This Is What I Feel About Backpacker Travel Insurance!

At heart, I’m a backpacker. Despite having traveled extensively for more than ten years, I still enjoy taking inexpensive trips and value the experiences more than opulent lodging and transportation. I still enjoy meeting people from the community, eating as much local food as I can, and staying in hostels.

Despite what the general public believes, backpacking is about finding value, not about saving every penny. You must budget your money carefully if you want to travel in style and authenticity without going over budget.

Getting travel insurance is also one of the best decisions you can make if you plan to go on an international backpacking trip. I understand that purchasing travel insurance may seem like just one more thing to eat into your budget. It was a thought I had as well.

However, in the unlikely event that something goes wrong during your trip, it could also save you thousands of dollars. That, if you have a backpacker travel insurance.

Furthermore, I can tell you with confidence that something will go wrong because I have spent more than twelve years traveling the world. Here is all the information you need to know about purchasing backpacker travel insurance to help you stay safe on your next trip.

Why Do You Need A Backpacker Travel Insurance?

Why Do You Need A Backpacker Travel Insurance

You should purchase travel insurance because mishaps do occur. Things go wrong whether you’re in the country or overseas. You probably have access to trustworthy medical facilities and medical care when you’re at home.

That isn’t always the case when you are on the road.

Serious injuries do occur, despite their rarity. And it’s always preferable to err on the side of safety. However, insurance isn’t limited to urgent medical care. It also discusses a number of incidents that are far more frequent than you might imagine!

I’ve had my bags stolen, had to visit a hospital abroad, and even had a stabbing while visiting South America.

Even though thinking about these things all the time is unpleasant, you really should be ready for anything. Although it is ideal that you will never need to use your insurance plan, you should make sure you have the necessary coverage in case you do.

What Does A Backpacker Travel Insurance Cover?

What Does A Backpacker Travel Insurance Cover

Here’s a brief summary of the following items your backpacker insurance should cover:

  • Coverage for the majority of global nations
  • Emergency medical situations (hospitalization costs for surgery, medical evacuation to the closest hospital)
  • Flight cancellations and delays
  • Trip cancellations (caused by a family member getting hurt or dying)
  • Emergency evacuation (caused by harm or a natural disaster)
  • Dental emergencies
  • Misplaced or pilfered luggage
  • Death overseas

I understand that you like to travel light as a backpacker. After all, insurance isn’t free, which makes it appear like a burdensome and pointless expense. However, paying a few dollars a day is far less risky than losing your entire life savings in the event of an emergency while you are uninsured.

What Does A Backpacker Travel Insurance Not Cover?

What Does A Backpacker Travel Insurance Not Cover

Travel insurance typically covers most medical expenses and accidents related to travel, but it’s crucial to understand what it does and does not cover. After all, knowledge is power.

The majority of policies for backpackers do not cover:

  • Incidents that occur when engaging in extreme adventure sports, such as bungee jumping, hang gliding, or paragliding
  • Drug and alcohol-related incidents
  • Negligence or carelessness (like if you leave your bag unattended and it gets stolen)
  • General examinations or pre-existing conditions
  • Cash that has been stolen
  • If your government hasn’t issued an evacuation order due to civil unrest but your destination becomes unsafe (unless you have more advanced coverage from a company like Medjet)
  • You will not be eligible for trip cancellation coverage if you change your mind about the trip or break up with your travel companion or unfriend them.
  • You won’t receive reimbursement if you choose to postpone your travel if your visa to a destination is denied.

As a backpacker, there are only two companies that are worth using. Safety Wing and Insure My Trip.

Safety Wing

Safety Wing

This is the first and my personal favorite backpacker travel insurance.

Safety Wing was founded by Norwegian digital nomads who live in California. They serve low-cost travelers and remote workers by providing basic plans at incredibly low costs. Their $250 USD debit keeps the monthly fee low, and you can renew your plan while traveling abroad, making them the best option for frequent travelers. Although their coverage isn’t as extensive as that of other companies, it still covers the essentials, which makes them a good option for budget-conscious travelers.

Here is a brief overview of Safety Wing:

  • Incredibly cheap plans (with a deductible)
  • Able to buy and renew plans while traveling
  • Online claim submission is available.
  • $250,000 USD for urgent medical attention
  • Amiable and accommodating customer support
  • You retain your medical coverage in your home country for 30 days after returning from a 90-day trip (15 days if you live in the US).
  • Ideal for thrifty travelers and digital nomads

Insure My Trip

Insure My Trip

Insure My Trip is the second option.

