Big Bend National Park Wildlife: The Hot Desert Park

Sep 30, 2024

Last Updated on: Nov 21, 2024

Travel Blog

When we hear the term “desert,” we usually imagine a place with sparse traces of life. However, Big Bend National Park is an exception, creating a home for elk, black bears, squirrels, rattlesnakes, and woodpeckers. 

Big Bend National Park also has oases created by single strands of cottonwood trees. Further, ephemeral springs, rocky canyons, highland shrubs, junipers, and grasses have contributed to the biodiversity of the park.

So, did you see something moving in the bush? Let’s find out what it can be!

A Vivid Wildlife Thrives At Big Bend National Park 

Vivid Wildlife Thrives At Big Bend National Park 

Along with a never-ending variety of mammals and reptiles, the Big Bend National Park has the most butterflies, birds, scorpions, ants, and bats

Also, various species of animals here play an important role in the ecosystem of the park. Further, a rich and sustainable food chain here keeps the diversity intact. 

Mammals At Big Bend National Park

Mammals At Big Bend National Park

Home to 75 species of mammals, Big Bend National Park shows an extraordinary variety of mammals you can see. Further, it is hard to believe how the tiniest Western pipistrelle bat and the largest black bear can coexist in a space. 

Nevertheless, along with bobcats, black bears, and javelinas, you will also get to see mountain lions, coyotes, gray foxes, bighorn sheep, aoudad, nutria, and elk.

Further, among the petite ones, the most common species here are lagomorphs, badgers, squirrels, and ringtails.

Birds At Big Bend National Park

If you are a birder and want to make the most of your bird-watching experience here, you must be at the right spot at the right time. So, the table below shows the bird-watching locations in the park and which bird species you will encounter there.

Rio Grande Village Nature Trail
Green KingfisherNorthern cardinalGreen heronGolden-fronted WoodpeckerCommon black hawk
Chisos MountainsBlack-crested titmouseMexican JayNorthern flickerAcorn woodpecker
Cottonwood CampgroundVermillion flycatcherGreat-horned owlBlack vultureLadder-backed Woodpecker
Dugout WellsSummer TanagerAsh-throated flycatcherWhite-winged doveInca doveGreat roadrunner
Sam Nail RanchScaled quailPainted buntingPyrrhuloxiaYellow-breasted chatGreen-tailed towhee
Blue CreekBlack-throated sparrowLucifer hummingbirdMourning doveBlue grosbeakCactus wren

Also, spring is the best time to visit Big Bend National Park if you want to encounter the most colorful birds. Further, in this season, some of the rarest migratory birds flock to this desert park.

So, late February to May is the best time for bird watching in Big Bend National Park. 

Amphibians At Big Bend National Park

Amphibians At Big Bend National Park

You will find a wide variety of amphibians along the Rio Grande floodplain and in many other parts of the park. However, the amphibians here mostly are different species of toads and frogs. 

So, here is a list of toads and frogs in this national park.

  • Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad
  • Couch’s spadefoot toad
  • Red-spotted toad
  • Green toad
  • Spotted chirping frog
  • Rio Grande leopard frog
  • Canyon treefrog
  • Texas toad

These toads are frogs found near the lakes and springs in the park. Moreover, if you are camping in the park or exploring the backcountry camping at Big Bend in summer, you will hear these amphibians’s loudest cries at night. 

Reptiles At Big Bend National Park

The Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard in Big Bend National Park is one of the most colorful reptiles you will come across. Further, the males display a riot of colors, with a touch of orange, green, yellow, and brown all over their bodies. 

However, this desert park harbors many other species of lizards and snakes. Check out the table below to learn about these species. 

