temple. 13. Hampi One of India's most well-known historical sites is Hampi, which is in Karnataka and is on the banks of the Tungabhadra River. One of India's Seven Wonders, Hampi is renowned for its historical ruins and relics of the grand Vijaynagar Kingdom. Its magnificent art display has also made it one of India's Seven Wonders. The stunning architectural ruins of temples and monuments make up the charming location, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Direction: Through NH 48 and NH 50, the driving distance from Bangalore is 343 kilometers. The Hospet railway station is 13 kilometers away. 14. India Gate Pardon me for mentioning the India Gate so late in the list. However, India Gate is the monument you must visit first in the country. Sir Edwin Lutyens designed this famous landmark in India, and the construction was open to the public in 1931.  Earlier, this monument was called the All India War Memorial, and it commemorates the Indian soldiers who fought in World War I as part of the British Army and lost their lives. It also pays respect to the soldiers of the Third Anglo-Afghan War. You can also see the Amar Jawan Jyoti at the India Gate. Conceptualized after the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, this forever-burning torch is a tribute to the country's armed forces.  India Gate is open to visitors throughout the day. However, you can visit the India Gate between 7-9 pm as it looks radiant in the floodlight.  Direction: The Central Secretariat Metro Station is the closest to the India Gate. Further, you can take a metro to Udyog Bhawan and take an auto to the India Gate.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Now that you are aware of the wonders of India, it is time for you to learn about the most asked questions related to this topic. Check these out before you leave! 1. What Is The 8th Wonder Of The World In India? Ans: Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi outlines 10,000 years of Indian history in all its breathtaking charm, grace, erudition, and joy. It showcases brilliantly the fragrance of India's antique architecture, beliefs, and timeless spiritual messages. 2. Who Decided The Seven Wonders Of The World? Ans: The original Seven Wonders of the World (also known as Ancient Wonders) are often connected to Greek writer Antipater of Sidon. He gathered a list of the seven most remarkable constructions recognized by man. This list was created to be based upon what was widespread among travelers. 3. Why Seven Wonders Are Called Seven Wonders? Ans: The unusual works of art and architecture are known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World toil as a testament to the ability, insight, and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. The first list comes from a work by Philo of Byzantium written in 225 B.C. called On The Seven Wonders 4. Is The Taj Mahal Removed From The Seven Wonders Of The World? Ans: Ultimately, in 2007, an informal list of the new seven wonders was published. The Taj Mahal in Agra, India, breaks the ice. Recognized as an architectural masterpiece, the 17th-century white marble mausoleum draws up to eight million vacationists a year. Conclusion These are the top 10 famous wonders of India that you must visit on your India tour. Each of them will leave a memorable experience in the back of your mind.  All these historical or mythological monuments are touristy because of the attractions of architectural styles and interesting facts. It will be very enthusiastic and enjoyable to visit these places.  You can be sure that you will have the best experience by visiting any of them. Besides, each of them will give you the best value for your money. Do your homework well so that you have no regrets after you visit India.   Read Also: Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try 10 Things To Do In Bogota – You Must Know Before Going Top 7 Nantucket Beaches For Tourists In Massachusetts Top 7 Places To Visit For An Asian Solo Traveler