How Do I Keep My Child Occupied When Traveling? 

Ah, summer vibes mean vacays, road trips, and the classic “Are we there yet?” soundtrack.

But let’s face it, keeping kiddos entertained during long car rides is no easy feat. The struggle is real! And we all know too well that screen time takeover – not the best road trip memo.

Why miss out on the fun? Road adventures are a golden chance for your little explorers to dive into new activities, discover cool stuff, and dive into some classic road trip games.

Because let’s be real, they won’t remember the drive if their eyes are glued to a screen.

Time to make those miles memorable. I mean, if you’re living in a place for a few days, I think you might be Looking for soccer camps all around. However, if you can’t find something as such, we would suggest you go through the following tips instead.

Tip – 1: Make The Entire Thing A Game 

Picture this: you’re on a classic car ride, cruising down the road.

Now, you’ve got your go-to games like I Spy, Car Bingo, and The License Plate Game. But when those start feeling a bit too familiar, it’s time to turn up the fun with some karaoke action!

Now, I get it, not everyone’s a singing superstar, so let’s mix it up.

Try this game called Karaoke Masters: create a playlist of tunes everyone knows before you hit the road. Play just a few seconds of a song, and let the kids guess what it is.

Throw in some rather goofy ones like “Old McDonald Had a Farm” or “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” for extra laughs. Trust me, it’s a road trip game-changer!

Note: Ever tried those travel trays for road trips with the kids? I swear by them! They’ll give the little ones a handy flat space for coloring, drawing, or whatever keeps them busy.

Plus, no more stuff rolling off with that raised edge. And get this – there’s even a cup holder and pockets for snacks. Safety-wise, the edges are soft and padded, just in case. Perfect for meals on the move too! We’ve been using them for years, and they’ve been a game-changer.

2: Give Them A Surprise Box 

2: Give Them A Surprise Box 

So, on every road trip, my kids get super pumped about this amazing thing we call the “surprise box.” It’s basically just old lunchboxes I snagged at a garage sale.

Now, the magic happens when I fill them up with all sorts of fun stuff I’ve found on the – garage sales, Dollar Tree, clearance aisles, you name it.

And let me tell you, it’s a big hit!

The best part? Everything inside is brand new to them, making each little toy or activity way more exciting. I toss in some snacks and sweet treats for good measure, too.

Now, if you really want to milk the suspense or use it as a reward for some stellar behavior, you can get creative. Maybe make a bunch of small surprise bags to open at specific times or pit stops. Think Legos, Hotwheels cars, fidget toys, smaller-sized dolls – you name it. Dollar Tree is like a goldmine for budget-friendly goodies. Happy travels!

3: Let Them Listen To An Amazing Story 

Switch up your pre-trip routine this summer!

Instead of downloading movies, go for podcasts – like movies for your ears! Check out NPR’s Wow in the World, their first podcast for kids.

It’s not just for your little ones; the whole family can enjoy it. Discover the mysteries of why shoelaces never stay tied, the secrets of astronauts’ bathroom breaks in space, and how saying “thank you’ can boost your health. It’s a fun way to learn together!

4: Play Mobile Games Or With Toys 

Play Mobile Games Or With Toys 

When you’ve got a whole bunch of time ahead of the children, make the most of their iPad love! There are cool games that are not just fun but also educational.

If your little one enjoys coloring, grab 123 Color: Talking Coloring Book – it’s like coloring without the mess of crayons. Plus, there are world maps for some on-the-go geography lessons. And for the older ones, Minecraft Pocket Edition is a big hit!

When the road trip gets bumpy, go back to the good old days!

Try card games, Mad Libs, and even the classic Etch A Sketch. Travel-sized board games like Clue, Trouble, and Scrabble are perfect for the ride. Don’t forget Bingo! And hey, let your little one bring along their favorite toys – it’s not just fun, it’s like a piece of home on the road!

5: Make Memories As You Go 

Ever wish you could relive those awesome family trips without spending hours on photo albums? Well, here’s a cool idea: get the kids involved!