Lizards in Big Bend National ParkTexas Horned LizardRound-tailed Horned LizardEastern Collared LizardGreat Plains SkinkShort-lined SkinkGreen AnoleSouthwestern Fence LizardCrevice Spiny Lizard
Snakes in Big Bend National ParkTrans-Pecos CopperheadWestern CoachwhipWestern Diamondback RattlesnakeMojave RattlesnakeBlack-tailed RattlesnakeMottled Rock RattlesnakeBaird’s Rat SnakeTrans-Pecos Rat SnakeRegal Ring-necked SnakeSonoran Gopher Snake, etc. 
Turtles in Big Bend National ParkYellow mud turtleBig bend sliderDesert box turtleTexas spiny softshell

The warm climate and extreme heat in the summer season have made Big Bend National Park ideal for the habitation and breeding of various reptiles. 

Fish At Big Bend National Park

Fish At Big Bend National Park

Finding schools of fish in a desert park like the Big Bend National Park is a little astonishing. However, the park is blessed with the Rio Grande and its tributaries. So, you can see fish in the Terlingua creeks and Tornillo. 

Unfortunately, nine species of fish in the park are now extinct. Still, it has varieties, such as Big Bend Gambusia, catfish, largemouth bass, longnose dace, bluegill, green sunfish, and blue tilapia. 

Do you know that the last American Eel was taken from Rio Grande in 1954? Further, Big Bend Gambusia is an endangered species, and it is now only found in a protected pond close to the Rio Grande Village. 

Also, the invasive species of blue tilapia has now become a pest. So, many organizations are now against the further spread of this species. 

Insects At Big Bend National Park 

Insects At Big Bend National Park 

The two-tailed swallowtail caterpillar is the most adorable insect in the Big Bend National Park. Other insects found in the national park are black beetles, whirligig beetles, and yucca moths. 

Yucca moths play a crucial role in the ecology of the Big Bend National Park. It is responsible for pollinating the creamy-white yucca flowers that bloom at night. 

Further, in the Chisos Mountains, you will find beebrush plants where bumblebees, honey bees, and other species of bees roam around. Moreover, in the summer, you will find ladybugs on the peaks. 

Other insects found at Big Bend National Park are:

  • Tarantula hawks
  • Millipedes (mostly seen after a rainfall)
  • Diplopoda or two-footed insects

Diplopoda is very vital for nutrient recycling in the Big Bend National Park. It creates burrows in the ground of around 1 or 1 and a half feet. Further, they feed on plant remains to return essential nutrients to nature. 

A varied geology, including a river corridor, mountains, acres of Chihuahuan desert, and oases, has made Big Bend National Park rich in wildlife. This desert park has around 75 species of mammals and 450 species of birds. It is also home to more than 50 species of reptiles and many amphibians

So, for a wildlife lover, this desert park in Texas is a sheer delight!

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Meet Sibashree Bhattacharya, a travel enthusiast who has a decade-long experience in transcending virtual barriers with her words! Her deep love for travel is apparent from her travel escapades to the mountain, often taking her readers on a journey, her words acting as Portkey! Fun fact: Sibashree loves to dive deep into the history of the places she is about to visit, making her travels even more wholesome. If you were wondering how her articles are not short of time travel, this answers it!

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Skiplagged Review- Login, Services And Travel Experiences

