Big Bend National Park Wildlife: The Hot Desert Park

Sep 30, 2024

Last Updated on: Oct 18, 2024

Travel Blog

When we hear the term “desert,” we usually imagine a place with sparse traces of life. However, Big Bend National Park is an exception, creating a home for elk, black bears, squirrels, rattlesnakes, and woodpeckers. 

Big Bend National Park also has oases created by single strands of cottonwood trees. Further, ephemeral springs, rocky canyons, highland shrubs, junipers, and grasses have contributed to the biodiversity of the park.

So, did you see something moving in the bush? Let’s find out what it can be!

A Vivid Wildlife Thrives At Big Bend National Park 

Along with a never-ending variety of mammals and reptiles, the Big Bend National Park has the most butterflies, birds, scorpions, ants, and bats

Also, various species of animals here play an important role in the ecosystem of the park. Further, a rich and sustainable food chain here keeps the diversity intact. 

Mammals At Big Bend National Park

Home to 75 species of mammals, Big Bend National Park shows an extraordinary variety of mammals you can see. Further, it is hard to believe how the tiniest Western pipistrelle bat and the largest black bear can coexist in a space. 

Nevertheless, along with bobcats, black bears, and javelinas, you will also get to see mountain lions, coyotes, gray foxes, bighorn sheep, aoudad, nutria, and elk.

Further, among the petite ones, the most common species here are lagomorphs, badgers, squirrels, and ringtails.

Birds At Big Bend National Park

If you are a birder and want to make the most of your bird-watching experience here, you must be at the right spot at the right time. So, the table below shows the bird-watching locations in the park and which bird species you will encounter there.

Rio Grande Village Nature Trail
Green KingfisherNorthern cardinalGreen heronGolden-fronted WoodpeckerCommon black hawk
Chisos MountainsBlack-crested titmouseMexican JayNorthern flickerAcorn woodpecker
Cottonwood CampgroundVermillion flycatcherGreat-horned owlBlack vultureLadder-backed Woodpecker
Dugout WellsSummer TanagerAsh-throated flycatcherWhite-winged doveInca doveGreat roadrunner
Sam Nail RanchScaled quailPainted buntingPyrrhuloxiaYellow-breasted chatGreen-tailed towhee
Blue CreekBlack-throated sparrowLucifer hummingbirdMourning doveBlue grosbeakCactus wren

Also, spring is the best time to visit Big Bend National Park if you want to encounter the most colorful birds. Further, in this season, some of the rarest migratory birds flock to this desert park.

So, late February to May is the best time for bird watching in Big Bend National Park. 

Amphibians At Big Bend National Park

You will find a wide variety of amphibians along the Rio Grande floodplain and in many other parts of the park. However, the amphibians here mostly are different species of toads and frogs. 

So, here is a list of toads and frogs in this national park.

  • Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad
  • Couch’s spadefoot toad
  • Red-spotted toad
  • Green toad
  • Spotted chirping frog
  • Rio Grande leopard frog
  • Canyon treefrog
  • Texas toad

These toads are frogs found near the lakes and springs in the park. Moreover, if you are camping in the park or exploring the backcountry camping at Big Bend in summer, you will hear these amphibians’s loudest cries at night. 

Reptiles At Big Bend National Park

The Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard in Big Bend National Park is one of the most colorful reptiles you will come across. Further, the males display a riot of colors, with a touch of orange, green, yellow, and brown all over their bodies. 

However, this desert park harbors many other species of lizards and snakes. Check out the table below to learn about these species. 

Lizards in Big Bend National ParkTexas Horned LizardRound-tailed Horned LizardEastern Collared LizardGreat Plains SkinkShort-lined SkinkGreen AnoleSouthwestern Fence LizardCrevice Spiny Lizard
Snakes in Big Bend National ParkTrans-Pecos CopperheadWestern CoachwhipWestern Diamondback RattlesnakeMojave RattlesnakeBlack-tailed RattlesnakeMottled Rock RattlesnakeBaird’s Rat SnakeTrans-Pecos Rat SnakeRegal Ring-necked SnakeSonoran Gopher Snake, etc. 
Turtles in Big Bend National ParkYellow mud turtleBig bend sliderDesert box turtleTexas spiny softshell

The warm climate and extreme heat in the summer season have made Big Bend National Park ideal for the habitation and breeding of various reptiles. 