Let one kid be the photo guru, another the daily journal keeper, and a third the memento collector – think souvenirs, coasters, and random cool stuff.

Pack some instant cameras, paper, markers, crayons, glue, and tape.

Every night, before crashing, let the kids create a page of memories from the day. When you’re back home, make it a massive deal with a family night dedicated to flipping through their masterpiece. Trust me, it’s a trip down memory lane you won’t want to miss!

6: Reward Their Good Behavior 

You know, sometimes a little bribery can work wonders. Are kids not cooperating? Try throwing in a sweet deal. If they can keep the complaints to a minimum for the next hour, promise them a pitstop at the ice cream stand. Want some quality time with mom or Dad by the pool?

Well, leaving the siblings alone might just do the trick. And if you can manage a whine-free morning, congrats – you get to decide where to eat for lunch or which attraction to hit up first.

But, let’s not forget the other side of the coin.

If kicking the back of Dad’s seat is your thing despite being told to stop, sorry buddy, but the hotel game room is off-limits that night. Tough love, you know?

7: Let The Children Have A Say

7: Let The Children Have A Say

Have you ever noticed how kids can turn a simple car ride into a full-blown protest when they’re not into it? Well, here’s a trick to avoid whining and complaining to get them involved in the trip plans!

Imagine this: instead of dragging them along, let them take the wheel (figuratively, of course). For the little ones, just give them a few hours of power.

They get to decide when and where to stop and for how long. Yeah, it might mean hitting up every random spot on the way, but hey, it’s a small price for some peace and quiet, right?

And it’s not just about pit stops.

Let them call the shots on what to do during their reign on the road. Maybe a quick detour to a quirky roadside attraction or a pit stop at a diner for a milkshake. Let their imagination run wild.

Now, if you’ve got some older kids, turn the planning up a notch. Give them the keys to the whole day. Let them map out the route, plan all the stops, and come up with a theme for the day. It’s like a little road trip takeover by the mini road trip experts.

Plus, they can create the ultimate playlist for the journey.

So next time you’re hitting the road, remember, hand over the reins to the little road trip planners, and you might just avoid the dreaded backseat rebellion. Happy travels!

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on travel, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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READ MORE Spring Travel And Eye Health Tips

