Things To See While Camping At Everest Base Camp Trek

Sep 16, 2024

Last Updated on: Sep 17, 2024

Travel Guides

Everest Base Camp is situated on the southern side of Mount Everest, the tallest peak in the world at 5,364 meters. The place is accessible for climbers and trekkers to stay and see the beautiful sights of the Himalayas. 

However, before you begin your trekking, you should enjoy and relish the places, towns, and bazaars. They offer many holiday centers like billiards, and gambling areas to enjoy the time. Also, do not forget beautiful food and antique pieces to enhance your trekking experience. 

So, look down to see the things before you Experience trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal

Things to See While Camping at Everest Base Camp Trek 

Here are a few places and things to see while camping at Everest base camp trek – 


Lukla is one of the famous destinations for travelers. It stands at 2860 meters and is situated in the northeastern part of Nepal, where you can see the beautiful sight of the Himalayas. Moreover, it is the place where you start your trekking journey. 

Hence, the town has evolved over the years to become a commercial place where tourists can find the best food and shops to buy. Also, the city has a small airport with a landing strip of 525 meters and boasts of having the most petite landing strip and being the airport at the highest peak in the world. 

Syangboche and Everest View Hotel 

Syangboche is one of the famous places to visit when you visit Everest base camp. Everest View Hotel is located at the highest peak in the world, which gave it a Guinness record for being the highest-placed hotel in the world. That way, you can see the 360-degree view of the snow-capped mountain from the hotel. 

Peaks like Mt. Everest, Tawache, Ama Dablam, and Khumbu Himal are sights to behold. Takashi Miyahara and Yoshinobu Kumagaya envisioned the hotel’s construction. Moreover, they had to transport loads of materials to the Himalayas with the help of local Sherpas. The task began in 1960 and came into action in 1971. 


Tengboche is one of the towns located near the Imja Khola, a typical night halt after Namche. It offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas, including peaks like Everest, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Tawache, Nuptse, and Lhotse. Tenzing Norgay was also born in Tengboche. 

Furthermore, every year in October, the Tengboche Monastery holds the Mani Rimdu festival. This is primarily a Buddhist celebration that includes religious gatherings, ritual singing, and dancing. During the celebration, famous people visit the place, especially Rinpoche, who blesses pilgrims and travelers. 

Namche Bazaar

Namche Bazaar is one of the bubbling places in Nepal. From the town, you can see the Everest Region. It is also one of the vibrant markets where you can buy Tibetan antiquities, especially trekking and climbing attire. From every point of the city, you can see a panoramic view of the Himalayas. 

Moreover, the town has been preserving its historical culture and natural friendliness. It is a trading town known for its yak cheese and butter. Also, you can see a pub, motels, and hotels where travelers can enjoy and have fun. Thus, you can stop in the town for two days before you move on to the trek. Lastly, many Sherpa settlements like Khunde, Khumjung, and Thane can be seen when you visit the town.   


Dingboche is another popular point from which trekkers move on to Mount Everest from the base camp. You can stay for two nights in the town to see the beautiful Imja River and the beautiful sights of the Himalayas. Thus, many lodges and tents are available, providing the best accommodation for tourists. 

Also, a helicopter landing pad lies on the west of Imja River, especially near Moonlight Lodge. Moreover, you can find a satellite cafe and enjoy playing billiards in one of the tallest billiards parlors. Lastly, you can see the kilometers of Mani Walls, which is a great way to create a tourist sight. Additionally, it is made in various sizes and put on top of the kilometers of walls. 


Gorakshep is the last stop before you go on your trekking journey. It is a village amidst the Sagarmatha National Park, a hub for Sherpa guides, tourism businesses, and porters. Beyond this point, there is no accommodation facility, so you have to stay in tents amidst the cold weather and winds of the Himalayas. 

You will find various guesthouses to stay in before you go for a hike. It is the last resting point for trekkers to experience the great wilderness of the Himalayas. Thus, you can visit Gorakshep before you start your trekking to Mt. Everest. So, spend the night in the lodging house and enjoy the great wilderness of the Himalayas.     