Fish At Big Bend National Park

Finding schools of fish in a desert park like the Big Bend National Park is a little astonishing. However, the park is blessed with the Rio Grande and its tributaries. So, you can see fish in the Terlingua creeks and Tornillo. 

Unfortunately, nine species of fish in the park are now extinct. Still, it has varieties, such as Big Bend Gambusia, catfish, largemouth bass, longnose dace, bluegill, green sunfish, and blue tilapia. 

Do you know that the last American Eel was taken from Rio Grande in 1954? Further, Big Bend Gambusia is an endangered species, and it is now only found in a protected pond close to the Rio Grande Village. 

Also, the invasive species of blue tilapia has now become a pest. So, many organizations are now against the further spread of this species. 

Insects At Big Bend National Park 

The two-tailed swallowtail caterpillar is the most adorable insect in the Big Bend National Park. Other insects found in the national park are black beetles, whirligig beetles, and yucca moths. 

Yucca moths play a crucial role in the ecology of the Big Bend National Park. It is responsible for pollinating the creamy-white yucca flowers that bloom at night. 

Further, in the Chisos Mountains, you will find beebrush plants where bumblebees, honey bees, and other species of bees roam around. Moreover, in the summer, you will find ladybugs on the peaks. 

Other insects found at Big Bend National Park are:

  • Tarantula hawks
  • Millipedes (mostly seen after a rainfall)
  • Diplopoda or two-footed insects

Diplopoda is very vital for nutrient recycling in the Big Bend National Park. It creates burrows in the ground of around 1 or 1 and a half feet. Further, they feed on plant remains to return essential nutrients to nature. 

A varied geology, including a river corridor, mountains, acres of Chihuahuan desert, and oases, has made Big Bend National Park rich in wildlife. This desert park has around 75 species of mammals and 450 species of birds. It is also home to more than 50 species of reptiles and many amphibians

So, for a wildlife lover, this desert park in Texas is a sheer delight!

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Meet Sibashree Bhattacharya, a travel enthusiast who has a decade-long experience in transcending virtual barriers with her words! Her deep love for travel is apparent from her travel escapades to the mountain, often taking her readers on a journey, her words acting as Portkey! Fun fact: Sibashree loves to dive deep into the history of the places she is about to visit, making her travels even more wholesome. If you were wondering how her articles are not short of time travel, this answers it!

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READ MORE Sahara desert animals