BY  sagnika May 16, 2023

Skiplagged is a legitimate way to reduce the costs of flight bookings. By booking a hidden city ticket, a person can save hundreds of dollars off the price of a single ticket for a flight. Even though useful, it has its fair share of controversies as well. Read this article to find out more information on skiplagged! Get Familiarized With Skiplagging Skiplagging refers to the general practice of booking a trip where the stopover is set as the destination where the traveler originally plans to travel. They use a "point A to point B" form of phrasing where a passenger would book a ticket that would take them from "point A to point C" instead, with a stopover at point B. Whereas the actual destination of the passenger is point “B”, and they leave the airport as the plane land in point “B”, leaving their seat empty from point “B” to point “C" portion of the journey. Tip: Is skiplagged legit? Well, it certainly is legit, but many airlines have opposed the services they provide and even tried to incorporate strict measures to counter them. It is just as good as Kiwi Flights. One-Way Endeavour It is very important to keep in mind that skiplagging won't work if the traveler wants to travel with checked luggages. After all the checked luggage is tagged to go through to the final destination (point C). If someone still tries it, then there would be severe consequences as the airline would then have to offload the checked baggage after coming to the realization that the boarding pass wasn't scanned for the second half of the journey. Additionally, this practice would actually work on a one-way flight. That is only because an airline would definitely cancel the return tickets for the traveler after it realizes that they never did complete the first portion of their journey. Controversies Airlines absolutely hate this practice of booking skiplagged flights and have also tried to shut it down. This is why the United Airlines and Orbitz teamed up to sue skiplagged back in 2014. After which, they lost their legal battle against Skiplagged. Then the airlines turned their attention to punishing the passengers for even engaging in this practice by certain rules and regulations. Skiplagged Interface To use their services, one can head over to their site skiplagged or even download the skiplagged app. The tagline of their website states “ Ridiculous Travel Deals That You Won’t Find Anywhere Else”. The interface of their website is very easy to navigate. One needs to create an account to get started with using their services. There are four options available to select from (situated at the top of their site) - skiplagged flight, Hotels, Rewards, and Cars. They have also been featured in BBC, CNN, Buzzfeed, The New Yorker and many other famous publications. Benefits Of Using Skiplagging Here are a few loopholes that Skiplagged has uncovered and that can save travelers a significant amount of money. 1. Virtual Interlining Fares The search engine of Skiplagged also shows the VI or Virtual Interline fares. These are the fares that are known to combine all the flights between the airlines that are known to not have a direct relationship. For such instances, the traveler needs to check back in between the various carriers. While in some cases, especially for international flights, the savings could be of thousands of dollars. 2. Unique One-Way Flight Combos Skiplagged has a very sophisticated and powerful flight search engine that is always searching for unique one-way combinations that travelers could use to book and get a great final price for a round-trip flight. The other travel sites, either are not able to package these one-way flights together due to the limitations that are imposed on them from the airlines. Or it could be that these flights are using very old technology which are full of limitations. 3. Hidden-City Flights Under this particular loophole, a user books a flight to the destination city that is actually the airline's layover city. For instance, a user might try flying from Austin to Boston, and all of the flight prices would show as $500. However, there could be an Austin to New York flight with a layover in Boston for $200. In this case, the traveler can get out in Boston, saving themselves $300. It is to be noted, though, that one can't check a bag. Skiplagged Reviews Here are a few skiplagged reviews left by people who have used their services: Your site is easy for me to navigate and my history with "Skiplagged" has always been pleasant with the least bit of problems. – Pierpont Geer Skipped lagged just saved me 300$ on a trip that was originally 480… goddamn i didn’t believe it would be this crazy – Jay Leyva Just because you have money to spend doesn't mean you have to. Skip lag is always help me find the best flights at the best prices! They are always my first go to. – Shantael C. Rates are way better than booking directly, even with added protection... easy booking process... just so simple!! Well Done Team Skiplagged!! – Nik Bali You guys are a reminder to me that it pays to check the availability and price of a flight several times. Also, your website and prompts couldn't be clear, convenient or easy. Now, I'm going to book 2 more additional flights, and I hope it's just as easy and reasonable. Thanks! – Mike To Wrap It Up! If you are thinking of using their services, then by all means, go ahead, as they are 100% legit. But you do need to keep in mind that the services they offer are opposed by most airlines. Hence, you would need to counter-check the guidelines of the airline that you are going to book at. That was all for information regarding skiplagging and its benefits. Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the same. Read Also: Everything About Breeze Airways: Breeze Airways Reviews, Features, And More! Using Flightscanner To Find Cheap Flights In 2023? All That You Need To Know! The Ultimate Guide To Finding Cheap Flights To Chicago Using Google Flights Aainflight Review- Login, Services And Travel Experiences