The Bottom Line 

In the end, Everest Base Camp is where you can begin your trekking journey. However, if you go trekking, you have to wait and see the beautiful sights of the Himalayas. The serene nature that comes along with the great wilderness and bazaar is full of Tibetan things. Furthermore, you can gamble and play billiards in the parlor, as it is one of the best places for visitors to have fun. 

Hence, you can visit the place mentioned above, where you must carry a hard disk to capture millions of beautiful pictures. Consequently, you can taste beautiful Nepali and Tibetan dishes, filling your soul. So, pack your bags and start your trekking journey right now. 


Here are a few frequently asked questions – 

Do you need oxygen at Everest Base Camp?

Yes, you need a reliable oxygen tank before you go on a trek to higher altitudes. 

Can you drink alcohol at Everest Base Camp?

You should avoid drinking alcohol while camping at the Everest Base Camp. It will reduce your vision and judgment as the trails are rough. 

How many hours of walking is Everest Base Camp?

You must walk 7 to 8 hours a day before walking to the Everest Base Camp.  

What is the best time to visit Everest Base Camp?

The best time to visit Everest Base Camp is during the late-May to mid-September.

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Meet Sibashree Bhattacharya, a travel enthusiast who has a decade-long experience in transcending virtual barriers with her words! Her deep love for travel is apparent from her travel escapades to the mountain, often taking her readers on a journey, her words acting as Portkey! Fun fact: Sibashree loves to dive deep into the history of the places she is about to visit, making her travels even more wholesome. If you were wondering how her articles are not short of time travel, this answers it!

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Joy Cho Death At Grand Teton National Park: How To Remain Safe While Hiking In This Beautiful Yet Dangerous Land