With the aid of a policy aggregator called Insure My Trip, you can evaluate insurance providers and plans to find the one that best suits your needs and price range. Plans from more than 20 different insurance companies are available for comparison, and there are many reasonable options for travelers.

Retirees and other senior adventurers turn to Insure My Trip because they offer comparisons from insurance companies that cover older travelers (many travel insurance companies do not cover travelers over the age of 65). The main advantage of using Insure My Trip is their promise that you won’t find a better deal on the same policy anywhere else!

Here is a brief overview of Insure My Trip:

  • Low prices assured
  • Protection for elderly passengers over 65
  • “Anytime Advocates”: If you believe your claim was wrongfully rejected, ask the insurer to review it again.
  • Evaluates 23 different providers to guarantee you receive the greatest deal
  • Reviews of every policy to see what other passengers have to say

Wrapping Up

I always have travel insurance when I leave the house. I know firsthand how beneficial it can be. Over the years, it has prevented me from having to spend thousands of dollars on headaches.

The whole point of backpacking is to experience incredible, life-changing adventures without going over budget. Additionally, purchasing backpacker travel insurance is the best way to protect yourself from high (and unnecessary) expenses (keep in mind that Safety Wing is my top choice!).

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Sarmind is a Writer and an aspiring Editor who has experience in various short and long-form niches. Her academic pursuits intensely mold her industry background in content creation. She holds a Master's degree in Literature, and when not writing for professional purposes, she can be found re-reading old classics of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. She is super fond of cats and enjoys hours of doom-scrolling through memes on social media while cuddled up with a cup of desi chai. She likes to think she is an intellectual badass (colloquial: nerdy bore), and now all she needs is a sewing kit to complete the look!

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READ MORE Working Remotely While Traveling