Top 12 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals You Need To See

BY sagnika sinhaOct 4, 2021

When we Pictured the Sahara in our mind, then we usually think of Vast, a barren, hot, and lifeless place with lots of Sand with some people riding on their Camels wandering from place to place. But fortunately, it is not the case with Sahara. It is home to the Sahara desert Animals, plants, birds, and humans for thousands of years. Also, most of North Africa is covered by Sahara, and if you look at the map, it covers more than eight countries.  The Sahara boasts of beautiful Sand dunes. The largest Sand dune can be found in the Sahara Desert of Morocco near Erg Chebbi. Marrakech to Erg Chebbi desert tour is the most popular package in Morocco. According to Guinness, the Sahara is the largest and biggest ‘hot desert on the entire planet.’ The animal that lives in the Sahara desert is unique, as the nature of the desert. Sahara Desert Animals Life In Sahara Image Source: Even though the harsh conditions of the Sahara Desert are incredibly taxing, yet nature continues to thrive amidst such difficult and unimaginable living conditions. According to biologists, there are over seventy species of Sahara desert animals and mammals who call this barren land their home. In addition, one can also find more than ninety species of birds. Besides, you can also find reptiles are arachnoids like Scorpions who call Sahara their home. If we talk about some dangerous animals, then Sahara would not disappoint you. Because apart from domestic animals like Goats, Cows, and Camels, it is home to the highly feared deathstalker scorpion, the extremely venomous sand viper, and the powerful and speedy Cheetah, a bunch of antelopes and lovely long red-necked Ostrich, and many more. Here are some of the very unique Sahara desert animals list which you could only find in the Sahara Desert. 1. The Famous Silver Ant of Sahara Do you want to confront the fastest and on the earth? Among all 12000 species of ants, these are the fastest and rarest ants on the earth. Cataglyphis bombycina is their scientific name which comes out to forage in midday when the temperature is as high as 70 degrees. This is unique in as much as its activity is restricted to just over ten minutes each day. In this short span, they have to find food and survive; otherwise, they would die. Researchers say that their defense strategy is one of the best in the world. The body shape that the ants have helps them in dispensing heat more easily. Mostly they feed on animal carcasses. 2. Death Stalker Scorpion It is one of the most lethal and deadliest Scorpion species to be found in the Sahara desert. People in other parts often called it Black Scorpio. When it bites, it may cause death if not treated timely.  They only attack when they are feared of death. They hunt only at night and can be found in Wall cracks, in burrows, and under the stones. Among all animals, this is the deadliest animal in the Sahara desert. The tail of the Scorpio is full of venom. They use this venom for hunting the other insects and for proving more safety. One of their unique behaviors is that they like to take their prey by surprise so they hide under rocks and attack unsuspecting small insects. They spring out and tend to grab its victim, however, they are not very strong in their grabbing game so they need to sting the prey at the earliest. 3. Sand Viper In the Viper series, it is the deadliest. The Cerastes vipers can be found in a bunch in the Desert. They are found around 30-40cm and have an expansive, triangular head. The scientific name of the snake is Cerastes vipera which is found in the Arabian Peninsula and Levant. They also have quite tiny eyes. Sand Viper can kill their prey by biting and transferring the toxin within minutes. Small animals and small lizards other than Komodo dragons are the regular eating targets. Among the desert, animals list the poisonous insect's list is quite long. These snakes have quite a unique look. They have small horns on their head. And the color of the snake is quite camouflaged. You only can see the horn and eyes while they are full body is buried under the sand. The lifespan of the snake can extend to 18 years. The nature of the snake is not aggressive and tries to stay stable in the ground however, when it moves there is a crackling or rasping sound. 4. Desert Crocodiles The scientific name of the desert crocodile is Crocodylus suchus and often is confused with the aggressive Nile crocodile. It is hard to believe that crocodiles can survive in the desert because they live in water. They seek out moist areas like caves and burrows and make themselves comfortable. They mostly prefer burrows and caves for their place of being. This also helps them hide and surprise their prey whenever it is walking by. In the rainy season, they come out from their shelter to the lakes. They try to adapt to the dryness of the Sahara desert by trying to find moistness. Among all Sahara animals, this crocodile is addressed as sacred. These crocodiles are larger and relatively more aggressive than the Nile crocodile. Sahara desert animals are all habituated to survive the dry and harsh climate. 5. Monitor Lizards They are cold-blooded animals that are mainly active between the months of September and April. Following this, they go into hibernation. They feed on eggs, fishes, and other lizards, but if they could not find anything to the east, then they might eat birds and other small mammals. The animal knows exactly how to survive in the harsh and extreme climate of the Sahara desert. It is quite aggressive and becomes pretty threatened with encounters during cold seasons. Among all Sahara desert animals, this one is very colorful. This lizard is widely seen in Africa and central and south Asia. The average span for the lizard to live is 8 years. 