Spring Travel And Eye Health Tips

BY Abdul Aziz MondalApr 28, 2023

Spring is the perfect time to embark on a journey with your loved ones to explore new and exciting summer destinations that cater to your preferences and needs. While traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, it is important to take proper care of your eyes to ensure a stress-free trip. Your eyes may be exposed to a variety of stressors, including different environments, climates, and long flights, which can affect your vision and ruin your vacation. To ensure that you have an enjoyable trip without worrying about your eye health, read below! Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyes During Vacation! We have got the best tips for you in order to have a healthy vision on your trips and have the best time of your life! Pre-trip eye exam Prior to traveling, it's important to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist. They can examine your eye health and provide recommendations on how to protect your eyes from any potential risks you may encounter while traveling. They can also ensure that your glasses or contact lenses prescription is up-to-date to avoid any discomfort or vision issues during your trip. So, add to your calendar this appointment with your optician and you are not going to regret it at all. Polarized sunglasses Moreover, sunglasses are a must-have accessory for anyone traveling to sunny destinations. However, not all sunglasses provide the same level of protection. It's important to invest in polarized sunglasses that are designed to block harmful UV rays. Polarized sunglasses are known to reduce glare as well as improve the clarity of vision. This makes them an excellent choice for anyone who loves outdoor activities. Rest your eyes Of course, long flights or road trips can be exhausting, and staring at a screen or reading a book for an extended period of time can cause eye strain and headaches. To prevent this, take a break every hour or so and close your eyes or look at something in the distance. This will give your eyes a chance to rest and reduce the risk of developing eye strain. Stay hydrated As you might already know about eye health, the fact is that dehydration can cause dry eyes, and being on a long flight or train ride can exacerbate this issue. To prevent this, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout your trip. Drinking enough water can also help to reduce the risk of developing eye infections, especially if you wear contact lenses. Eye drops Last but not least, dry eyes can also be caused by environmental factors, such as air conditioning, heating, or pollution. In these situations, artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can help to keep your eyes moist and comfortable. It's important to pack these drops in your carry-on luggage, especially if you're traveling to a dry or polluted area. This way you will not feel your eyes to be itchy or hurting, you will feel ready to embark on this new adventure! Keep Contact Lenses Handy It is very important that you are able to take care of your prescribed contact lenses if you have any, when you are on your trip. Ensure that you are taking them off in regular intervals and keeping them in the safe and prescribed space with the solution. While it is true that you may not get everything at hand all the time, ensure that you are carrying the lens solution with you all the time. Avoid using other substitutes like water in this case. Carry extra pair It is important that you are carrying an extra pair of eye care all the time when you are on your trip. Have you ever considered what might happen if you lose your prescription medicine or your medicated sunglasses when you are on vacation? Well, if that is something that you want to avoid it is important that you always carry an extra set of lenses, glasses, and your eye medicines with you. Avoid or use minimal eye-makeup Last but not least on this list is the fact that it is important you are not using a lot of eye makeup when you are on your trip. These things attract and trap or retain a lot of dust and dirt. This might make it difficult for you to have an enjoyable trip at the end of the day. It is also best to avoid using too much eye makeup as this may cause a risk of an eye infection. Bottom Line If you found the answer that you were searching for I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the end of this article and drop your doubts and queries in the comment box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Read Also: Hopper Flights Review- Login, Services, And Travel Experiences Myenvoyair Review – Registration, Login And Benefits In 2023 Using Google Flights To Find Cheap Flights In 2023? All That You Need To Know!