BY Sibashree BhattacharyaSep 5, 2024

August 12, 2023, and the news of Joy Cho death at Grand Teton National Park was the most shocking thing one could hear. It was hard to believe how the most pristine national park with scenic vistas and rich wildlife could be the last resting ground for a woman. Nevertheless, on 12th August, the mountains, which stand for human connections, saw the fall of human life.   The death of Joy Cho at the Grand Teton National Park has once again proved why hiking in this national park needs to be a careful outdoor pursuit. It is “dangerous” to go for a solo hike in this national park. However, finding a hiking buddy is not always easy.   So, here, I will discuss the safety concerns at Grand Teton National Park and how you can overcome those. However, before that, let’s discuss a little more about Joy Cho Death at Grand Teton National Park.  Joy Cho Death At Grand Teton National Park: What Happened To The California Hiker?    Joy Cho, 47, lost her life at the Grand Teton National Park in the Death Grand Teton National Park where she was hiking with seven other group members. A deeply spiritual soul, she was also very much drawn to nature.   According to reports, the rangers found that she “had succumbed to significant injuries during the fall and was pronounced dead at the scene,” and her body was turned over to the coroner’s office, according to the release.” Tim Hopkins, one of Cho’s friends, further mentioned that the malfunctioning of her ledger caused the fall of Joy Cho. Joy Cho was on her attempt to climb Teewinot, a part of the Teton Range, and the elevation reached here was around 12,325 feet above sea level. After her death, many people have started talking about the steep and exposed sections while hiking to Teewinot.   So, are there really some serious safety concerns while hiking in Grand Teton National Park? It’s time to know the concerns and safety measures to avoid accidents and unfortunate incidents.   What Are The Safety Concerns At Grand Teton National Park?   Joy Cho death at Grand Teton National Park has made us examine safety concerns. From altitude sickness to unpredictable wildlife, many elements in the park need your attention. You  must be respectful, and your gear, shoes, and clothes should be on point. Even if you cross a stream with ankle-deep water, you must not be complacent or careless about protection.   Having said that, here are the major safety concerns at Teton National Park.  Altitude Sickness  With the highest altitude reaching 4199 m, you can experience altitude sickness in Grand Teton National Park. Muscle pain, lack of appetite, fatigue, and headaches are common symptoms of altitude sickness.   Weather Conditions  Teton National Park is home to Mount Moran, Buck Mountain, Grand Teton, Middle Teton, South Teton, and many other mountains that reach a height of more than 3000 m. Rainfall and snowfall are common at such high altitudes, causing the blockage of the hiking trails and hypothermia.   However, the Grand Teton also receives moderate rainfall and snowfall every year. Hiking there can also be a challenge. Further, Lightning and mid-afternoon storms in summer are other weather challenges in this park.   So, if you are hiking in the park in the summer, try hitting the high Alpine terrains. Thus, by the late afternoon, you are already back into lower altitudes.   April to June have moderate days and cold nights filled with snowfall and rain. Snowfalls and rain are also frequent at night from September to November. In addition, you will encounter the coolest nights between December to April.   Moreover, July and August are the most tumultuous in the national park due to thunderstorms in the afternoon. Have a clear idea about the weather conditions if you do not want something like Joy Cho death at Grand Teton National Park to happen.   Wildlife   Wildlife at Grand Teton National Park is extensive. However, grizzly bears and mountain lions (not always seen) are the biggest challenges for hikers and trekkers. Moose and elk are other animals that you will find in this national park. The park also has wolves, and they are not the friendliest of animals you will come across.   Looking for fresh feces, signs, and fresh tracks is the only way to know if an animal is around.   Moreover, you can occasionally find rattlesnakes in the Grand Teton National Park, especially near Montana and Gardiner. Ticks, spiders, and mosquitoes are the insects you will encounter the most here. So, don’t forget to carry repellent creams and other measures as instructed by your trekking guide.   Terrain   The habitats of Teton National Park are the most versatile. However, for a hiker, the change of habitats every 4-5 miles is a major problem. Suppose you just passed a rock wall going up vertically, and the next moment, you are at a cliff that drops dramatically.   Even the woods in the park are quite tricky to walk through. The trails are filled with small and gigantic trees. You can easily cross the smaller trees. However, a hiker can easily get hurt when they have to jump over a huge trunk or climb a tree.  