6. Black-Faced Fire finch This bird is from a unique bird species. The species are less endangered because they can be found abundant in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa. The scientific name of the bird is Lagonosticta larvata. Recently, according to the new report by the BBC, their population is declining very fast. The color of the male’s face is black while the female has more of a gray appearance. These beautiful red birds are another habitant of the Sahara desert.  7. Hyrax They are the thickest herbivorous animals you could find in the Sahara Desert. People there call them small pigs. They usually hide under perforations and came out when they want food or for hunting. They live within a group of 10 to 50 animals and hunt together. Hyrax is another Sahara desert animal which is looking gorgeous with its brown fur. These herbivorous mammals are permanent residents of the Sahara Desert. Though Hyrax is also found in the Gobi desert of Mongolia.  8. African Wild Dogs They are the natives of sub-Saharan Africa, and now they are on the list of endangered species. The scientific name of the animal is Procavia capensis which occurs in the sub-Saharan area of Africa. Their face continuously grows especially the upper incisors and at a certain point, it looks like small tusks. Only about 40 species of these dogs managed to survive, which comprised 6000 adults. These wild dogs are not coming near to extinction among all the Sahara desert animals. The outbreak of diseases, hunting from humans, and other causes like less rainfall in the Sahara Desert cause the decline of African wild Dog species. They are highly socialized reptiles who live and hunt in groups. Their primary source of food is antelopes. Females are the ones who leave their pack when they matured, not men. 9. Red Neck Ostrich These can be found in North Africa, and it is the biggest bird on this planet. The scientific name of the bird is Struthio camelus camelus. This bird is one of the extant subspecies and lives in some of the harshest climates in the Sahara. They have a mix of pink and red long necks and can grow up to 10 feet. The male ones have black and white feathers as opposed to females, who possess grey feathers.  Now, due to the increase in Ostrich farming around the world, the population of these species is declining rapidly. They are extinct in 12 countries and are now limited to only six countries. This desert Ostrich is coming near to extinction. Only a few are left. 10. African Silver Bill They are the most adaptive Saharan Birds. They usually live in arid places, and so Sahara is the perfect place to live for them. The scientific name of the bird is Euodice cantans living mostly in the south of Africa. The African Silverbill is also very sociable, like African Wild Dogs. They usually eat Grass and seeds. Among all Sahara desert animals, this bird species is an example of a small passerine bird. The size of the bird is about 4 and a half inches long. 11. Saharan Cheetah Meet the fastest one among all the Sahara desert animals. One of the top Predators in the Sahara is Cheetah. Sadly their species are endangered, and only about 300 mature adults are left in the Sahara. The African cheetah has its scientific name as Acinonyx jubatus hecki and is considered a subspecies native of the Saharan desert. They can be found in the western parts of the Sahara. They mainly hunt at night, and their favorite prey is antelope, but sometimes they also hunt rabbits. 12. Addax Antelope An endangered species, which is now becoming very rare to be seen, is Sahara desert animals. The main reason for wiping out this species is the excess of hunting. These species are mainly locals of Niger and Chad. The addax is a desert-adapted African antelope with the scientific name Addax nasomaculatus. The animal is almost on the verge of being exterminated. These are characterized by their long twisted horns, and the color of their coat is mainly white. They are very adaptive to Sahara because they can live without water for many days. They eat grasses and leaves of desert plants, and it is their primary source of water. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. Do Any Animals Live In Sahara Dessert? Yes, there are animals who have chosen to stay in Sahara Dessert. The mammal species that have been founded in the dessert are Gerbil, Jerboa, Cape hare, and Dessert Hedgehog. 2. Which Is The Most Important Animal In The Sahara Dessert? Perhaps the Dromedary Camel is the most popular animal in the Sahara Dessert. It can be domesticated, rather it has been domesticated for thousands of years and they give their service to the desert nomads. 3. What Animal Has Adapted To Sahara Dessert? The Fennec Fox, who has learned to endure the heat of the Sahara Dessert. Their large years are not only for cuteness, but they use it to hear predators from afar and also use them to release body heat. The large ears help them to stay cool on hot days. Wrapping It Up: If you want to enjoy the tour of the Sahara Desert and want to see these animals live then, you should visit Morocco. Morocco is famous for the Sahara Desert, and many tour companies offer Sahara tours. Sahara desert animals are all very rare, and many of them are near to extinction. So what about your planning to travel to the Sahara? Do not forget to share your exciting tour story with us. 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Best National Parks In Missouri That You Must Know