READ MORE honeymoon trip

7 Key Points To Remember While Planning Your Honeymoon Trip

BY albertocostaFeb 5, 2022

With spring and good weather knocking on the door, the wedding season begins. One of the things that come at the top of the priority list is choosing the right honeymoon location. However, the way you plan for your honeymoon trip will determine success.   The banquet and the guests, the costumes and the ring, the rush and the nerves, the hotel and the honeymoon. The time has come to prepare for the long-awaited honeymoon trip. You need to give it the right attention to avoid last-minute frustrations. A honeymoon destination is a place that is creating the best memories for the rest of your life.  A perfect trip in which you will surely want to take the opportunity to make excellent loving memories for the rest of your wedding life. The honeymoon will help you discover new places and enjoy that new path that you have just undertaken together.  There are some tips that you need to follow when preparing a website. Remember to involve your partner because you need a destination that will be appealing to both of you. Here are the seven points that you need to remember while planning for your honeymoon trip.  Honeymoon Trip: Follow Our Tips And Immortalize Your Special Moments: A honeymoon destination is one special event in your entire life. The honeymoon is creating the sweetest memory at the start of your married life. To make these days special, here we are discussing a few steps about honeymoon planning. So, you can follow these useful tips while planning your honeymoon trip. It will help you to make your honeymoon truly memorable. 1. Plan In Advance: Prepare the tour package in advance; we recommend you start as soon as you decide the date of the wedding. It will help you to avoid the last-minute disappointments that come by failing to plan well.   The anticipation will allow you to get better prices in the market. It will also allow you to process the documents or requirements are necessary to travel to certain destinations.  It can be so challenging to plan for your honeymoon trip when you are already late. You may discover that the date is due and you don’t have all the required documentation. No one wants to change his destination because of poor planning.   Remember, the honeymoon comes only once in a lifetime. Therefore, you need to plan in advance so as to get the best experience from the trip. 2. Establish A Budget: Traveling is not all time inexpensive because you will need flights, hotels, trips, meals, etc. It all adds up; it is better than you decide how much money you are going to spend on the honeymoon trip. How will you feel when you go on a honeymoon and discover that you have run short of funds?  You don’t want to become a bother to your friends by borrowing money because you are stuck on your honeymoon destination. Besides, there is life after the honeymoon trip, and you don’t need to spend beyond your means. You will not fail to get a perfect place irrespective of your budget.    Therefore, you can reduce the options that you have to fit into your budget. Still, the budget is a guide but not a closed number that you cannot mold based on your preferences. Prepare and budget and choose something that will work best for your brand.  3. Plan The Days: What are your available days? Are you leaving the day after the wedding? A week or a year later? Depending on the date of your trip, prices may vary. How long are honeymoons typically? This is the most important factor to understand.  The honeymoon trip planning days are entirely dependent on the couples. If the couple is planning too much traveling, then creating your special moments is becoming challenging; indeed, the one-to-one talk will be missing, which is the honeymoon’s best feature. Therefore, you need to be clear on the day that you will be leaving for your honeymoon. It will help you to reserve the flight ticket and book a room in your preferred hotel. If you want to tour the region, the travel agent will help you prepare the best program.  Therefore, you need to know the exact days you will be leaving for a particular place. It will help you to prepare a plan that will work for your best. 4. Choose A Destination: Can you plan for a honeymoon trip without knowing where you will be going? The answer is an outright no! Ask yourself what your ideal destination will be according to your idea of a honeymoon. It can be relaxation, adventure, gastronomy, etc.   Opt for a honeymoon trip that covers both personalities. Remember, all of you need to enjoy the adventure. People have different personalities, but you have to get something that will work for the good of the two of you. It calls for a matter of giving and taking among the couples.   Oh! And be sure to check the weather and the stations of your destination. You will not want to end up in a place in the middle of a hurricane season. It will beat the whole logic of going on a honeymoon. You need a place that will give you the best that the outdoors have to offer. 5. Type Of Accommodation: Once you know where you want to go, you will have to find a place to stay. What would you like? A resort on a paradisiacal beach with everything included, or a charming hotel in an old European city. How to book a honeymoon trip? This is the most important question which is frequently asked by newlywed couples. Different areas have different types of accommodation to offer. It all depends on the type of experience you want to get and your budget. Choose a place that will help you access the features that you want to visit with a lot of ease.   Besides, the accommodation should be calm, especially during the night. You don’t want a noisy place when you want to sleep quietly and have a good time with your partner. Make sure that the accommodation that you choose will give you the comfort that you deserve. 6. Everything Planned: How to plan a honeymoon trip? You often keep asking yourself the proper planning that helps make your honeymoon the most successful event. The time has come to contact your travel agency. You can select a combined trip that already exists or creates your own, taking into account your tastes. After planning for a wedding, you may be tired and want to relax more.   The choices that you make all depend on your individual preferences. You can always count on the advice of a professional.  Ask if it is possible to enjoy honey with discounts or special treatment. You will always find a few deals here and there, depending on where you are visiting. 7. Vaccines And Other Health Advice: Depending on the destination that you choose, you will have to put in some compulsory and other recommended vaccines (cholera, hepatitis, typhoid fever, etc.). It is important to keep this in mind as some doses must be given months in advance.  Therefore, do your homework well and understand the vaccines and other medical considerations that you need to implement. You don’t want to be blocked at the airport because you did not comply with certain health requirements,   Consult the weather conditions of the destination of your honeymoon trip at the time of your trip. To be able to choose the most appropriate clothing and footwear is critical. You also need to be able to take any medication you may require (especially in case of allergies).  During the trip, and depending on the destination, you have to be careful with the food and the tap water. Diarrhea is the most frequent disease of international travel. It is, therefore, advisable to always drink bottled water and avoid street food stalls. Frequently Asked Question Here are the frequently asked questions searched from the internet and answered for your further help. 1. When Should You Start Planning Your Honeymoon? Ans. Travel plans should always be done six months prior. However, with a wedding, you should start almost eight months before the wedding, as the arrangement of the wedding might bombard you yo forgetting about the honeymoon. 2. What Are The 5 Most Important Dos Of Honeymoon? Ans. The 5 most important Dos Of Honeymoon are. 1. Do carry Photocopies of all your important documents. 2. Do take a good camera or a phone with a good camera. 3. Do label your belongings 4. Do have a checklist at all time 5. Do share your details with your family. 3. How To Plan A Perfect Honeymoon? Ans. Planning a perfect honeymoon will have a lot of checklist and advice. But, the best out of all the advice would be to plan it together. Conclusion   From here, you have all it takes to plan for your honeymoon trip. It can be so disappointing to have your wedding in the next few days, but you have no plan for a honeymoon in place. People have different interests, and hence you have to work hand in hand with your partner.   It will make sure that both of you are comfortable during the honeymoon. Besides, you will also be able to plan depending on your budget. Plan well, and you will avoid the frustrations that people go through when planning for their honeymoon.   And enjoy! Now it only touches traveling with an open mind; discover new cultures, destinations and take a good dose of illusion for the future that augurs you. Do not forget to share your valuable experiences with us. Read More :  10 Tips For Traveling Across Europe Alabama Travel Guide Australian Travel Ideas For 2022