Further, boulder fields in the park do not look like a threat usually. However, accidents and injuries can happen at the most unexpected times. The boulders can roll down, block tracks, and cause casualties. So, always be aware of your ability and skill before you attempt hiking the 250 miles of trails the park has to offer.   Moreover, the talus slopes and the snow-clad mountains are perilous if you are not prepared with your gear. These areas have high sliding risks and the chances of false stepping. The smartest way here is to look for a level ground trail that takes you to the accessible parts of the park.  How To Remain Safe At Grand Teton National Park?  The National Park Service has detailed guidelines to ensure safety in the Grand Teton National Park. Before you start exploring this park, you must get all the instructions right at a visitor center. In addition, you can ask questions to get clarification from the rangers before you access various parts of the park.  The table below shows how you need to maintain safety during various outdoor activities or just while exploring the national park.  Concerns How To Remain Safe Climbing Mountains and Hiking Solo hiking is risky in Grand Teton National Park.  Further, you must hike on the established trails. Otherwise, you may have to face soil erosion.  Be particular about your hiking boots, axes, crampons, and other accessories.   Learn about route conditions and weather from a climbing ranger at the Jenny Lake Ranger Station.  Backcountry Safety Maintain good physical endurance. Be sure to use proper equipment and gear.  Prevention Of Human-Caused Fire  Fireworks and pyrotechnic devices are not allowed in the park.  You must be responsible for properly extinguishing and disposing of your cigarettes or pipes.  In addition, you are only allowed to light a campfire at a designated site. You must tend to the fire and make sure that it is extinguished as you leave.  Bacteria And Other Microorganism Transmission You must boil water collected from a stream or lake for at least 3-5 minutes, or you can use treatment tablets to avoid transmission of microorganisms.   Campylobacter and Giardia are common bacteria found in untreated water in the park.  Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (Lesser Risks) Stay away from deer mice and their feces.  Driving Wear seatbelt.  Understand road conditions.  Be watchful of animals.   Maintain the speed limit of 45 mph on the highway at night and other speed limits throughout the day.  Exploring Wildlife Maintain a minimum of 300 feet distance from wolves and bears.   Further, the distance between you and any wild animal should be at least 75 feet.  Also, you must not try to feed any wild animal.  Moreover, make sure that you are not in between the mother and her cubs.  Boating You must wear a life jacket all the time.  Further, check out the bulletin boards before you start boating for the day.  You must carry a patch kit, air pump, and bucket for bailing if you are riding in an inflatable boat.   Moreover, boaters in the Snake River must be extra careful.  Biking You must not bike on trails. Roadways and pathways are suitable for biking.  In a single file, stick to the right side of the road.  Further, wear helmets and communicate with other drivers through hand gestures.  Lightning  Avoid exploring the park during afternoon storms in the summer.  Further, try to reach the shore quickly when it starts raining, or the wind is rough.  Also, know the basics of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) guidelines.   In addition, the National Park Service has a separate guideline regarding bear safety. The first step begins with the identification of the beer. Also, if you notice a beer at any site in the national park, you must immediately inform the ranger station or the visitor center.   Final Words   We surely don’t want something similar to the Joy Cho death at Grand Teton National Park to repeat. Along with being respectful to your wildlife and following the safety guidelines, you will also have to be smart enough to know your boundaries. The tempting landscape of the park and the magnificent Grand Teton Mountain will inspire you. However, you must check your experience and expertise first.  Climbing high and steep terrains needs skills such as route-finding and rock climbing, along with excellent physical and mental endurance. Again, acclimatization and finding a knowledgeable trekking partner (for beginners) are crucial.  So, follow the safety guidelines and enjoy a delightful tour of the national park. Don’t forget to carry the trekking poles or walking sticks, by the way!   Also read Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try. Where To Stay Near Lassen Volcanic National Park? – Explore The Best Options. Top Tips For Motorbike Rental In Phuket – A Guide To Exploring The Island On Two Wheels.

