9 Things Every Traveler Should Know When Visiting Shanghai

Nov 14, 2021

Last Updated on: Jul 4, 2023


Shanghai is one of the best cities to visit in China for tourism. It has everything to offer a tourist. It’s safe, modern, and cultural with its own heritage, which is everything a traveler can hope for.

China doesn’t really have the best image when seen from the western media, so many people prefer to go to Tokyo in Japan. Tokyo is also a great city that every tourist should visit at least once in his life, but you would regret ignoring Shanghai. You should go to Tokyo and then book a trip for visiting Shanghai.

It is never a bad idea to get to know about your destination before you visit it. This ensures you have a smooth trip without any problems or embarrassing situations. This article is for all excursionists who want to see Shanghai.

You are Watched Every Moment

China is a developed country that is a candidate to become the superpower of the world. This is why it has to be very careful with its security. China deals with all its matters inside the country without letting anything out. They welcome all tourists and pay special attention to their security.

The purpose of the security is to ensure they are safe in the country and the country is safe from them. While you won’t find any people following you around, you will see cameras everywhere. From stations to traffic lights, you will cameras monitoring your every move.

Private Transportation is Cheap

Most travelers tend to avoid private transportation such as Taxis because they are supposed to be very expensive. However, you don’t need to worry about that in Shanghai. Taxis are quite cheap and easily affordable for its residents as well as guests.

You can travel around 50km within the city within $20. This will help you save a lot of time and ensure your experience remains comfortable. However, you will have to watch out for drivers who will deliberately charge you more because they think you don’t know the actual fares.

Don’t Forget to Experience Subway

Don’t Forget to Experience Subway

While you have the luxury of traveling by Taxi for cheap, you should not ignore the Shanghai subway. It’s a mode of public transport so it’s obviously way cheaper. Since you are there to explore the culture and Chinese lifestyle, you should get mixed in the crowd.

Travel around in the subway when you have spare time to kill. However, it is recommended to take a taxi if you have a big bag of luggage with you. It will be difficult to move around in the crowded subway with luggage.

See the Modern Form of China

See the Modern Form of China

Shanghai is one of the most progressive cities in China. You will get to see modern China that is driven by technology. There is everything most people would not expect from China. For example, they are very concerned about the environment. This is why you will not find any motorbikes that run on fuel.

Most motorbikes are environment-friendly and run on electricity. To promote these electric bikes, the government offered subsidies on them and made it very expensive to get a fuel-powered bike.

Find the Best Restaurants in Malls

Find the Best Restaurants in Malls

While food quality in the malls is usually not as great compared to restaurants outside in most countries, the situation is a little different in Shanghai. You will find all types of food of the best quality in malls. When you go to malls for shopping, make sure you don’t anything before it.

Do your shopping while enjoying different types of traditional cuisines. Even if you are in the mood of shopping, you should head to nearby malls for food. There you will see many stalls with a variety of local food options. They will be a bit expensive compared to outside stalls, but the quality and experience are worth it.

Definitely Visit Shanghai’s People’s Park

You will see a lot of colors in public parks in Shanghai. It is recommended that you must visit parks on the weekends to truly experience local culture. You will see people playing games, dancing to Chinese music, and flying kites.

Another interesting thing you will find is matchmaking activities. Parents of single adults visit parks on the weekends to exchange details of their children with each other to find a suitable partner. These parents sit there with a poster next to them that has details of their children. These details include their age, looks, weight, height, and income.

Xiaolongbao for All the Foodies

Even the most open-minded foodies are very skeptical of Chinese food. It’s not that their food is unhygienic, but the things they choose to cook. You should know that it’s not as bad as you might have heard. The stories of eating dogs have been quite exaggerated. While it’s not illegal, it’s also not an everyday practice.

I suggest you keep an open mind and at least try one of the best foods Shanghai has to offer. You should look for a local delicacy called Xiaolongbao. They are like dumplings but filled with meat and soup from the inside. You bite into it to suck out the soup and then start eating.