BY Subham SahaSep 22, 2021

Missouri, a state located in the central-western part of the United States, is one of the most visited places in the country. People often make a stop while passing through this region to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of this place. People on vacation can have an exuberant experience visiting the national parks in Missouri.  If you are an adventurer or an admirer of nature, then visiting Missouri is worth every of your penny. Parks have always been a source of fascination for many travelers. The Missouri map entails some of the most favored national parks in the world. Let us have a look at what beauty these parks behold.  Most Beautiful National Parks In Missouri The beautiful land of Missouri is gifted with some of the most mesmerizing national parks. These spots are among the top tourist attractions of the state. If you are planning on a short vacation with your family, do not forget to explore the National Parks in Missouri along with the historic trails that pass through the county.  1. Gateway Arch National Park Location: St. Louis Among the National Parks in Missouri, the Gateway Arch National Park is the most popular and iconic landmark in the state. The arch was established in 1960 in the memorial of Thomas Jefferson, Dred Scott, and others representing the spirit of western expansion in the US.  The construction of this 630 feet tall arch called for two separate structures to be raised from the ground and then welded together. A museum, a tram ride, and beautiful landscapes are what tourists can have an experience of here.   2. George Washington Carver Location: Diamond  Located just 12 miles southeast of Joplin, the George Washington Carver is a national park in Missouri that is open throughout the year. The park consists of a monumental structure, a memorial in remembrance of George Washington Carver. He was regarded as a great man because of his expertise as an educator, agronomist, and humanitarian.  Tourists planning to visit this site can have a great hiking experience in the dense forests present all around. There is no entry fee here, and several cultural activities are held occasionally.  3. Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Location: Various This National Historic Trail extends for about 4900 miles and passes over through sixteen states. The expedition conducted by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from  1804-1806 led to the exploration of this trail. The trail is considered among the best national parks that pass through Missouri.  This site can be viewed from several places in Missouri. The main motive behind the Lewis and Clark expedition was, however, to explore north-western America and a convenient water route to the Pacific Ocean. Vacationers can plan to cover the entire trail and gather historical information and learn about the impacts of the trail.  4. Ozark National Scenic Riverways Location: Van Buren One of the most mesmerizing places that you can visit in Missouri is the Ozark. This site comprises the Current and Jack Forks Rivers which are the two of America’s clearest spring-fed rivers. The Ozark National Scenic Riverway was among the first national parks in  Missouri to preserve a wild river system.  This park offers tourists a number of adventurous outdoor activities such as canoeing, hiking, swimming, and fishing. Adventurers are surely going to love it here. The summers are the best time to take a trip out over here. The presence of various shopping centers, indoor places, and natural caves makes it more enjoyable for you and your family.  5. Oregon National Historic Trail Location: Various Considered one of the best national parks in Missouri, this National Historic Trail connects the Missouri rivers to the valleys in Oregon. It is a route of historical significance that involved military action, exploration, and even migration.  This trail offers some of the most beautiful landscapes and forests that visitors can get to see. The route covers about 2,170 miles, and if travelers want to cover the entir e path, they need to save some time for it. However, the route is accessible by car, and one can experience an exquisite journey while traveling.  6. Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Location: Republic A national battlefield or a national park in Missouri, Wilson’s Creek is situated in the southwest region of Springfield. This memorial had been built in remembrance of the first major Civil War, which was fought west of Mississippi in 1861.  The legendary battle was, however, won by the Confederate Army, which resulted in keeping Missouri in the Union. A museum, an automobile tour, the preserved Ray House are some of the top attractions of this site. History connoisseurs must not forget to pay a visit to this place.  7. Harry S. Truman National Historic Site Location: Independence Missouri This national park in Missouri is one of the most visited and popular historic sites in the country. It had been established in the memory of Harry S. Truman, who was the 33rd President of the US. This national site preserves the house of President Truman that is laid over 7 acres of area.  The house has been converted into a museum-like place. Inside, you can observe various displays of historical items and get information about the entire history of that place. It is located east of Kansas City, and travelers can take out some time and go around the places in the vicinity.  Frequently Asked Questions. Which National Park is a must see? The top must-see national parks in the US are 1.Grand Canyon National Park, 2.Arizona.  3.Glacier National Park, 4.Montana.  5.Yosemite National Park What 5 states have no national parks? States that are without National Parks are Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho ,Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Name the only two U.S national parks loacted within three states? Most of the parks of appointed wilderness is in Montana. Yellowstone is not the only national park that is in three different states. Final Thoughts There you go with all the information you needed to know about the national parks in Missouri. Apart from these most well-known parks, there are several other Missouri State Parks that have been quite an attraction for tourists.  From my personal experience, I can tell you that not only these sights, but the entire city is mesmerizing and soulful. I am sure that you can already fantasize about the beauty of these places. You must keep your patience till you land your foot there!  Read Also: Top 6 Most Popular Wendover Hotels In West Wendover In 2021 Top 10 Most Popular Paraguay Food That You Must Try A Guide To National Parks In Georgia

