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15 Best Places For Adventure Dates With Your Loved One

BY Abdul Aziz MondalOct 22, 2021

It's a blessing to find someone in life who would love you unconditionally. Promise to stay in better or worse, in sickness or in health, and never leave your side till death do you apart.  Being in a relationship can be a bumpy ride sometimes, but instead of leaving it alone, you should come forward to make it right. From both ends, it is your love that will keep you together.  Doing everything together is a way of making the bond between you and your partner stronger. If you are going through some changes I suggest you take a step forward and go outdoors to do something adventurous together.  While doing things that you haven't for a long time will make you realize the things you love most about each other.  So without any further ado, let's find adventurous date ideas, and places that can give you love birds a fresh start. 1. Starry Night Pack your bags and get ready to leave the city behind for an adventurous date. The city sky is too dull and the car honking will not let you feel calm. Drive a few miles out of town, pick a place that has nobody in it. Spread a blanket on the ground and lie down together, light some candles beside you. Now enjoy the beautiful clear sky with stars sparkling everywhere. Find out the constellations. Talk about each other. Have an adventurous date. Don’t forget to say ‘I love you. 2. You Found Me Get your head out of your busy schedule, plan a vacation with your lovey-dovey partner. Once you reach your destination, split up and try to find each other. This is going to be best for an adventurous date. Does the question arise who will find each other? Well, you know-how, look for the shops your partner may be in or any activities that your mate could probably be doing.  Think, common on. When you will finally find your partner, hug tight and utter the three magical words ‘I love you 3. Sippin Wine  If you guys are in any mountain region, then don’t just let the opportunity slip through your hand.  Find a spot in the mountains and hike up there. Open a bottle of wine and get ready to be up all night.  Talk about your future with each other, tell the funniest things about each other. Laugh carelessly and loudly.  Come back home in the morning, get fresh, and be in bed saying ‘I love you to each other.  4. Thrill Junkies  If you are one of those couples who love taking risks in life then don’t think about the consequences just go and do something thrilling.  Do bungee jumping or skydiving or scuba diving or anything that will bring excitement into your eyes. Let the adventurous date begin. Let your other half surprise you with the same energy you once saw and immediately fall in love.  So, ask the bungee jumping guide to tie you both together, and while you take the leap of love whisper ‘I love you. 5. Try The Non-Traditional Way To make a normal traditional holiday a better one in a non-traditional way, do something unique on that day, so it becomes unforgettable. Ideas vary from person to person, this idea should be absolutely the person who is reading this. Make sure you spend your holiday with fun and laughter. At the end of the day leave a note or a text saying ‘ I love you. 6. Sunrise and Pancakes  Drive somewhere away from home at night, with a plan of seeing the sunrise from your favourite spot.  Both night and the morning will be in your favour as you will have a late-night long drive as well as look at the sunrise from above the horizon. Close your eyes for a bit and hear the birds chirping, letting you know that the sun is about to rise. This is going to be the satisfying adventurous date ever.  Start having a quick morning breakfast cum picnic with your pumpkin. Take out the finger-licking good pancakes with maple syrup that is about to be poured on top. Start your day with ‘I love you. 7. Take Time  Get out of town, be at your destination as fast as you can.  Take the fastest transport if possible.  Once you get there, enjoy being with each other all the time.  Lay down in bed as much as you can, go out if that's what you want.  But the way back home has to be slow, really slow. Choose the slowest transportation available.  Turn the several-hour flight into a several-day road trip. Stop at random spots and cherish their beauty.  Have the most of the time for each other. While driving the car, take a moment to look at your loved one and express your love with ‘I love you. 8. Surprise Surprise If it's your partner's birthday coming up next week, then go hurry up, you have lots to do.  Surprise your soulmate with a surprise trip. Hide everything, before the birthday arrives.  Plan the place and travel route, the activities, and the art museums that you both want to perform and visit.  Make the birthday special for your loved one. Make your partner feel that this is the best birthday ever!. Bake a cake with an ‘I love you’ tag on it.  9. Pick A Place Obviously, wherever you go, you will have to pick a place for it. But this time you have to pick it randomly, to make your adventurous date successful.  Paste the country map on the wall, use a dart to throw at it.  The dart will choose the place for you. A place never heard of can turn out to be very interesting. Visit the place and enjoy the food.  If there is anything that is famous, surely try it. Don’t sit idle and behave like you are new to this place. Pretend like you know way too much. Take long walks nearby and often utter ‘I love you to each other. 10. Adopt A Four-Legged Furry Friend Everybody needs someone in their life especially helping in calling a truce after a fight between lovers. Visit a shelter near your location or maybe a bit far, doesn't matter. Get a mutual friend who will never be mad at you. Rather will help out when one of you will be not here to support the other mentally. You will officially become MOM and DAD.  What could be more beautiful than that?.  You guys even decide on a perfect name for your angel. Together, say ‘I love you to him.  11. Hike Your Problems Away Whenever in doubt or too much stress to handle, go out on a hike, trust me it helps miraculously. Break free from your ego and after a fight offer your partner a hike. The time you will spend walking and talking will be the most productive of all.  Sort out your problems, family problems, financial problems.  Just talk because communication is the key. All problems vanish away once you share views.  Hiking is the best thing to do.  As no one will disturb your conversations and once all done end your conversation with an ‘I love you in the end. 12. Say Yes To Matching Tattoos If it's the first time both of you are about to have a tattoo, make sure they complement each other. It is not necessary that you get the same tattoo but very much important to understand that the other part of the tattoo is with your loved one.  Experience the pain together, then laugh about it later while sipping coffee at a cafe. Whenever you are alone and miss your other half, you know what to do.  Yes, look at the tattoo and show your love by saying ‘I love you. 13. Karaoke Night Your partner knows how bad you are at singing, but still laughing at your own flaws is always appreciated.  The person who loves you the most will never make you feel alone. So drive to a bar and sing karaoke with each other. Swap the lyrics among each other.  Sing your heart out, make the most of the night. Have dinner nearby and appreciate for being so open to each other by using the words you have trying to say ‘I love you 14. Ride Or Die Learn from your partner to ride a motorcycle. Whoever in the relationship knows about bikes will teach the other.  Just imagine both of you can ride bikes, then you can also imagine that you don’t anymore have any transport issue.  Whenever you feel like going out together, just get the engine running. Say yes to the adventurous date. Don't forget to say ‘I love you’ before and after the ride. It shows you were connected even though riding individually.  15. Mystery Dining Pick a detective movie of both of your choice. Bad if none of you likes mystery movies. Don’t watch the whole movie. Leave it from the interval. Now, book a  reservation. While you eat your favourite cuisine, bring up the movie plot, try to crack who could be the murderer.  Challenge each other's detective skills.  Come back home, sit with some beer and finish the movie. I know one of you has to win, whoever it is, say ‘this is why I love you.  Conclusion  Spending time with your loved ones is just way beyond describing, as there are no words. To maintain the bond as well as grow it stronger you will have to be always close to each other. Surprising each other keeps the spark alive in a relationship. People tend to be more attracted to things they have never seen before. A relationship is as pure as an innocent’s mind. Pouring love and protecting it is our duty. Therefore these 15 adventurous places that can be visited with your loved ones are absolutely expert suggestions.  Leave a comment below and share your experience with us. Love deep, love often. Read More: Top 5 Romantic European City Breaks What Is The Best Time To Visit Morocco? Make Your Honeymoon a Truly Memorable Af Traveling Taught Me To Love Myself & Look At Life, Differently fair: Here's How