Discover Joshua Tree National Park: Unique Fun Facts Revealed

BY  Sibashree Oct 28, 2024

With mountains, faults, monoliths, deserts, and unique geological formations, Joshua Tree National Park has emerged as an important ecological hub of California. Further, as the name goes, the park has the most amazing Joshua Tree, a Yucca palm species that became famous with the Joshua Tree album by U2.  Spanning 800,000 acres and situated at 5000 feet above sea level, this national park is like a natural tapestry. Further, 85% of this national park is still pristine wilderness. So, there is no wonder that a place like this harbors the best secrets and fun facts that are yet to be explored.  Here, I will share some amazing info about the park’s history, fossils, cryptobiotic crusts, and more. Joshua Tree National Park is about to complete 30 years of its designation as a national park on 31st October 2024. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt designated it as a national monument in 1936. Things No One Talks About Joshua Tree National Park  The basics are boring! There is no fun in visiting a place that does not have stories to tell. However, this national park, designated in 1994, has mountains and ecological units that echo the tales of history, changes, and humanity.  Let’s get into the stories, but before that, let me give you a brief account about when and how to visit the park. September to November is the best time to explore the park due to pleasant weather conditions.  Further, the Annual Night Sky Festival occurs in the park in October. It’s a delightful experience for people of all age groups. Thomas Crochetiere writes many fascinating stories about Joshua Tree National Park in his “The History of Joshua Tree National Park: A historical, informational, and educational timeline of Joshua Tree National Park.” If you are interested in the park’s history, you can grab a Kindle edition of the book.  1. Fascinating Historical Tales About Joshua Tree National Park  Human history in Joshua Tree National Park is as old as 15000 years. Two archaeologists, William Campbell and Elizabeth Campbell, further discovered the existence of Pinto culture in this park. Pinto Culture In The Park  People belonging to this Pinto Culture used to stay in cool grassland environments here, and they were primarily hunters. Pinto culture in the national park was discovered by archaeologists thanks to the triangular-shaped spears, scraping and cutting tools, and seed-processing tools.  All the implements that established a Pinto connection to the place indicate that the Pinto people led a bohemian lifestyle. Along with hunting, they also practiced seasonal harvesting.  Native Americans Occupying Joshua Tree National Park  Europeans came to Joshua Tree National Park in the late 18th century. However, the park had three groups of Native Americans. They followed the Pinto culture, thriving locally in the park. These three tribes were: Cahuilla Serrano Chemehuevi The Chemehuevi tribe was the latest to occupy the national park, and they came to this park from the Great Basin of Nevada in 1500.  All these tribes adopted the tools of the Pinto people, and they improved and diversified them.  Cattlemen First Occupied The Joshua Tree National Park  Joshua Tree National Park has every element of a Western movie. The western side of the park had higher elevations during the 1870s. These areas also received a higher rainfall and had different species of native grasses.  As a result, many cattle owners used to flock to these parts of the park for cattle grazing.  William “Bill” McHaney was the earliest cattleman in this park. He was a legendary figure, and he took his Texas Longhorns to these higher valleys. He will be known for living in the national park and exploring the area for around 60 years. Further, his brother, Jim, built a gang to steal cattle from Mexico and Arizona.  Discovery Of Gold In Joshua Tree National Park  The 19th century was the biggest highlight in the Joshua Tree National Park. Miners flocked to this park in great numbers for the discovery of gold. Twentynine Palms was the first area to have mining expeditions in the park in the late 1860s.  The presence of water in the Oasis of Mara was the main reason behind extensive mining expeditions at Twentynine Palms. Gold was collected from dirt using dry washing. The process was fun, and it involved throwing dirt mixed with dust into the air. The dirt was caught as it came down in the air, and this process continued until the mix only had gold dust.  Desert Queen Mine was a more successful gold mining venture in the park. It was Frank L. James, an employee of the Lost Horse Mine, who discovered the vein of gold in the Northern Queen Valley. Unfortunately, he had to lose his life at the hands of  Charles Martin. Martin was a part of the notorious cattle-rustler gang of Jim McHaney. Jim McHaney was the brother of William “Bill” McHaney, a legendary figure in the park.  