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Seaside Splendor: Unveiling The Hidden Charms of Hotels in Brighton

BY Sarmind SafiDec 27, 2023

For many Londoners, Brighton is a regular weekend getaway destination. But the city also has some of the greatest hotels in the country when a quick AirBnB isn't enough. There are smart addresses opening to serve weekend crowds and a growing number of digital nomads. The seaside city is currently experiencing a thriving restaurant and hotel scene. In addition to the typical hostels and business hotels, co-living spaces, eateries with rooms, and boutique accommodations are now available. They have well-planned interiors and lively common areas that create a party atmosphere. So now's the perfect time for a seaside getaway if you haven't had one in a while. Are you looking for hotels in Brighton? Here are some of the best hotels that will ensure you get a good rest. You will also have a sneak peek of the quintessential Brighton life and culture. Best Hotels In Brighton Come rain or shine, Brighton is a great place for a seaside getaway where anything goes. A visit here is now even more enticing because of the city's growing restaurant scene. It is even attracting Londoners to relocate south. Here are the best hotels in Brighton to help you unwind: Selina A generation of wannabe backpacking travelers has become digital nomads thanks to co-living ideas like Selina. It offers reasonably priced lodging that crosses the boundaries between hostel and hotel. It also has co-working desks that are utilized for purposes other than beer pong competitions. There are three options for accommodations at the Brighton outpost: two suites, private rooms, and shared dorms. Many of the staff members are also students or frequent visitors from abroad. It's as millennial as it gets, in the best way possible. A typical day might include yoga at the Old Pier in the morning coffee from Brighton's artisan roastery Pelicano. It could also have a power hour surrounded by pink-haired entrepreneurs and potted plants, a beach clean-up in the afternoon, and a cocktail-paired craft workshop. Whether you refer to it as hot-desking or co-working, this space has a lovely communal vibe that makes it ideal for socializing with others or traveling alone. The Ginger Pig Just 15 minutes by bus from Brighton's downtown, in a more sedate and affluent neighborhood, the Ginger Pig's restaurant is a favorite among astute locals. They are spotting Sussex-sourced produce, spirits, and sex appeal away from the crowds. With its glossy velvet chairs, brass hardware, and dark teal and sage color scheme, the bar exudes an air of exclusivity without being unachievable. Your four-legged friends are welcome to join you at the bar. Vegetarians, too, have a lot of choices despite the name and the Gingerman group's reputation for obtaining the best cuts. For example, baked celeriac paired with some glazed chicory and crispy wild mushroom arancini replace the tired risotto. The Ginger Pig is a restaurant, but it's more than that—thoughtful touches like a separate entrance for visitors and pre-made cocktails in the refrigerator lend credibility to its status as a boutique hotel. Size doesn't matter when it comes to bedrooms; we would rather do away with the trend of bathrooms in bedrooms in favor of small double rooms with separate tubs (2021). Artist Residence The boutique brand Artist Residence started in Regency Square and later expanded to Oxfordshire, Penzance, Pimlico, and Bristol. Thoughtfully chosen antiques, clever prints, and vibrant canvases created by local artists adorn each property, but Brighton's has an extra special touch—owner Justin invited the city's creatives to contribute to the hotel's artistic scene in exchange for lodging, transforming it into a true, contemporary artist's residence that is as stylish as Brighton itself. You could take your martini to bed and wear your pajamas to breakfast in this converted townhouse. The bar is home to couples who spend whole weekends holed up in their rooms and remote workers. We adore the collage murals throughout the restaurant by Maria Rivans. We also love the neon washing line by Andy Doig, the studio of which is located along the waterfront. The main attraction is Room 21, which features a copper bathtub that is nearly as large as the kingsize bed, views of the sea, champagne glasses for guests to bring, and a widescreen TV suspended over the bathtub—an unusual but delightful luxury. There are numerous artworks of artist and activist Fox Fisher all over the city. The two have collaborated with the hotel on screen-printed wallpaper and unique prints since 2008. Harbour Hotel Many of the hotels on Brighton's seafront remain intact since the British seaside holiday boom of the post-war era, and they lean more corporate than hip. Therefore, after the success of its first hotel of the same name in Salcombe, Harbour Hotel faced great anticipation from both locals and tourists when it announced a major refurbishment of the property back in 2015. Its unrivaled location—right on the seafront, just steps from the renowned Brighton Lanes—combined with its secret underground spa roomy bedrooms have made it a popular destination for multigenerational vacations, especially during school breaks. Kids play in the open-plan restaurant while parents chat in the social spa. Are you going alone or with a companion? If you want to get your lengths in without kids jumping into the pool, book room 102 for more privacy, the best view of the ocean, and a bathtub (the other rooms are more family-oriented). You can also get to the pool early. Don't bother renting a car—even small legs will have no trouble getting to all the key locations on foot. Wrapping Up Of course, a trip to Brighton wouldn't be complete without stopping by the pier and getting lost in the famed Lanes. Independent stores, eateries, pubs, and art galleries, or climbing the 450-foot-tall i360 observation tower dot the area for incredible panoramic views. When you combine this with the exciting nightlife, it's obvious that a trip to this beach location offers far more than just a simple vacation. Once you've seen everything Brighton has to offer, where should you stay? See the sparkling sea? Check. A trendy bar with rooms above it? Not an issue. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about hotels in Brighton, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read Also: Eternal Elegance: A Guide To The Best Hotels In Rome Top Hotels With Jacuzzi In Room In Las Vegas – Travel Guide Here Are The 25+ Best Hotels In Mexico City That You Must Visit!

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How To Prepare Yourself For The Perfect Vacation: Top 7 Tips