Watch When Crossing the Road

Just because the traffic light is green, it doesn’t mean you are safe to cross the road in Shanghai. It’s best you look around every time before stepping on the road. Many motorcycle riders don’t follow the law and break the traffic light. You might not even see one coming because electric bikes don’t make noise.

No Social Media Works There

China doesn’t let anyone blackmail or control them. Due to this and many other reasons, none of the big social media websites work there. This means no Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, or even Gmail.

You will have to use a good VPN to access these platforms. However, you will have to install that VPN before you enter China because it would be impossible to download with the restrictions. The internet is not very fast there, so your browsing will become even slower with a VPN.

If you want to catch up with your Instagram or Twitter profiles, there is a simple solution. You can go for the best vpn for chrome to access sites and social media platforms that have been blocked by the Chinese government. They will not be able to identify your IP and you will get a great browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What do I need to know before visiting Shanghai?

 A: There are 7 things you need to know before visiting Shanghai

  • Shanghai isa city of contrast.
  • To visit there you don’t need a visa.
  • There is no tipping.
  • Food is amazingly good.
  • Do not expect english.
  • Tap water is safe to drink.
  • Roaming around is easier than you expect.

Q2: What should I avoid in Shanghai?

A: things to avoid in Shanghai

  • Avoid bringing your credit cards or big notes.
  • Carry toilet papers.
  • Avoid eating at a cheap place.
  • Do not expect that everyone will understand your English language. 

Q3: Is Shanghai a safe tourist spot?

A: China is the safest destination to visit and Shanghai is the safest city to visit in the world. 

Q4: What are the other names of Shanghai?

A: Shanghai is also known as shencheng (city of Shen). The city has various names in English such as “paris of the east”, “pearl of the orient” , “ the whore of asia” etc.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to technology, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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Top Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners

BY Mashum MollahJun 11, 2022

Did you know that there are always numerous challenges while rock climbing, even if you are an expert? No matter how many times you may have successfully scaled a wall or a mountain, there are always problems to look out for. It is essential to go through these rock climbing tips for beginners. Rock climbing is fun and exhilarating, but there is a lot to learn. From the right harness, ropes, chalk, and footwear, you need a lot of preparation to navigate through this minefield. Here is everything you need to know about rock climbing and its benefits, with some helpful tips to safely get you to the top. What Is Rock Climbing? Rock climbing is an exhilarating sport where people need to climb up, down, or across natural rock formations or an artificial rock wall. The goal is to reach the summit safely without any dangerous problems. Some people rock climb with harnesses, while others prefer to free climb. Depending on the expedition, you may need to get some gear together to tackle a mountain. Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners The first tip in this rock climbing guide is to invest in decent equipment. This is because unsuitable shoes or clothes can lead to serious injury. Renting equipment can be expensive, but the best quality gear will be more advantageous in the long term, especially if you plan to become a competent climber. You will need a chalk and chalk bag, beginner climbing shoes, a sports harness, a climbing carabiner, and a helmet. Then you can also get some other gear like quickdraws, ropes, and crash pads that will come in handy when you have more climbing experience. Then you need to find a good instructor. When climbing as a beginner, there are numerous techniques to learn. The only way to know that you are learning everything is by going face-to-face with an expert in climbing. They have all the skills to teach lessons, lead guided tours, and do safety checks. Check out these Kilimanjaro guides for more information. Find a Climbing Partner Rock climbing is no different than other sports. Therefore, it is always more fun to have some friends around to keep you company. Having someone with you can be beneficial until you become a more confident climber. You can look out for each other to hold ropes or catch falls. Climbing with a partner is also a great way to maintain motivation while adding a touch of healthy competitiveness. Avoid Doing Too Much One of the most important rock climbing tips that no one talks about is to slow down. Remember that rock climbing is challenging. Rushing into things and tiring yourself out too early is not beneficial. Instead of developing and learning how to rock climb at their own pace, many people treat the course like a sprint. This can cause you to carelessly disregard skill and technique. Although it can feel embarrassing being left behind, always trust the process. Never be too hard on yourself, even if it takes you the longest to reach the summit. You should also not let yourself feel pressured to climb every day. Up to three sessions a week should be enough for training. Otherwise, you risk becoming fatigued and can potentially get injured as well. Silent Feet Method When you first start climbing up a rock or a mountain, you will notice that your footwork is appalling. Do not let this bring you down because everyone has terrible footwork when they start rock climbing for the first time. You should avoid looking up while climbing without paying attention to your feet to practice. To master the silent feet method, you should make very little noise while placing your feet on the footholds. The key is to be as silent as possible. This way, you will start paying more attention to footwork, making you a better climber down the line. Practice Falling There are many rock climbing benefits, but falling is not one. However, every rock climber knows that a fall is inevitable. It is best to spend some time purposely falling to learn how it feels. This will lower your chances of getting hurt when it happens in the real world. Remember to always keep your rope in front of your feet while climbing. This is because the rope can get tangled and cause you to do a backward flip when you fall. Always let your guide or partner know before coming off the wall during practice. Avoid pushing yourself off the wall with a lot of force. Otherwise, you will swing back straight away and collide with the wall with a lot of speed, which will add more pain. Keep Arms Straight This is the most important tip for rock climbing if you are a beginner. You cannot perform well if your arms are bent. This is because your arms need to support your body weight more than usual while climbing. You will become exhausted, and rock climbing may seem like a lost cause. Bending your arms will restrict your reach. To avoid making your climb harder than it already is, always practice stretching your arms out. There is a reason why we do not bend our arms while carrying shopping bags. We need all our strength. Work Your Core Core strength while climbing will be more important than upper body strength. Give your core a good workout before a climb. The best thing to do is practice Pilates, gymnastics, or yoga. If those are not your favorite exercises, you can find many strength training videos online that can help engage your core to get you ready for a climbing expedition. Always Climb Safely Now that you know the best rock climbing tips for beginners, it is time to stretch those arms and strengthen your core to get ready for the expedition. Remember to warm up to avoid serious injury. Wake up early before a climb and do some leg swings, jumping jacks, push-ups, and squats. These will loosen your muscles while making you more alert. 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Best Sailing Holiday Locations for Enjoying Wildlife and Adventure

