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Explore The Beauty Of The Mountains Of Kenya!

BY sagnika sinhaAug 11, 2023

Want to learn more about the mountains of Kenya? A geographically and topographically diverse country, the Republic of Kenya has beautiful mountains that are more than just a geographical feature! Please read this article to learn about the features of the mountains, their cultural significance, as well as their beauty. There are almost 3888 mountains, out of which 3856 are named mountains. Mount Kenya is the highest peak of all these mountains, with an elevation of 5199 meters. It is one of the second-highest mountains in Africa and is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kenya is located in the eastern part of Africa, more towards the southern horn of Africa, with diverse geographical features ranging from towering alpine peaks to mangrove swamps. The mountains' beauty adds to the country's natural features, making it a perfect place to visit! Explore The Beauty Of The Mountains Of Kenya! As a country with a topographical contrast, Kenya is located in the eastern section of Africa. The equator crosses the country across Nanyuki, Maseno, and Timboroa. These features highlight Kenya as a stunning destination that many wish to visit! Being a topographically diverse country where the forests offer diverse wildlife, it is perfect to visit if you love taking safaris. There are also coasts and grasslands, making the location more diverse. The nation is also highly agricultural, with diverse produce, including vegetables, fruits, and animals, even though the location is remote and can be difficult for regular travel. An African safari holiday is a dream for every hodophile, and Kenya offers the perfect backdrop. With spectacular wildlife, astounding landscapes, and a melting pot of culture, Kenya ranks at the top of the travel list of everyone! Moreover, the beautiful mountains play an important role in making Kenya a fascinating place! The country borders nations such as South Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Somalia. So want to know more about the up-warped giants of the earth? Read along! Highest Mountains Of Kenya The total area of Kenya is 586,000 square kilometers, with high-rising regions such as high plateaus, mountains, arid deserts, and low-lying coastal areas, including islands and coral reefs. 7 freshwater and salt lakes are creating the Great Rift Valley cutting the country in half! Kenya has two of the tallest mountains on the continent. There are several other mountains, most inactive or extinct volcanoes. The landscape is diversified, yet the mountains are as beautiful as ever! Read more on some of the noteworthy mountains in Kenya. Mount Kenya The highest mountain in Kenya is Mount Kenya, located in the center of Kenya, approximately 100 miles northeast of the Capital, Nairobi. The mountain has several summits. Nelion, Lenana, and Batian are some. Bastian is the highest, with 17,058 feet, indicating the mountain's peak. The mountain formed about 3.5 million years ago. A well-known tourist destination, the Mount Kenya National Park surrounds Mount Kenya at the base. You can see elephants, buffalo, as well as colobus monkeys in the park. You can trek the mountain's peak of Lenana Summit as it is feasible without any mountaineering expertise. The rock kente is only available on Mount Kenya as well as the Antarctic, situated at the South Pole. The Spiritual Connection Of Mount Kenya Riuki is found on Mount Kenya, which in a spiritual context is considered the symbolization of the throne of God. Riuki is regarded as the pathfinder by the Gikuyu medicine men. They also believe it therapeutic as they put pebbles at risk as seers. The history of Mount Kenya is interconnected with the Egyptians, Jews, and Ethiopians. Mount Kenya is called Ta-Neteru by the Egyptians, which means the abode of the gods. The God Hapi or lotus, the gods of the Nile Floods, lived on the mountain. The farming communities that settled in Egypt in 7000 BC before the inundation of the Nile corresponded with "Isis," the heliacal rising of the star. It was after the water from the Nile flooding receded, leading to rich dark silt across the Central African countries and highlands. The land is called "Kemet," which is fertile land ready for planting. They consider the lands around Mount Kenya as one of the fertile lands. It also believed that the goddess Isis hid her son, her husband Horus, to raise him from the dead. They say the mountain has medical properties, and the locals consider it amazing. They pray to the mountains for protection and safety. Communities such as Maasai and Samburu are semi-nomadic people who use the northland of the mountain as a paying ground. Mount Elgon The second tallest peak in Kenya is Mount Elgon, located on the country's western side, closer to the Kenya-Uganda border. The mountain has distinguishing characteristics, such as having one of the largest volcanic craters. The top of the mountain is a flat-topped plateau made of basalt. The total height of the mountain is 13,852 feet, with lava tube tunnels across the mountain. Elephants and buffaloes often visit the lava tube tunnels. A national park surrounding Mount Elgon also has rhinos, eagles, leopards, and duikers. Mount Longonot Mount Longonot is an inactive volcano that last erupted in the 1860s but is not completely extinct. The height of the mountain is 9108 feet, and the mountain's slopes are filled with ridges. Mount Longonot is a mountain in Kenya. A park nearby has plenty of wildlife, such as zebras and giraffes. The mountain is situated approximately 60 kilometers northwest of Nairobi. Travelers can visit the park by car, and the base of Mount Longonot has a lot of forest, even around the top crater. Compared to many stony mountains, this one is thickly wooded across the slopes and the summits. Satima Mount Satima is also "Ol Donyo Satima," which roughly translates to "Mountain of the bull calf." It is one of the Kenya mountains! It is the highest mountain across the Aberdare range, with a height of 13,127 feet, and is located on the northern side of the