Joshua Tree National Park Had An Important Role To Play During World War I  The dry, desert climate of Joshua Tree National Park was beneficial for the war veterans suffering from the effects of the mustard gas. This gas was so lethal that it had to be banned after World War I. Did You Know?The Geneva Gas Protocol Treaty, signed in 1925 by most countries, banned the use of biological and chemical weapons in war.  Germans introduced mustard gas in 1917, and any contact with the gas used to cause skin burns, blisters, and respiratory problems. Patients hit by this gas needed to get hospitalized for the treatment of chemical burns and respiratory issues.  Moreover, the survivors of the mustard gas attacks had greater risks of developing cancer.  2. Fossils Of Joshua Tree National Park The fossils in the Joshua Tree National Park tell us about the geological evolutions, extreme natural events, and biodiversity. So, what were the animals that roamed here when the earth was a cooler and greener space? Let’s have a look at the list below.  Columbian mammoths Dire wolves Camels Horses Llamas Giant ground sloths Saber-toothed cats  Bison American Pronghorn Did Dinosaurs Live At Joshua Tree National Park? Scientists believe that Joshua Tree National Park had dinosaurs. Some of the oldest rocks in the park are from the dinosaur era. However, being metamorphic and igneous, these rocks could not preserve the skeleton of the dinosaurs. So, there is no “black and white” evidence regarding the existence of dinosaurs in the park yet.  The oldest fossil found in the park is the tooth of a pocket gopher. It was found in a 7.8 million years old sediment. The park has many other microfossils that are even older.  Moreover, the midden of the pack rats has been a gold mine for finding plant and insect species. At least 12 species of plants were found in the midden, and the oldest was around 30,000 years old. In addition, the darkling beetle fossils in the midden come from various ages. The oldest dates back to  34,000 years ago, and the latest is as old as 1000 years old.  Above all, the human artifacts and bones collected in this midden speak of human history and the evolution of their lifestyle.  3. Cryptobiotic Crusts Of Joshua Tree National Park  What are cryptobiotic crusts? They are hidden biotic organisms present on the surface of the park soil. Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria are the leading cryptobiotic crusts at Joshua Tree National Park. The other forms of cryptobiotic crusts present in the park soil are: Mosses Lichens Microfungi Bacteria Green algae Now, these cryptobiotic crusts are important to bind the sand and soil particles of the park together. In other words, they prevent soil erosion caused by wind and water.    4. Spiritual Stories And Symbolism Around Joshua Tree National Park “The Joshua Tree” album by Irish band U2 brought the spiritual connection or symbolism around the Joshua trees in the park under the spotlight. The album explores the gap between the promised land and the real land of America. The desert also stood for the desolation of the soul, while the Joshua trees, surviving in extreme weather conditions, became the symbol of hope and prayer. However, you must go back around 180 years to trace how Joshua trees have always been associated with symbolism and Biblical stories. In the 1850s, the Mormon pioneers crossed the Mojave Desert and saw these trees.  The upraised branches of the trees reminded them of Joshua, who stretched his arms to the sky for prayer and led the “Israelites into the Promised Land.” So, this is how these Yucca Palm trees got their new name.  5. Joshua Tree National Park Is The Best For Stargazing  As International Dark Night Sky, Joshua Tree National Park is one of the best places in California for stargazing. The following parking lot areas are best for Joshua Tree National Park stargazing. Hidden Valley Ryan Mountain Quail Springs Cap Rock Along with these places, you can also choose Pinto Basin for an amazing stargazing experience.  How To Reach Joshua Tree National Park? Joshua Tree National Park has three entrances. The table below details these entrances and will help you pick the right one based on the location you are traveling from. Park Entrance GateLocation Ideal For Tourists FromWest EntranceAt Park Blvd Off Highway 62Los AngelesPalm SpringsSan DiegoNorth Entrance29 Palms, Off Highway 62Las VegasSouth EntranceCottonwood Spring, Off Highway 10Salton Sea area The West Entrance is the main entrance to Joshua Tree National Park. You must drive through California Highway 62 or Interstate 10 road to reach here.  Further, if you are traveling by air, you must reach Palm Springs Airport, and from there, you can rent a car. The Los Angeles International Airport is also 150 miles away from this park.   Also read Why Include Whale Watching In Your LA Itinerary. Traveling On A Budget: Tips For Affordable Adventures. From Cocktails To Kickflips: Must-Try Activities In San Diego.