READ MORE west beach

A Complete Guide Of West Beach

BY Mashum MollahOct 4, 2021

You sure have heard about the latest hotspot that got inaugurated on the western part of the trunk of Palm Jumeirah in Dubai? Palm west beach is the newest destination for sunset paramours. It offers a 1.6 km walkable parade which is lined up with many casual restaurants. It is also filled with expensive hotels on the torso of the Palm Jumeirah.  Decorated with more than 300 palm trees to elucidate the walking path and running tracks. The tranquility of the stretched sand is off to turn into Dubai’s ultimate swaggie spot. Let’s dive into the restaurants Dubai's Palm Beach offers. Restaurant- Koko Bay The idea of Koko Bay was inspired by the dingy-chic restaurants lined up on Bali’s shores. Koko Bay happens to be the first restaurant to open on Palm West Beach. In the afternoon it's time for fresco-feasting, by the evening the DJ sets the mood with creative mixology of songs and music. At night it's all about dining under the stars. The menu is a mix of Asian and European cuisines. You have a furry friend who loves to travel with you everywhere, well Koko Bay welcomes them with open arms. If you are looking for a sun-soaked beach day, then sea-facing wicker loungers come with a deal of AED 100 for weekdays and AED 150 on weekends. Restaurant- Senor Pico A vibrant treat to the eyes. Senor Pico is all about colors. It is a colorful Mexican flavor that is merged with California cool, effortlessly. Senor Pico is a commemoration of Victor Berger’s travel to Mexico, with which he bought the rich flavors, graphic dishes, and vibrant culture he came in contact with there.  The menu does not have the whole tinge of Mexican cuisine but is a bit influenced by Californian cuisine. The interior of the restaurant with rainbow-hued walls, hanging fish from the ceiling, and neon hints, makes it absolutely photogenic. A kitchen in the heart of the restaurant is busy serving fresh tortillas, tacos, and burritos, while the diners enjoy the scene. Restaurant- Aprons And Hammers Beach House The main attraction in Aprons and Hammers Beach House is the fresh seafood they serve. It is located in La Mer, JBR and now in Palm West Beach. It has the first licensed outlet. Aprons and Hammers Beach House has mimicked the laid-back beach house. The interior of this restaurant has a marine theme going on all over the place, from the terrace down to the parasol-lined beach. Seafood like lobster, crabs, shrimps, and mussels are all available here for the guests.  These restaurants also possess a raw bar, where they serve freshly shucked oysters and tiered seafood towers. Like Koko Bay, it also offers the same price and their lounges for being sun-bathed. Restaurants- Jones The Grocer This restaurant is mainly for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it serves hearty and homely dishes. The place has its own signature dishes to offer, pastry and sandwich counter. It has an artisan eatery with an authentic wood-fired oven and not to forget a cool beach bar.  The laid back relaxed beachside bar cum cafe cum restaurant opens up to the Palm West Beach coastline. It allows the diners to taste the ocean breeze while tasting the amazing food.  In beverages, they offer bespoke cocktails and their favorite curated grapes which celebrate the roots.  Restaurants- Lucky Fish  Lucky Fish is a barefoot, expensive Mediterranean restaurant and beach as because it has no additional floor, the whole set up is on the sand. With a calm coastal style and homely design, guests are welcomed to dine in between the indoors and outdoors.  