BY Mashum MollahJan 20, 2022

Sailing is the best way to travel because you have a lot of freedom. You can actually get much closer to nature and see how it can help you relax, rejuvenate, and calm your inner self and go back with more experience and more love towards the location. If you want to enjoy adventure and wildlife, you should choose far-flung locations for your sailing trips. You will be able to confront magnificent wildlife, explore remotely placed islands, and try out exciting adventure water sports. You can encounter the most incredible sights of nature by just sitting on the deck of your sailing yacht. When you decide to enjoy adventure and wildlife on your sailing holiday, you need to choose your sailing destinations accordingly. Let us see the best adventure and wildlife sailing destinations. If you want to enjoy adventure and wildlife, you should choose far-flung locations for your sailing trips. You will be able to confront magnificent wildlife, explore remotely placed islands, and try out exciting adventure water sports. You can encounter the most incredible sights of nature by just sitting on the deck of your sailing yacht. Boats don't have to burn a hole in your wallet either. You can pick up plenty of bargains from used boat auctions online to fuel your next seaworthy adventure! 1. Vancouver Island in Canada One of the best places to enjoy adventure sports and wildlife is Vancouver Island in Canada. The stunning scenic beauty will make you go crazy once you reach the place by sailing. It is a great combination of witnessing amazing wildlife and enjoying various kinds of adventure sports. This place is ideal for kayaking and snorkeling. So if you are a fan of either of the two, opt for Vancouver for your memorable sailing trip. 2. The Whitsundays in Australia In the Whitsundays, you are likely to witness incredible and stunning locales with diverse wildlife. This is the location where you can enjoy a spectacular scene of nature without any obstructions from the deck of your sailing yacht. The Whitsundays in Australia is the best place to enjoy diving, scuba diving, and surfing. You will surely have some unforgettable moments here at the white sand beaches. 3. Phuket in Thailand There are a lot of places in Thailand that you can choose for your sailing holiday. But Phuket is one of the picturesque and exotic locations where you have the chance to enjoy adventure water sports and wildlife together. It consists of some ancient villages where the only occupation for residents is fishing. The idyllic islands in Phuket will make a dreamy background to your sailing yacht deck. You can enjoy snorkeling, deep-sea diving, scuba diving, and swimming in Thailand’s Phuket. 4. Abacos in the Bahamas The beautiful beaches are the most attractive things about this location. You can choose this location for its famous diving spots. You can sail in the Bahamas all year-round and it has that perfect weather to enjoy the place and to relax and rejuvenate yourself for which you have arranged your sailing holiday. 5. Belize in Central America Another place that you choose for enjoying wildlife and water adventure in abundance is Belize situated in Central America. It has a barrier reef that has a shelter for all those coming by sailing. Belize consists of rainforests that are incredible to watch. You can also witness the ruins of the Mayans here. Snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing, kayaking, and deep-sea diving are some of the adventure water sports to enjoy on your sailing trip to Belize. All You Need to Pack for Your Caribbean Sailing Holiday If you have mastered the art of travel packing efficiently and effectively, then you surely deserve kudos! Most of you may look confused about what to pack when you decide on a sailing holiday either as a couple or as a family. Amidst all the excitement of sailing to a new destination can make you forget everything for a moment. But you need to be very careful and cautious about the things that you pack because remember you are going on a sailing voyage and you will be in the middle of the ocean. You have chosen the sun-soaked Caribbean as your sailing location and spend your vacation wisely. Packing for a laid-back island getaway can be difficult. Here is a guide that you can follow to pack items for your Caribbean sailing trip like a professional. Essential Travelling Documents First things first, you cannot even imagine traveling to a destination without your travel documents. Before you forget and just after you have booked your catamaran or sailboat for the trip, be ready with all the necessary documents. The documents you need for the Caribbean sailing trip are, The passports of you and your family members. Proper identification forms. Booking papers. Paper mentioning your itinerary. Additional documents are required for the trip. Essential Clothes  The Caribbean region is warm and it gets hotter. So you must carry summer clothing particularly. You cannot imagine your Caribbean vacation without swimsuits, bathing suits, bikinis, and summer short beach dresses. Choose outfits that are breezy, loose-fitted, and lightweight. The material must be dry-fit so that you don’t feel uncomfortable when you perspire. You can pack party dresses if you plan to visit any nightclub. Essential Accessories As a thumb rule, hats and shades are musts for your Caribbean sailing holiday. You can pack stylish designer hats inside your lightweight duffel bag that will protect you from sun exposure when you sit on your yacht deck or sunbathing. The pair of sunglasses should be polarized and you should be able to take pleasure from the magnificent views of the surroundings. Toiletries Bring only your necessities. Pack only those that are an absolute must for your Caribbean sailing holiday. Try to pack a travel-size toiletry set and liquids that take up less space inside your bag. Try to avoid carrying unnecessary makeup items. Some toiletries that you can pack are, Sunscreen Insect repellent Hair care products Basic makeup products like mascara, lip gloss, and powder Moisturizer Perfume or deodorants Personal Hygiene essentials Personal grooming items Electronic Items You can carry electronic items like your camera, mobile phone, iPad, and eBook. Try to avoid carrying your laptop. Leaving behind your work essentials will help you enjoy your trip more and rather not think about what is happening in your workplace. You can also make some cloth pouches for carrying your electronic items to make them splash-proof and keep them safe in your beach tote bag or your backpack. Read Also: Ski Resorts of Idaho A Cruising Tour of Komodo Island Want an adrenaline-filled activity? Try Zipline Smoky Mountains! 9 Things Every Traveler Should Know When Visiting Shanghai

