When Can Navigation Rules Be Overlooked?
BY Nabamita SinhaJan 5, 2023
If the question arises of when can navigation rules be overlooked, then the answer is that they should never be overlooked. However, there are moments when you only have the option to ignore these rules. Certain situations and groups can ignore and overlook these rules whenever they want. To know them, too, scroll down below. What Do You Mean By Navigation Rules? Image Source For every water vessel traveling through water bodies, specific rules are enforced to see their safe travel. These rules are like the traffic rules, but except for roads, they are for the waterways and waterbodies. These navigation rules ensure the safety of the vessel and the passengers onboard from dangerous rocks, shallow waters, and reefs. When Can Navigation Rules Be Overlooked? The navigation rules are set in place to ensure safe and secure travel on water, but there are moments when these rules need to be followed sometimes. So the situations that can force the sailors to ignore the navigation rules are as follows. Crossing Dangerous Waters Image Source When you are crossing turbulent and dangerous waters, with the people on board being unsafe, the navigation rules can be overlooked; their priority is to protect the passengers. When it comes to sailors, during storms and dangerous turbulent waters, they are not bound to follow the navigation rules. They can easily overlook them. To Avoid Immediate Danger Image Source Who may depart from the navigation rules? The operators may need to depart from the navigation rules while trying to mitigate imminent dangers. While traveling over waters, danger can happen anywhere, and at any point, so paying proper attention to the navigators is essential. They are trained for any sudden changes in water and air direction. So if travelers and navigators predict something dangerous, they can ignore all the navigation rules. This is how they can keep the onboard passengers safe. When A Vessel Has Little Maneuverability Image Source If the captain and crew feel like the vessel is going through a little maneuverability, then they are allowed to overlook all the navigation rules for boats. It is more important to keep the passengers safe than to travel in a hazardous environment. When The Sailor Is Inexperienced Image Source It is important that navigators and sailors should know how to navigate their way around the water. That way, they don't end up endangering the lives of others on the vessel. To save time, these inexperienced sailors sometimes disregard all the maritime navigation rules that are in place. When can navigation rules be overlooked? – if you are a navigator or sailor, look back to your novice years. Sailing In Poor Visibility Image Source When a sailor is sailing in a situation with poor visibility, then the rules of navigation are ignored. If the radar is not working properly, then the navigation rules can be ignored. When climatic situations make it difficult to see, and visibility becomes a big issue, navigation rules are entirely ignored. That is when experience and intuition come into action. What Are The Basic Rules Of Navigation? The "rules of the road at sea," or navigation regulations, apply to all boats. These regulations clearly indicate when to pass, approach, yield, and overtake other boats. The International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs) and the fundamental rules of the water should be familiarized with by all boaters, regardless of the size of their vessel. For other masters to see your intentions, you should always move in a clear and deliberate manner. Never assume that the captain of a different boat will follow the rules; always be ready to prevent a collision. To prevent collisions with other boats, the Colregs provide clear signals for passing, approaching, giving way, and overtaking. These are the rules for boat traffic. Rules: Here are some of the basic rules of navigation that you need to be aware of when at sea: When navigating a river or channel, a boat must always operate on the starboard (right) side. You have the right of way when a boat approaches from your starboard (right) side. You have right of way if you approach another boat from the starboard side. However, you must act to avoid collision if the other boat does not yield. Each boat changes course to port (left) and changes course to port (right). Always assume that this is the case. You have the option of overtaking a boat from either side of the one you want to pass. But you have to stay far away from the boat you're passing. This is true for sailboats as well as powerboats. The sailing boat with the wind on the port side must give way when there are two boats with wind on opposite sides. The boat to windward must yield to the boat to leeward when both boats are facing the same direction. Sail usually triumphs over power. However, this isn't always the case. Due to their size, larger vessels, like ferries and container ships, are difficult to maneuver. By giving larger vessels a wide berth, masters of other boats, including sailboats, should always use common sense and good seamanship. What Are The Consequences Of Overlooking Navigation Rules? Image Source For those asking, "when can navigation rules are overlooked," it is essential for you to know that there are severe consequences for not following the rules. And some of the effects that may befall you if you overlook the navigation rules are listed below. They are endangering the environment. The ship and its onboard passengers can get lost at sea. With overlooking the navigation rules, a shipwreck is a strong possibility. A hazardous environment on the ship can create a dangerous place for the people onboard. This can lead to health issues and even death. The vessel and passengers can face legal trouble for not following the navigation rules. Read More: What Are The Different Types Of Cruises (And How To Choose The Right One For You)? Who May Depart From The Navigation Rules? Image Source The navigation rules are set up for everyone's safety and security, so not following them can be risky. However, some people ignore these rules to stay safe and do their work. Please scroll down to see who these people are, who can overlook the navigation rules whenever they want. Pirates And Illegal Fishermen Image Source For pirates, the rules of navigation don't apply. They are beyond any rules, which is why they are pirates. They do this so that law enforcement can't catch them, and they can run away free. That is the same for fishermen who are fishing illegally. Those In Imminent Danger Image Source The recent enforcement requires maritime law that the answer to the question of when navigation rules are overlooked is during imminent danger. Escaping a dangerous situation is much more important than abiding by the law. Read More: What Is Most Likely To Cause Someone To Fall Overboard? Research Vessels Image Source Marine life science research vessels can easily deviate from the navigation rules. The study is based on marine life and the ocean, so they need help to go by the navigation rules. Those Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis Image Source If someone goes through a mental health problem on a vessel, they can let go of the rules. Instead, they don't tend to follow them. In addition, if someone is emotionally distraught or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they might not follow the rules. Wrapping Up! Now that you know the situations and people who tend to ignore the navigation rules, your question of when navigation rules can be overlooked is answered. In these situations, people don't regard such laws when they travel on international waters. So if you want to know more about this topic, we have more articles on our website, so browse through them, but first give us a like and comment below. Read Also: The Ultimate Hotel Tipping Guide Top 10 Best Beaches In Florida For Families Speed Boat Miami Tour – Sightseeing And Entertainment