Guests can also spend their day at the beach on cloud-like-loungers, as well as day beds that are shaded with linen curtains over the sand. Talking about the menu, which is a s well inspired by the Mediterranean region and the ocean.  It highlights the Italian, Spanish, French tastes through the fresh seafood and meat dishes. It is quite obvious that you are in Palm West Beach for the entire day, cherishing all the delicious foods around you, enjoying to the fullest, and falling tired at night. Don’t worry here are two luxury hotels and apartments that West Beach provides for a weekend, or midweek. Hotels- Five Palm Jumeirah  Great infrastructure and firmly established Five Palm Jumeirah is one of the liveliest hotels in the city. The FIVE is decorated with full and generously sized white loungers, jacuzzis, and glass built swimming pool.  The swimming pool is made out of glass because it compliments the swimming pool itself for being lengthy and as well as running down to the center of the hotel. A Chinese restaurant, Mediterranean-inspired grill, Italian. It is one of the most photographed hotels in the city. Hotels- Fairmont The Palm  On the chest of the Palm Jumeirah that is facing over the Palm West Beach.  The interior of the hotel is inspired by Arabian accents that have design aesthetics like dark woods, orange shaded sand, and webbing throughout the guest room and suites, as well as the public places. The beachfront is highly expensive, it offers 800 meters of golden sand for the guests. They have four swimming pools in the hotel with volleyball and water sports. It also has table tennis facilities.  Water sports are not much in demand but Palm West Beach still offers  Kayaking VR diving Stand up paddle boarding Electric hydrofoil boarding Sea bikes Catamarans  Since Palm West Beach is the newest destination in Dubai there are not many hotels but there will be soon. Rumour has it. 1. Voco Dubai Palm Jumeirah IHG hotels and resorts are coming up with its premium brand called VOCO, to the desired Palm West Beach, Jumeirah later this year. It will have 141 guest rooms, a pool, a gym, and a spa. Voco will also showcase its bold cuisine credentials. With four food and beverages outlets.  2. Hilton Palm Jumeirah Hilton Palm Jumeirah will be debuted in September 2022, the location will be in the middle of Palm West Beach. It will also have ocean-facing rooms, and suits that will have private balconies.  The resort will have a new claw BBQ and a concept by McGettigans. The Jones The Grocer which is already there will be part of the hotel's dining options. 3. Marriott Palm Jumeirah The Marriott Palm Jumeirah will be inaugurated in July 2022. The first Marriott resort in Dubai of the Palm has 608 guest rooms, each of them having its personal balconies, has 13 floors. The hotel is going to be home to more than 5 restaurants and bars, including Las Vegas Sake Rok. Closing Thoughts This article is the complete guide of Palm West Beach, the article enlightens the readers about the restaurants, hotels in west beach.  The water sports are not that in need, therefore, they haven't come up with many watersports but there are plans. There are some hotels that are going to open soon and this article has the list of names. Hotels and restaurants this expensive give the best feeling in the world. Leave a comment section below in the comment box, if this article has helped you in any way.  Read More: 4 Tips for First-time Travelers to Bali How Safe Is Morocco For Travel In 2021? Traveling Taught Me To Love Myself & Look At Life, Differently