Your How-To Guide On Working Remotely While Traveling

BY Ankita TripathyMay 15, 2024

Hectic office work schedules boar you and you want a life where you can travel and work as per your own wish. If this is the case, then you must be well aware of some of the crucial tips that can help you working remotely while traveling.  Working for long hours in the office with long hours of stress can make your life difficult. You should follow the best process that can make things easier for you while meeting your dream work and lifestyle with complete ease.  Tips To Work Remotely While Travelling There are several tips you can follow while working remotely while traveling. You should not make your choices on the wrong end when you want to fulfill your requirements with ease. Some of the key factors that you should take care of here are as follows:-  1. Assessing Your Job's Remote Viability Before you pack your laptop travel bag, evaluating if your current job can be performed remotely is crucial. Begin by reviewing your daily tasks and responsibilities. Are they location-dependent, or can they be completed online?  Next, consider the need for physical collaboration with your team. Is it possible to substitute in-person meetings with video calls?  Discuss your remote work aspirations with your employer to understand their stance on remote work and to negotiate terms that benefit both parties. Assessing these factors is the first step to ensuring a smooth transition to working remotely while indulging in your travel desires. 2. Setting Up Your Mobile Office Choose a lightweight and durable laptop, as it will be your primary tool for creating an effective mobile office. Invest in a reliable VPN to ensure secure connections and protect your data, especially when using public Wi-Fi.  Portable power banks and universal adapters are essential for keeping your devices charged, regardless of location. Lastly, noise-canceling headphones should be considered for focused work sessions in noisy environments. These essentials will enable you to transform any space into a productive workspace, allowing for seamless work while exploring new destinations. 3. Managing Time Zones And Work Hours Managing different time zones and setting consistent work hours is vital when working remotely and traveling. Start by understanding the time zone differences between your location, your company's base, or your clients'.  Use online tools and apps that help track multiple time zones to schedule your work and meetings accurately. Establish a routine that aligns with your most productive periods while accommodating the essential overlap with your team's or clients' working hours.  Clear communication about your availability and setting boundaries will help prevent burnout, ensuring you enjoy your work and travel experiences. 4. Staying Connected And Productive To maintain connectivity and productivity, prioritize reliable internet service; consider portable Wi-Fi devices for consistent access. Embrace cloud storage for easy document retrieval and collaboration. Establish daily goals and use productivity apps to track progress and stay organized. Regular breaks, ideally exploring your surroundings, can refresh your mind and enhance creativity. Engage with digital nomad communities online for support, networking, and recommendations on shared coworking spaces. By incorporating these strategies, you can ensure high efficiency in your work while enjoying the freedom and inspiration that travel brings. 5. Choosing The Right Destinations When selecting destinations for your remote work and travel lifestyle, consider factors such as internet reliability, cost of living, and safety. Look for places with a strong digital nomad community, as they will likely have the infrastructure you need for productive work.  Climate and personal interests should also influence your choice, ensuring you enjoy your environment. Research visa requirements and stay durations to avoid legal issues. Destinations that balance your work needs with exciting exploration opportunities will make your remote work journey enjoyable and sustainable. 6. Balancing Work And Travel Finding the right balance between work and travel requires discipline and flexibility. Set clear work goals and allocate specific times for sightseeing and relaxation to avoid overworking or underworking. Make the most of your travel days by planning work around your travel itinerary, focusing on lighter tasks during travel periods. Remember, the beauty of working remotely while traveling lies in the freedom it offers, so allow yourself some spontaneity to enjoy unexpected adventures. You can achieve a fulfilling blend of productivity and exploration by managing your time and responsibilities effectively.    7. Decide Weather You Will Be Check In Or Check Out  You must review the policies of your company for your remote work so that it can meet your time off expectations. Additionally, you must discuss this with your managers and team members regarding your workload management during your travel.     Ensure that you match the time of your work with your fellow team members while traveling. This will make the process of work smoother and you can finish off all your tasks and work within the deadline. Thus, within the comfort of your home things can become easier for you.  8. Plan Your Workload Around Your Travel Itinerary  You should prioritize all your tasks before leaving. This thing requires proper evaluation of your task before you leave for your work. Try to track the work time and evaluate the fact how long it will take to complete your task.  Try to schedule all your work tasks around the given time. This will help you to finish of your task within an estimated time frame. In order to maximize the level of your productivity you should utilize the complete travel time for your work. 9. Find Out The Potential Workspace That Plays Around Your Productivity Style  You should find out the potential workspace that plays a vital role in increasing your productivity.  which means the workspace must be comfortable for your focused work. Ensure that you have selected the ergonomics and tried to reduce the distractions as much as possible. To enhance the level of productivity and comfort, you can make an investment in tools that are essential for external monitors and ergonomic accessories. Here, you have to focus on things that can make things easier and perfect for you.  10. Be Strategic With Your PTO  You should maximize the level of flexibility in remote work. There, you have to strategically plan the time off that can make things easier for you. The more you can make your choices perfectly, the better you can reach your goals.  The best strategy here is to split up your PTO days to balance your work and leisure activities while traveling. You have to seek out the best options that can help you to meet your objectives.  11. Create Easy To Pack Work Station You should create an easy-to-pack workstation that can boost the chances of your brand development in perfect order. Ensure that you follow the best process that can help you to balance work and time in perfect order. This will help you to attain your goals with complete ease.  Investing your money in a Laptop backpack can be a great option for you. As it can help you to meet your requirements with ease. Figure out which workstations you will require during your traveling. This mind mapping will also help you to ease your load during the travel.  Final Take Away Hence, if you want to maintain your work-life balance then you can follow the mentioned points. Here, you need to identify the best solution that can boost the scope of your work requirements with complete ease.   As you navigate this exciting path, stay adaptable, continuously seeking ways to optimize your work and travel experiences. Let each destination inspire you, fueling your creativity and passion for your job. Here's to your adventures across the globe, where your office is wherever you choose. Learn More Also: 9 Tips For Authentic Travel Experiences Thailand Travel Guide: This Is The Best Time To Visit 5 Tips To Improve Holiday Experience For Next Vacation