BY FollowTheFashionApr 7, 2020

A vacation is supposed to be a gateway to a stress-free world. It is expected to rejuvenate your senses and remove all the tiredness, boredom, and monotony of daily life.  However, in order to ensure that your vacation is as memorable as you are imagining it to be, you need to prepare for the same well in advance. A good vacation is all about planning, locating the problem areas, and ensuring that you are prepared for the same.  This planning includes everything from ensuring your home is fitted with a security alarm to keep it safe and secure whilst you are away (see the Verisure website for details), to planning your travel itinerary, and having an emergency credit card for any unforeseen disasters. Vacations are not without their fair share of problems. Even the most experienced travelers cannot plan for unforeseen developments. That being said, there are many careless travelers who forego planning and strategic execution for a month-long problem fest.  We certainly do not want to belong to that bunch of people. Whether it is a Euro Trip with friends or a journey of rediscovery to India, this article is going to help you prepare for it all. In this article, we will look at ten tips that will help you prepare for your vacation in the best possible manner.  7 Tips to Prepare for your Dream Vacation: The List 1. Manage, Collect and Arrange all your documents Call me old-fashioned, but I like to go old-school when it comes to all documents relating to my travel. This includes all my flight tickets, VISA papers, passports, hotel bookings, travel insurance, and cash.  You might say that an e-version of most of the things would suffice. However, try using your internet connectivity in some remote village in India to show your hotel booking. You will understand the need to take physical printouts and maintain a proper file of the same.  2. Get your Financials in order It is always a good idea to arrange your finances as much as possible. A cool tip is to pay as much of the bookings, travel costs, and others before leaving for your vacation. This way, you will not have to carry around too much cash or cards on your trip.  Always remember to carry just one or two debit/credit cards. Enquire ahead, as to which banks are accepted and which are not. Exchange currency right at the airport itself. All this will help you when it comes to managing your finances during your vacation.  3. Check your Connectivity Issues during a Vacation You get off the plane, switch on your phone, and surprise, there is no signal! Trust me, in an unknown land you do not want to be without your phone at any cost. Do your research and get an International Calling Card if possible.  You can also see what the local telecom operators in the country are and whether or not you can get a local SIM card in the country. You will need your cell phone for all kinds of things- from emergencies to calling for booking confirmations, to communicating with your family back home.  4. Carry your Entertainment with you If you are expecting that your Netflix will work seamlessly in some remote country, you might be in for a surprise. Even if the internet connectivity is not an issue, then there might be some other problems. This is why it is a good idea that you carry your entertainment with you.  You can use a credible video downloader like youtube to mp3 and download all videos from YouTube. Almost all series and movies are now available on YouTube. You can download all of them and save them on your laptop or on your phone. This will help you enjoy entertainment when you are just casually relaxing.  5. Pay attention to the Weather and News Visiting America during the Hurricane season might not be a good idea. Traveling to Jerusalem during a conflict situation in the neighborhood should be avoided. Most travelers are so looking forward to their vacation that they become highly optimistic.  This is not a good approach. You should always be aware of the news and happenings in the region of your travel. You do not want to be caught in some natural emergency or be a victim of some political drama happening in the country of your travel. Listen to the Foreign Ministry Advisory of your home country before embarking on the journey.  6. A Limited Travel Itinerary for your Vacation It is always a good idea to travel light and have a limited itinerary for your vacation. If you are trying to pack in too many things, you can expect your plans to go haywire. Having a limited itinerary also means that you will be exhaustively exploring each location.  Going for multiple destinations is often the hallmark of a superficial traveler. By keeping a limited itinerary, you will never feel pressured and feel that you are always falling behind. This will create pressure and take the fun out of your vacation plans. Select places, which interest you, not which your friend had gone to and recommended.  7. Plan the Come Back period before you leave for your vacation Most people might be well prepared when it comes to the above-mentioned six points. However, this is where even the best amongst us falter. You should always have a sufficient buffer time after coming back from your vacation. This is critical to prepare yourself when it comes to overcoming the vacation hangover.  Many experts say that doing things like your laundry before leaving for your vacation is a good way to prepare back for your vacation. The last thing you would want to see is a pile of dirty laundry that you would have to do post a great vacation.  Conclusion Going on a vacation can be a highly rewarding experience. On the other hand, it can also be a very stressful affair, leading to fights between couples or fallout among friends. However, if you are prepared with the above-mentioned seven tips, you can rest assured that you are mitigating most of the problems.  Can you think of some other tips that can help you while preparing for your vacation? Do let us know in the comments section below.   Read also:  5 Tips to Improve Holiday Experience for Next Vacation