READ MORE Helicopter Tour

New South Wales Southern Highland Helicopter Tour

BY RashmiDec 7, 2020

Australia is a beautiful country with a lot of sights to see, but if you are at a point where it is all starting to look the same, perhaps it is time to see things from a new perspective. Nestled up close to Australia’s biggest city is a remote area that can only be fully appreciated from the air and the very best way to do that is from a helicopter. Taking a helicopter tour of the Southern Highlands is just the thing to wake up the adventurer in you and a great thing to do with someone close to you. Here are some of the features you can expect on a helicopter tour of the Southern Highlands. Sydney From The Air: You may think you know Sydney, but have you had the opportunity to look at it from the air. From the wide windows and low altitude of a helicopter, you will get a new look at the iconic Sydney Harbour, the downtown core, and the 2000 Olympics site. Photography: Do not forget to bring your camera. If you have never been on a helicopter before. You will be pleased with how much easier it is to get those amazing aerial photographs through the helicopter’s wide, nearly 360-degree view. On a helicopter experience for two, you will have full access to the scenery during the 90-minute flight. Three Sisters: One of the main attractions of the Southern Highlands is the Three Sisters at Katoomba, which is a spectacular rock formation that can be seen from lookout points on the ground, but in a helicopter, you get a view from all sides and a view of the beautiful valley that surrounds them. Legend has it that three maidens were transformed into a rock to save them from an angry neighboring tribe. But the witch doctor who transformed them was killed so they could not be changed back, a truly tragic tale for the young ladies. Jamison Valley: No visit to the region would be complete with a look at the majestic landscape of the Jamison Valley. Sharp sandstone cliffs down towards the Cox River which become Lake Burragorang created by the Warragamba Dam. Blue Mountains: The Blue Mountains are legendary for their vast eucalyptus forests and the iconic blue haze that gives them their name. The haze is created by eucalyptus oil that is released and suspended in the air. The result is a very specific blue filter over the whole area, making it a wonderful opportunity for scenic photography. Warragamba Dam: Constructed between 1948 and 1960, the Warragamba Dam is the main water supply for Sydney. It is a marvel of engineering, 142 meters tall and nestled aesthetically into the canyon walls of Lake Burragorang. The dam and lake can only be appreciated properly from the air and you will receive the full view as you arrive from the Jamison Valley. A helicopter tour is the most exciting way to explore this rugged region of New South Wales, and the only way you can see it all at once. You will be amazed at what beauty lies so close to Australia’s most vibrant and populous city. An experience like this won’t be soon forgotten. Read Also: The Best Tips To Travel Around The World 9 Things Every Traveler Should Know When Visiting Shanghai Should You Book a Hotel or an Apartment for Your Vacation? 15 Best Places For Adventure Dates With Your Loved One