mountain range. The mountain has tussock grass and rocks in some areas and rainforests. There are bamboo forests and Moorland across a section of the mountain. The mountain has a collection of 150 species of plants, such as Podo and Cedar. The mountain is part of the water catchment area for both the Sasumua and Ndakaini dams. The two dams for Nairobi City are the primary source of water. Kinangop Kinangop is a dormant volcano in the Great Rift Valley and the west of the Kinangop Plateau. It is also situated in the Aberdares, with extensive bamboo forests across the mountain in the lower portion. The height of the mountain is 12815 feet. Moreover, the higher sections of the mountain are covered with tussock grass. The top of the mountain is rocky with open moorlands. The top of the mountain is quite chilly and turns freezing at night. Ngiro Mount Ngiro is located in the northern region of Kenya, with a height of 9344 feet. The mountain is part of the Great Rift Valley to the west overlooking the Suguta Valley. The upper slopes have forests, while the mountains is popular for cultivating bees. The mountain falls under the territory of the Samburu people, while the Lmasula phratry performs bee cultivation. The clan claims exclusive rights to the water and the land. Several other mountains and hills are situated in the nation, creating an exciting place for vacationing. If you are a hiking person, Kenya is the perfect place to visit as there are several advantages. There are enough mountains in Kenya for you to go hiking, as well as trails. It is a perfect spot to share holidays as well as weekends with your hiking partners. Some of the tallest mountains are situated in East Kenya. Kulal The mountain Kulal is identified as a biosphere reserve with lava fields, and the origin of the mountain is a volcano. The moisture in the biosphere leads to rain as well as mist, providing hydrological services to the people in northern Kenya. The mountain is located in the middle of East Africa, with steep slopes while deep canyons go across the mountain. It is also one of the driest places in Africa. There are forests across the mountain, a habitat for black rhinoceroses and elephants. Marsabit Mount Marsabit is surrounded by Mt. Marsabit National Park and Reserve, with a height of 1703 meters above sea level. The mountain has many craters, while the hills around it highlight the mountain. Across the mountain are many low-lying arid plains with elliptical shapes 70 km long on the northeast-southwest as well as 45 km wide on the northeast-southwest. The mountain comprises weathered lava flow. Mogila Mogila is one of the mountains of Kenya with a height of 1698 meters. A local relief of 300 meters, steep slopes, and a small summit area characterize the mountain. Moreover, it is located in the Turkana, creating the Great Dividing Range. Namanga Hills The mountain is in the southern part of Kenya. It is located on the borders of Tanzania, with the highest point being 2548 meters. The Great Rift Valley has four peaks: Suswa, Paka, Namarunu, and Menengai. The hills have a collection of hyenas, zebras, ostriches, as well as Antelopes. Cultural Relations Of The Mountains Of Kenya According to the Kikuyu tribe, they say the local Kikuyu god, N'gai resides at the summit of Mount Kenya. Mount Kenya is one such place that the local cultures worship. They consider these mountains the home of spirits as well as gods. Mount Kenya is a spiritual mountain, as the local communities think of it as the residence of God. Ethiopians also consider it the home of God and revered in its presence. The belief gains further confirmation because of the snow at the top of the mountain. The mountain is very close to the equator. Hence, it is quite surprising that there is snowfall at the top. There are thick forests around the mountain, and initially, the military dug the woods to flush the Maumau freedom fighters. According to the traditional version of Mount Kenya in Kikuyu, a star fell on the ground with a bang and formed the mountain. The mountain has volcanic ashes and oozing magma which forms the Kenyte. Mount Longonot has its Masai name, "Oloonong'ot," meaning "mountain with many spurs." The mountains are important as well as are traditional sites for worship by the local populations. Some vow in the mountain's name, while some send prayers based on cultural traditions. Both visitors and the natives join in collaborative activities such as mountain climbing and hiking. Are The Mountains Of Kenya A Cult? The high places in Kenya, especially mountains with snow caps, high mountain ranges, and island mountains, are cults. There are psychological roots of the communities who believe that mountains act as a heavenly ladder. Besides the spiritual connection for the community, mountains are also helpful natural elements for humans as they bring rain, while they also have volcanoes. Volcanoes have a fiery side to them, representing the element of earth. According to the myths based on the world's origin, mountains are the first natural element from ancient water. The indigenous people believe mountains are a great phenomenon of the earth, symbolizing cosmic connection. The local communities consider the mountains as shrines or altars for the Gods and worship them. For example, people in Africa often blame an earth deity when there is an earthquake. They also consider snakes to be culprits, a belief that their cult teaches in the cultural practices of Africa. Conclusion Did you notice something unique about the mountains of Kenya? Most of these mountains have physical features giving an Alpine appearance. There are many ridges across the mountains, giving it a ragged nature. So now you know about the beauty of the mountains, especially when it comes to the cultural aspect of it. People worshiping mountains is one tradition that integrates respect and protection of the natural elements. People from different cultures in Kenya believe in spirituality and offer prayers to the mountains. Let us know in the comments below if you see any culture where people worship mountains too! 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