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Discover Paradise On A Seychelles Yacht Charter

BY Ariana SmithMar 31, 2021

Cruise some of the world’s most beautiful waters on a Seychelles yacht charter. A luxurious crewed yacht in Seychelles offers the perfect opportunity to explore paradisiacal islands lapped by some of the bluest waters on earth at your own pace. Seychelles is made up of 115 coral and granite island gems in the Indian Ocean. Here you'll find picture-postcard beaches, vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life, mountainous rainforests home to spectacular nature reserves, superb fishing grounds, delicious Creole cuisine, and barefoot elegance coupled with relaxed island charm. If you’re considering a Seychelles yacht charter, then keep on reading. Here we explore some of the top things to see and do while on a luxurious yacht in Seychelles. Seychelles Yacht Charter-  Mahe Island: No Seychelles yacht charter would be complete without exploring the island of Mahe, home to the Seychelles small capital Victoria. It is here you can get a real taste of Seychelles’ culture and history. A must-visit is the lush botanical gardens, a wonderful 15-acre retreat that boasts both endemic and exotic plants collected by French botanist Rivalt Dupont, who laid out the park in 1901. The various gardens of the park include a Chinese garden, rainforest, and spice garden. Don’t forget to look out for the park’s resident Aldabra giant tortoises. Other attractions of note in Victoria include the National Museum of History and St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral. Mahe is also a fabulous place to feast on traditional Creole cuisine at locally run restaurants and food stalls.  Curieuse Island:  Curieuse Island is a national park and best known for its resident giant Aldabra tortoises, one of the few places on earth where they roam freely. More than 300 of these slow-moving creatures call the island home and are protected by a dedicated group of rangers. The island is also home to unspoiled mangrove forests, picture-postcard beaches, and rare coco de Mer palm trees, a giant prehistoric tree that boasts the world’s largest speed. For diving enthusiasts, head to the eastern coast of Curieuse and dive Coral Garden, a popular dive spot bursting with marine life – a Seychelles yacht charter must!  Praslin Island:  This exquisite island is considered one of the most beautiful destinations on earth, making it a must-visit during a Seychelles yacht charter. Praslin Island is best known for its palm-fringed beaches dotted with large granite boulders, while its jungle-covered interior is home to the Praslin National Park. Here you’ll find the breath-taking palm forest, Valle de Mai Nature Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to endemic rare flora and fauna. The island is peppered with quaint seaside villages and luxury resorts, including the Constance Lemuria Resort, which features an 18-hole championship golf course and a luxe full-service spa. Make sure you leave time to visit one of the island’s most famous beaches, Anse Lazio beach, which features powder-white sand fringed by lush tropical foliage. Soak up the sun on this dreamy beach during a Seychelles yacht charter, or make the most of your yacht’s tenders and toys on the surrounding azure blue waters. Farquhar Atoll:  Enjoy spectacular fishing grounds at Farquhar Atoll, the Seychelles most southerly chain of islands. This remote atoll offers a dreamy Seychelles yacht charter escape and is ideal for fishing enthusiasts. The Farquhar Atoll offers diverse fishery, including countless flats, surf zones, and channels. Reel in tropical fish such as triggerfish, bonefish, hump head parrotfish, and blue-water game species, including yellowfin tuna, barracuda, grouper, and wahoo. After, retreat to the luxurious surroundings of your Seychelles yacht charter and have your private chef prepare your fresh catch of the day. There can be no question for paradise seekers that a Seychelles yacht charter offers the perfect luxury escape. And with so many yachts for charter to choose from, you are guaranteed to find your ideal vessel, whether you fancy cruising this paradisiacal destination aboard an elegant sailboat or a superyacht. On a Seychelles yacht charter, paradise awaits. Read Also: Top Ten Southern Africa Off-The-Beaten-Path Adventures Planning A Hunting Trip To Africa – Here’s What You Should Know Top 12 Amazing Sahara Desert Animals You Need To See