READ MORE Maine national parks

A Complete Guide To Maine National Parks

BY Mashum MollahDec 29, 2021

Are you like me? Who loves the wilderness and the solitude. I am a solo traveler and I have visited a lot of national parks in the USA, the best of them according to me is Maine National Parks. If we share the same interest then Maine is the perfect getaway from everything.  The state is considered to be the place where the beautiful rocky coastline, pine forests, lighthouses, and the Appalachian Trail await you!.  When we talk about National Parks in Maine, there is only one National Park in Maine, but there are four sites that have been affiliated with the National Park services along with these there is also one National Trail that starts from Maine itself.  Acadia National Park is the main park in Maine. Maine National Parks that are affiliated are:  Maine Acadian Culture Centre. Katahdin Woods And Waters National Monument. Saint Croix Island International Historic Site.  Roosevelt Campobello International Park.  In this article, I will be giving you a complete guide on how to enjoy Maine National Parks. Stay tuned! Acadia National Park Acadia National park is where the mountains meet the ocean. This beautiful spot is located southwest of Bar Harbor, Maine. This park embraces 47,000 acres that include half of Mount Desert Island, known to be the section of the Schoodic Peninsula. There are several small islands in between as well.  Acadia is known to be one of the 10 top National Parks in America, which attracts a lot of tourists.  Things To Do In Acadia National Park  Hiking hiking is the most popular and fun activity in Acadia National Park. For hikers they have 158 miles that are marked as hiking trails and your pets can accompany you there too. It is a great place to take your family with you and while walking you will be watching the ocean, flora, and wildlife.  Wildlife For many species, Acadia National Park is their home. Look out for otters, eagles, seals, painted turtles, deer, peregrine falcons, moose, black bears, and porcupines. Not just these but there are 338 species of birds that visit this place throughout different times of the year.  Water Activities To enjoy the ocean to the fullest, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, boating as well as exploring the tide pools are the right and fun choices to spend your afternoon. To spend some time with yourself you can also think about paddling around all the islands or maybe cam at some primitive sites. Solo Tours You can always explore the place by auto tours, or bus tours after a week of hiking when you just want to look around to find new interesting things. you can enjoy your own company as solo traveling. The night sky in Acadia gets stunning for being pitch black and some stars playing hide and seek. Other than this, in winter you can go ice fishing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, snow bowling, and dog sledding.  How To Get To Acadia National Park? From Mount Desert Island or Schoodic Peninsula, by car, it is really easy to drive to Acadia. The Rv campers must know that the historic bridges have high restrictions on roads. The rest of the roads do allow buses and long vehicles.  There are RV campsites that have a convenient bus system to drive tourists around the park. Therefore to explore po[ular locations you don’t need to hire a vehicle for that. Maine National Parks As I mentioned in the beginning, there are four affiliated sites that can somehow be considered National Parks in Maine. Let's see what they have to offer. Maine Acadian Culture Centre Maine Acadian Culture Centre is located in the U.S side of Saint John Valley. It shows the depth of the history of the Acadian settlers.  There are places for tourists to explore the intriguing architecture of the early 1900’s church, which is now home to Musee Culturel du Mont-Carmel. You can also just wander around all your own among the seventeen buildings of the indigenous Acadian settlement.  For those who would rather just stay outdoors than indoors and build memories to carry back home, have the Allagash Wilderness Waterway where angling, hunting, and canoeing are available.  Katahdin Woods And Waters National Monument  Possessing over 87,000 acres of Maine wilderness, this spot offers opportunities for outdoor roamers. This place is considered to be the hub for bird-watching and hiking. Katahdin is nominated as the international dark sky sanctuary.  Among the Maine National Parks, Acadia National park has a pristine National Monument whose location is perfect for date gazers and campers. To those who look for adventure during the wintertime as well, snow bowling is allowed in many areas,  and there are well-maintained trails for cross-country skiing. Hunting and fishing are also allowed here.  Saint Croix Island International Historic Site This place attempted to have a French Colonization, which now reminds historical events dating back to 1604. The trail is fine for visitors to leisurely walk and enjoys guiding themselves while they pass the bronze statues set in homage to French settlers and admire them.  There is a huge bird population and birdwatchers can easily report if they come across a new species of bird. Informal birds taking shadows are held through the entire summer.  Roosevelt Campobello International Park  This international park is to show respect to Franklin D. Roosevelt and his family.  This 2,800-acre island is full of forests, bogs, and beaches that offer an idyllic area, slow walks, and get-togethers.  People come across many cottages in the park including Roosevelt Cottage. This cottage is open to all tourists and provides guides that know how to answer the guests with politeness and information.  Appalachian National Scenic Trail  This Trail contains 2200 miles of habitual foot track. 281 of them are located in the state of Maine. It has ecosystems in the mountains that are quite picturesque. The tallest mountain in Maine, Katahdin, blemishes the starting of the trail and is the difficult mile on the route which is Mahoosuc Notch.  As the spot has a unique climate, it is also a hub for scientific research and studies. Workshops are available to educate people who wish to join the journey. There are plenty of exploration options for all skill levels, from friendly treks to thru-hikers. All the hikers that come from far places have to get a permit before starting their adventure.  Wrapping It All Up Here you go with everything you need to know before visiting the Maine National Parks. The place is considered to be the most beautiful National Park in America.  All ages can enjoy the view as well as the environment. You just have to take some time out of your busy schedule and visit the place with your family. I assure you the experience is going to be so good.  Read More: A Guide To National Parks In Alabama - Latest Guide A Guide To National Parks In Virginia - Latest Guide A Guide To National Parks In Wisconsin - Latest Guide Best Time To Visit Grand Canyon East National Park

READ MORE Exploring The Wonders Of Chichen Itza

Exploring The Wonders Of Chichen Itza: An Ancient Mayan City In Mexico

BY Abdul Aziz MondalMay 13, 2023

Chichen Itza is a world-famous archaeological site located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. It was a major city of the ancient Maya civilization and is now a popular tourist destination. When you visit Chichen Itza, there are a few must-see attractions that should not be missed. The most iconic feature is the towering El Castillo pyramid, also known as the Temple of Kukulkan. It's an impressive structure with a rich history and is especially stunning during the equinox. The shadow of the serpent deity can be seen descending the pyramid's staircase. Another impressive sight is the Great Ball Court, which is the largest and most well-preserved ancient Mesoamerican ball court. Visitors can imagine the ancient games played here and the importance of sport in the Mayan culture.  There are also several other ruins and structures to explore. For example, the Temple of the Warriors, the Temple of the Jaguars, and the Observatory. Each has its unique history and architectural style, and it's worth taking the time to learn about them. Visitors should also plan to arrive early to beat the crowds and the heat. Bringing sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water is essential for a comfortable visit. Lastly, it's essential to respect the site's cultural and historical significance. You must follow the rules and regulations to preserve this magnificent site for future generations. Chichen Itza is a famous ancient Mayan city located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Here are some interesting facts about Chichen Itza, this incredible archaeological site:  Facts About The Chichen Itza Archaeological Site Given below are some intriguing facts about this dream destination. Make sure to keep them in mind the next time you visit Chichenitza. The name Chichen Itza which means "At the mouth of the well of the Itza." The city was named after the nearby cenote, or natural sinkhole, which was an important source of water for the Mayan people. The city was founded in the 6th century AD and was one of the most important centers of Mayan civilization until its decline in the 13th century. Chichen Itza was a cosmopolitan city that combined Mayan, Toltec, and other Mesoamerican cultural influences. The most iconic monument at the Chichen Itza is El Castillo, also known as “the Temple of Kukulkan.” This impressive pyramid has 365 steps, one for each day of the year. Chichen Itza is also home to the Great Ball Court, which is the largest and most well-preserved ancient Mesoamerican ball court. The game played here had great religious and political significance in Mayan society. Other notable structures at Chichen Itza include the Temple of the Warriors, the Osario Pyramid, and the Observatory. Chichen Itza was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988 and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico. The ancient city's architecture and layout are based on precise astronomical and mathematical calculations. For example, El Castillo is oriented to the cardinal directions and the Mayan calendar. Chichen Itza is also known for its acoustic phenomena, such as the echo produced by clapping at the base of El Castillo. More Facts To Know About Chichen Itza In 2007, Chichen Itza was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a global poll conducted by the New7Wonders Foundation. The city was an important center for astronomy and the study of the cosmos. The Mayans built many structures, such as the Observatory, which were used to observe the movements of the sun, moon, and stars. Chichen Itza was a major center for human sacrifice. The cenote at the site was believed to be a gateway to the underworld. It is thought that victims were thrown into the cenote as an offering to the gods. The architecture at Chichen Itza features a mix of Mayan and Toltec styles, reflecting the city's diverse cultural influences. The ball game played at Chichen Itza was a complex and symbolic ritual with important religious and political significance. The losing team was often sacrificed to the gods. The site was abandoned in the 15th century and was later rediscovered by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. Wrapping Up Today, Chichen Itza is a popular tourist attraction and receives over 2 million visitors annually. In addition to the main archaeological site, there are also several nearby cenotes. They can be visited for swimming and diving. The site is located in the middle of the Yucatan jungle. It is home to a diverse range of plant and animal life. It includes howler monkeys, coatis, as well as a variety of birds. The area around Chichen Itza was also an important source of salt for the Mayans. They harvested it from nearby salt flats. Chichen Itza was one of the largest cities of the ancient world. It covers an area of over 5 square kilometers with a population of up to 90,000 people. Read Also: What Can You Expect From The New Year’s In Mexico 6 Best Delicious Destinations That You Can't-Miss How To Turn Your Tulum Trip Into An Unforgettable Adventure